Showing 1–20 of 19723 results

Doomed Conspiracy and Other Stories b...

KShs1,000.00 KShs690.00
This anthology is a must read for students of literature and all lovers of fine literary works.

Facing The Congo by Jeffrey Tayler

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,690.00
Outstanding travel narrative about a journey up the Congo river: superbly evocative writing in the tradition of Paul Theroux and

The Congo: From Leopold to Kabila: A ...

KShs6,900.00 KShs6,500.00
The people of the Congo have suffered from a particularly brutal colonial rule, American interference after independence, decades of robbery

Congo Masquerade: The Political Cultu...

KShs2,990.00 KShs2,500.00
Congo Masquerade is about mismanagement, hypocrisy and powerlessness in what has proved to be one of Africa’s most troublesome and


KShs2,000.00 KShs1,800.00
The Scavenger's Hunt portrays the downfalls of lack of self-awareness and highlights the benefits of shadow-work in poetry and prose.

WEEP NOT GIRL by Fardosa Odowa

Weep not girl is on engrossing account of a mother and daughter. Zulekha and Hamida ,who are not only on the verge of womanhood but also torn between their personal enterprising and embarrassing duty of the dominating culture. In the pursuit of respect, mzee Hassan ,zulekha’s father gives out his daughter’s hand for marriage to a man old enough to father her . In the later part , Hamida grows and struggles with life just because culture separated her family. In the spellbinding narrative , the author captures the reader’s mind as she traces the mother and the daughter’s excruciating painful struggles toward a happy life .

The Gospel For Sale by Mary Nkari

The Gospel for Sale by Dr. Mary Kaungania Mutiga Nkari is a profound exploration of 21st-century shifts in Kenya’s gospel presentation, where independent preachers are reshaping Christianity's core values. Through well-researched case studies and compelling personal accounts, Dr. Nkari reveals how prosperity gospel teachings, with promises of wealth and success, are transforming spiritual lives. This insightful book highlights the tensions congregants face as faith intersects with materialism, showing how prosperity-focused messages can spark both hope and spiritual disillusionment. An essential eye-opener for students, religious leaders, pastors, and researchers, The Gospel for Sale provides a nuanced understanding of faith’s commercialization. Dr. Nkari invites readers to rediscover Christianity’s true essence, unclouded by commercial influences, making this book vital for anyone interested in today’s evolving spiritual landscape.

Patriotism and Visionary Leadership: ...

KShs2,990.00 KShs2,500.00
Patriotism and Visionary Leadership: The Hope for a Stable and Prosperous Kenya explores how the transformative power of patriotic fervour combined with forward-thinking leadership can help build a prosperous Kenya. First, it shows the circus that politics can be and reflects Kenya’s grim political reality.

Dietary Management of Diabetes Mellit...

Dietary Management of Diabetes provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of diabetes through nutrition. Authored by leading experts in the field, this book offers practical strategies for individuals seeking to manage their condition effectively. Form understanding the impact of different foods on the blood sugar levels to creating personalized meal plans. The book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary for success.

The 5 Types of Wealth: A Transformati...

KShs3,200.00 KShs2,890.00
Throughout your life, you’ve been slowly indoctrinated to believe that money is the only type of wealth. In reality, your

Dream Count: A Novel by Chimamanda Ng...

KShs3,800.00 KShs3,200.00
Chiamaka is a Nigerian travel writer living in America. Alone in the midst of the pandemic, she recalls her past

Echemini y’Ekegusii: Ekegusii C...

KShs280.00 KShs250.00
Abagusii lived spiritual lives with Engoro as their God who was associated with the sun, the tool He used to traverse the world. Engoro was responsible for opening and closing days (amatuko/amagooro). At sunrise and sunset, Omogusii prayed for a good day and night. Other worship situations arose out of need, e.g. to bless, cleanse, and sacrifice (among others) in which Omogusii communed with Engoro, described variously as Matonga/Omotongi (the creator), Monyara/Omobui (the powerful one), Omonguru (Almighty), Mokona/Omonyabikone (miracle performer). Among the spirits, Chisokoro represented departed relatives and were a medium for communication between man and Engoro responsible for blessings. Ebirecha represented evil spirits and inflicted punishment. A person displaying negative signs meant that either the Chisokoro were not happy with the person or he had attracted the wrath of ebirecha. For the former, one needed to appease (sacrifice) the Chisokoro. The latter one needed cleansing. Sacrifices and cleansing followed specific routines and were carried out at specified sacred sites.

Black Voices & Other Poems by Ca...

KShs650.00 KShs580.00
Black Voices & Other Poems is more than a collection of poetry; it is a movement, a declaration, and a testament to the power of words in the fight for justice. Through raw, unapologetic, and deeply moving verses, the author explores themes of identity, oppression, and the unbreakable spirit of the African people. Each poem pulses with history, grief, and resilience, shedding light on the scars of the past and the battles of today. From the echoes of colonialism to modern struggles for freedom, these pages carry voices that refuse to be silenced.

Fundishwa na Yesu

KShs849.00 KShs799.00
Kufundishwa na Yesu? Je, Wakristo wa karne ya 21 wanaweza kweli kuwa wanafunzi wa Yesu? Labda muhimu zaidi, je, mtu anaweza kuwa Mkristo, yaani, mfuasi wa Yesu, ikiwa hafuatwi na Yesu? Uandishi huu unavutia Maandiko kuthibitisha kwamba Wakristo wanaweza kufunzwa na Yesu na kwamba lazima wawe, na jinsi wanavyoweza kuwa. Yesu anatamani sana kuwa wanafunzi Wake wa siku hizi. Anataka kutusaidia sisi mazungumzo na kuheshimu asili yake, kuona na kusherehekea shughuli Yake ya sasa, kusikia na kuitikia sauti yake, kujua na kujitolea kwa mapenzi yake maalum, na kujua na kutembea katika imani kwa ajili ya nguvu zake alizoahidi. Anaweza na atafanya haya yote kwa Roho Wake, kupitia Neno Lake, na kupitia Mwili Wake kwa wale walio tayari “kuwa pamoja Naye”. .. yaani, kukaa kwa uangalifu (kukaa) katika uwepo wake ... kama vile Petro, Yakobo, na Yohana walivyofanya. Kitabu hicho kinaonyesha zaidi jinsi wale ambao wanafunzwa kikweli na Yesu wanavyotayarishwa ili kuwafanya wengine kuwa wanafunzi kama vile walivyofunzwa. Hatimaye, kwa kuzidisha kimakusudi idadi ya wale wanaotumia "muda wa uso" mwingi kukaa na Yesu, tunda la kudumu litakuwa kubwa, na Yesu atalijenga kanisa lake kupitia wafuasi wake wanaozidi kuwa kama Kristo.

Discipled by Jesus

KShs849.00 KShs799.00
Discipled by Jesus? Can 21st century Christians actually be discipled by Jesus? Perhaps more importantly, can one be a Christian, that is, a disciple of Jesus, if he is not being discipled by Jesus? This writing appeals to Scripture to affirm that Christians can be discipled by Jesus and that they must be, and how they can be. Jesus deeply desires to disciple His contemporary followers. He wants to help us dialogue and honor His nature, to see and celebrate His current activity, to hear and respond to His voice, to know and commit to His specific will, and to know and walk in faith for His promised power. He can and will do all this by His Spirit, through His Word, and through His Body for those willing to "be with Him". .. that is, to consciously hang out (abide) in His presence ... just like Peter, James, and John did. The book further identifies how those who are truly being discipled by Jesus are thus being equipped to disciple others just as they have been discipled. Ultimately, through intentionally multiplying the numbers of those who invest much "face time" hanging out with Jesus, the fruit of abiding will be great, and Jesus will build His church through His increasingly Christlike followers.

Ushuhuda wa Yesu

KShs649.00 KShs599.00
Ushuhuda wa Yesu ”ilibidi uandikwe na, kwa hivyo, unahitaji kusoma, kusoma na kufanyiwa kazi. Siku ambazo tunaishi zinajaa upotoshaji wa ukweli, uwongo mtupu, upungufu muhimu na viongozi wanaocheza haraka na huru na ukweli. Hakika sisi tuko karibu na mwisho wa dunia. Katika kila sura 22, sura tofauti ya "Ushuhuda wa Yesu" inaonyeshwa. Kuna kiwango kimoja ambacho tunapima ukweli; ni mstari wa wima uliyo nyooka ambao unaelekeza Mbinguni ya Juu kabisa ambapo Mungu ameketi juu ya kiti cha enzi. Jina lingine la laini hii iliyonyooka ni Neno la Mungu au Yesu, Njia, Ukweli na Uzima. Wakati Neno la Mungu au Maandiko yanatumiwa vibaya, kupotoshwa au kutupwa kwenye matope, basi Ukweli utatoa Uongo. Ukweli lazima upendwe la sivyo itajifanya kukosekana angalau hadi itafutwe tena. Nuru ya Mungu hupungua kwa sababu watu wanapenda giza kuliko nuru. Jipe moyo, Mwanga wa Ukweli hautazimwa kamwe, kwa maana siku inakuja ambapo ushuhuda wa Yesu utakuwa wote hapa.

The people of God

KShs849.00 KShs799.00
Prophecy comes alive in The People of God! At last, a fresh, different, and hope-filled book that makes sense of today's news while giving urgency to tomorrow's concerns. God's purposes, warnings, and promises are revealed in such Biblical detail that most will be amazed. Unlocking the door to prophecy's mysteries is not for the faint of heart. Most are unprepared for what's coming but students of this guaranteed-to-be-controversial book won't be among them.

The prophets of God

KShs849.00 KShs799.00
Into our world of spiritual compromise and moral corruption will soon step apathy's worst nightmare. Who are these fearless messengers? They are God's Prophets--and they are coming! Using 100's of scriptures, John Finkbeiner digs deep--as he did in "The People of God"--to find amazing insights about God's spokespersons: their message, their counterfeits, and what they know. Readers will be rewarded now and again, later, when Jesus returns.