Divine Disorder is an enthralling compilation of beautifully woven poems. This anthology revolves around the one thing that knits together the fabric of humanity: Love. It is divided into three chapters, namely Of Fondness and Adoration, Renditions of a Hurt Heart, and Amelioration. Of Fondness and Adoration camps on the aspect of falling in love, loving, wanting to be loved and abusive love.
Renditions of a Hurt Heart dwells on the pain, tears, and brokenness that comes from love. Amelioration, which is the ending chapter, majors on healing and heartbreak, finding one self in love, and embracing one's flaws and wins. In this collection you will meet the mind and heart of Aisha Mohamed a.k.a Bint Aisha, and it will remind you that we are all human and thus similar in a way.