Whispers and Other Poems is a collection of poetry crafted with thoughts that will take you on a journey through your own whispers in our day-to-day lives. This poetry condenses an entire society into poems whose origins have always been whispers. Whenever we read this Anthology, which are references to what we undergo in our minds. It takes us through the way of love, hatred, emotions, pain all within the span of our thoughts. A personal lens of the darkest whispers we had in silence. And the winnings of ones with superior dreams, ideas, confidence, love and success no longer needs to be any secret!
Wherever you come across this book spend your coin, flip to a random page to read the battle of all the ages in this Land of the people. Read each poem as a different chapter; a different whisper from the aborted decisions, daddy’s decisions and how people change like the Chameleon blender. Front to back knows about the Journey to life; its Obstacles, its Toxicities and the Beauty of souls therein. Be up again find a cool place to learn about Mother Nature, The New Sun, Illusions of Life, About Tomorrow and how we are still students of life by getting the Bigger Picture. Allow yourself to feel every whisper in each poem, visualize it and become the learner from the Oases of Life.