Showing 81–100 of 141 results

Dreams and Demons by Winnie Madoro, A...

UShs36,050.00 UShs30,050.00
Dreams and demons is a moving anthology of poems balancing on the four wheels of four poetresses, Anyango Nyar Aketch, Scholastica Moraa, Winnie Madoro and Emily K Millern. It is a collection of trials and triumphs, wins and woes, love and loss and importantly, the dreams and demons we all carry with us.

The Black Facade by Rowland Lukano

UShs16,550.00 UShs15,050.00
The Black Facade is a poetry collection that seeks to address the deceptive nature of humankind in all spheres and the silver lining that shines hope on the rather hopeless. Presenting a society marked by a cocktail of smiles and frowns, Lukalo seemingly divides his poems into three groups; the first group addressing the political gimmicks in the contemporary society. The second group addresses the hiccups that lace the sweet experience that love is. Lastly, Lukalo has given a masterpiece of poems cleverly cutting across the social issues that are not uncommon in our society today. The question one asks is; how truthful are we in the pursuit of happiness and wellbeing of ourselves and others? And, are happy endings really existent? About The Poet Lukalo was born in September, 1994 in Simatwet, Nandi County, Kenya. He is the lastborn in his family. He attended Kaptik Primary School and Kaptik Mixed Day Secondary School both in Vihiga County. He later joined Moi University where he graduated in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in Education-Arts (English/Literature). He is currently a teacher of English and Literature. His passion for writing began as early as when he was a form 2 student when he started doing short stories and poems. None of these was published though. He later started his blog, The People's Beacon, in 2016 which he uses to write poems and articles addressing social rights.

Winter Sun by Saadia A. Siyat

UShs24,050.00 UShs21,050.00
  • Winter Sun is an anthology of 107 poems. Created over a 3-year period. It covers different aspects of life, from spirituality, purpose, love, romance, virtues and principles of ideal living.
The artist, Saadia A. Siyat has an inexplicably immense passion for writing and poetry and each word in Winter Sun echoes in tune with the vibration of love for humanity in her soul. It’s the desire of the poet that the reader encounters at least one word, if not a whole poem, that speaks directly to his/ her heart.

All about Her and Me by Eliseus Bampo...

UShs36,050.00 UShs30,050.00
An excellent and captivating poetry collection on love and romance.

Before the Next Song and Other Poems ...

UShs105,050.00 UShs90,050.00
A collection of poems by Mapfumo Clement Chihota

Grave Park Poesy by Joseph Matose

UShs105,050.00 UShs98,750.00
A collection of poems by Joseph Matose

Whispers Over a Brewing Dawn by Maria...

UShs105,050.00 UShs97,550.00
This collection of poems journals the poet's transition from darkness into light. The author talks of his coming into the world many years after his birth. Such conversion is what he calls a brewing dawn. The resurrection from despair into hope, faith in God and arrangements for a journey into a brighter light, are wielded by the poems. The author tells his story using various themes, in a familiar manner, yet some of the pieces spell the exact environs of the author. Some poems carry the writer's attempts to brighten the way towards hope, for others.

Starfish Blossoms by Samantha Rumbidz...

UShs107,750.00 UShs97,550.00
A collection of poems by Samantha Rumbidzai Vazhure

Cremation of the Scarecrow by Dzikama...

UShs105,050.00 UShs97,550.00
A collection of poems by Dzikamayi Chando

Mwangwi Wa Maisha; Anthology Of Swahi...

UShs24,050.00 UShs21,050.00
Diwani ya mashairi katika lugha ya Kiswahili.

From The Eyes Of A Child by Cornelius...

UShs18,050.00 UShs15,050.00
From The Eyes Of A Child, a poetry collection by Cornelius Kipkosgei, digs into themes such as childhood, love and marriage, war, the environment among other contemporary themes. It fashions itself as a shelf of satire, sarcasm and dark humour. The author opines that the littlest experiences are what makes a man. This book on various spectrums of life is worth a read dear reader.

ODDBALL by Nzilani Kyale

UShs30,050.00 UShs24,050.00
Have you been dealing with any challenges in your life? This anthology of poems by Nzilani Kyale covers topics ranging from mental health to nostalgia and lost friendships. Often taking on a sarcastic and somewhat dark tone, it delves into how young people process thoughts and emotions by exploring difficult situations and the various ways in which they might be navigated.

Beauty Under The Sky and Other Poems ...

Beauty under the sky And other poems This is an easy to read pocket book. It contains 48 pieces of heartwarming poetry, beautifully written in rhymes and alliteration. It’s themes are reflective of the need to preach hope, possibilities and appreciation of life. The themes herein are embedded in four pillars. These are Love, Family, Nature and Life. It is a beautiful experience turning every page.

Rebirth by Kalekye Mish

UShs18,050.00 UShs15,050.00

The Song of a Blacksmith and Totems o...

UShs24,050.00 UShs21,050.00
The Song of a Blacksmith and Totems of Abagusii provides insights into two aspects of Abagusii that have not previously been written in this level of detail. First are totems of Abagusii clans and how these came to be. There are insights that inform why, for instance, the Abagirango came to be associated with the leopard. This is in addition to the origins of some clans of Abagusii. Stories of totems of Abagusii clans are similar to stories told by other ethnic groups that may have similar origins or interacted with Abagusii in their sojourns. Further research into how this came to be would unearth the relations that may exist among these ethnic groups. The second area is on spiritual matters, including phenomena, roles and some spiritual manifestations in the Gusii community. A number of spiritual roles are discussed, including the purpose of these roles and how individuals were consecrated to assume them. The elaborate processes that were required for consecration underline the importance accorded to those roles. While many people may not relate to the work in this book, it nonetheless provides good insights into the society that Abagusii lived in.

Dead Manners: An Anthology of New Age...

UShs30,050.00 UShs28,550.00
DEAD MANNERS: An Anthology of New Age Poetry is a maiden Read Us Africa collection that features 50 poets(both budding and established) from 10 African countries. The poets in this anthology lucidly sum up their emotions with brevity, simplicity, and earnestness, sailing the reader on a journey into Africa through the 10 explicit themes of love, morality, gender equality, identity, poverty, exploitation, justice, religion, education, and climate.

Thoughts of a Patient Man Breaking an...

UShs18,050.00 UShs15,050.00
Thoughts of a Patient Man Breaking and Other Verses is a literary capture of moments - both real and envisaged; the writer's own as well as those not his to hold.

Smiles in Pathos and Other Poems

UShs30,050.00 UShs24,050.00
miles in Pathos and Other Poems is a collection of selected poems by Khainga O'Okwemba. The poet stands on the opposite ends of his contemporaries because of his faith and reverence in the traditional forms of poetry. He is intimately Augustan in craft and romantic in idealizing the poetic forms. The poems are written in three models divided into separate books, with each book sub-themed. In Book One we have the celebratory short poems called Poems of Homage which are inspired by the poet's admiration of canonical African writers: Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Chris Wanjala, Peter Abrahams, Leopold Sedar Senghor, Ayi Kwei Amah, Denis Brutus, Christopher Okigbo, among others. The Incidental poems in Book Two called Poems of Known Tradition , adopt identifiable forms; rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, repetition, stanza, terza rima, sonnet, and which take on socio-political themes. In Book Three we find the mock epic narrative poetry with the title Pearls of Laughter. The narrative poem needs first to be enjoyed as a love story, and as a satire. Every piece has a life of its own. However, the work is well appreciated when the fragmented pieces are united into one, a feat generally admired by the poet

In the Murk of Life: An Anthology of ...

UShs30,050.00 UShs24,050.00
In the Murk of Life is an anthology written by first year students in the department of literature at Kisii University in Kenya. As its title suggests, the poets in this collection explore the murky landscape of life in Kenyan society and examines issues that are universal in content: They deal with the bitter-sweet lies evident in intimate relationships among young people. They tackle the issues of corruption, murder and betrayal that paint the rotten fabric of Kenyan politics. They also, categorically, state their fears in poems about death, cancer and HIV/AIDS. Nature and the environment feature prominently in poems about birds, trees and nights and, subsequently, unveil truths that lay beneath the ordinary understanding of this phenomenon. In essence, In the Murk of Life the Kenyan society is portrayed as “the place we call home” as the poet Mose E. Morang’a states in his poem, and as a “Disheartening Society” as the poet, Aurellia Atieno, views it.

Mines and Mind Fields: The Spoken Word

UShs27,050.00 UShs24,050.00
"These poems especially speak to a number of related realities in Kenya and other countries in the African continent; they speak about a people with ingenuity and yet forced to make tough choices because of hard economic and political conditions; they speak of an evolving culture, shaped by everyday realities of life and the ingenuities of survival. The mixture of languages and slang also give the poems an interesting immediacy and life." - Mwenda Ntarangwi, Sociology Professor "She is one of the most respected female poets in Nairobi today". The Sunday Nation writer Joseph Ngunjiri says of Njeri, "Njeri Wangari has a powerful voice, and she knows how to put it to good use. Whenever she takes to the podium to recite a poem, she has her enthusiastic audience applauding all the way. " -Sunday Nation 8 February 2009. - Kenya's Leading newspaper. "The poems bring a lot into perspective; and give me a thing or two to think about. ... Very nice ..." - - Cee- A Kenyan Blogger "I have had a hearty laugh reading Maisha Ya Hawker, got the tears to prove it :-) You just topped Women Behaving Badry and I love it! Your expression is amazing Njeri. I can't wait to see you perform this one." - Ndanu - Performance Poet "I must admit these are lovely poems. I have been following your blog for a while and it is very inspiring and informing. I am a poet and run the blog Two Hours Before. Your blog actually inspired me to do it also and I must tell you that your work is excellent. I will keep tuned and hopefully will get an opportunity to meet you and may be attend your performances." - Simon Mwangi Muthiora - Blogger and Poet