This Discover & Learn Activity Book is perfectly matched to CGPs Stone Age to Celts Study Book for Years 3 & 4 (see 9781782941958 - pupils will need the Study Book to answer the questions in this Activity Book). It contains a range of thought-prov
Help your students learn essential ICT skills, from Microsoft Office (R) basics to animations and websites. This series brings a fresh approach to ICT for students from 7 to 14 years old, mapped to the Cambridge ICT Starters syllabus for...
By Sarah
The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 4B contains three levels of differentiated challenge built-in to each lesson as well as extra consolidation and extension activities to ensure rapid progression for every child. The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 4B...
Spark scientific curiosity from a young age with this six-level course through an enquiry-based approach and active learning. Collins International Primary Science fully meets the requirements of the Cambridge Primary Science Curriculum Framework...
By HarperCollins
Spark scientific curiosity from a young age with this six-level course through an enquiry-based approach and active learning. Collins International Primary Science fully meets the requirements of the Cambridge Primary Science Curriculum Framework...
By HarperCollins
Collins Primary Science fully meets the requirements of the Cambridge Assessment International EducationPrimary Science Curriculum Framework and the material has been carefully developed to meet the needs ofprimary science students and teachers in...
By Karen Morrison
The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 3B contains three levels of differentiated challenge built-in to each lesson as well as extra consolidation and extension activities to ensure rapid progression for every child. The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 3B contains
By l
The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 6B contains three levels of differentiated challenge built-in to each lesson as well as extra consolidation and extension activities to ensure rapid progression for every child. The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 6B contains
By l
Collins Primary Science fully meets the requirements of the Cambridge Assessment International Education Primary Science Curriculum Framework and the material has been carefully developed to meet the needs of primary science students and teachers...
By Primary Science Curriculum Framework and the material has been caref
Spark scientific curiosity from a young age with this six-level course through an enquiry-based approach and active learning. Collins International Primary Science fully meets the requirements of the Cambridge Primary Science Curriculum Framework...
The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 6C contains three levels of differentiated challenge built-in to each lesson as well as extra consolidation and extension activities to ensure rapid progression for every child. The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 6C...
Underpinned by the most effective teaching practices, and created by a team of mastery experts led by Series Editor Tony Staneff, Power Maths is designed to make the whole-class mastery teaching approach work for you, your children and your...
By Pearson Education Limited
This Rivers Activity Book for KS2 Geography is chock-full of questions and activities to develop pupils interest inGeography. Its the perfect way to help pupils work towards the National Curriculum aims, and is ideal for helping pupils get to...
By CGP Books
This Volcanoes & Earthquakes Activity Book for KS2 Geography is chock-full of questions and activities to develop pupilsinterest in Geography. Its the perfect way to help pupils work towards the National Curriculum aims and is ideal forhelping pupils
By CGP Books
This challenging Targeted Question Stretch Book is spot on for Year 6 pupils looking to delve deeper into English Reading Comprehension! It contains 15 tricky comprehension texts (covering fiction, non-fiction and poetry), plus oodles of questions...
By CGP Books
This challenging Targeted Question Stretch Book is spot on for Year 5 pupils looking to delve deeper into English Reading Comprehension! It contains 15 tricky comprehension texts (covering fiction, non-fiction and poetry), plus oodles of questions...
By CGP Books
This challenging Targeted Question Stretch Book is spot on for Year 3 pupils looking to delve deeper into English Reading Comprehension! It contains 15 tricky comprehension texts (covering fiction, non-fiction and poetry), plus oodles of questions...
By CGP Books
Packed with questions at just the right level for Year 6 pupils who are working at or towards the expected standard inKS2 English, this Question Book is a brilliant way to help them get in shape for the SATS. It contains a wide range of realistic...
By CGP Books
This book is a fantastic source of Reading practice for pupils in Year 6. Its packed with engaging and varied texts, each followed by heaps of SATS-style questions, all set at the perfect difficulty for pupils aged 10-11. Tips on how to tackle the...
By CGP Books