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The Power of Time by Leonard Gituma

Time is an invaluable resource yet its concept very elusive. Leonard Gituma unites the idea of time in a multidisciplinary approach presenting the full potential of time to the reader.

The Fatherhood Principle: Gods Design...

KShs3,990.00 KShs3,690.00
The inherent purpose of all men is fatherhood. Whether a man is married or single, and whether or not he has children, he is designed by God to fulfill the role of father in the lives of those around him. It is his calling to reflect the creative and cultivating nature of God. This book provides key principles and insights that will teach you how to be a father in your personal sphere of influence. In clear and compelling terms, Dr. Munroe explains how a man can become source, nourisher, sustainer, protector, teacher, discipler, leader, head, caring one, and developer. The Fatherhood Principle provides practical guidelines for fulfilling your God-given fatherhood role by showing you…
  • How to be the foundation of your family
  • How to be strong even in the storms of life
  • How to meet the needs of women
  • How to develop the potential and gifts of children
  • How to find your life’s vision
  • Five vital purposes of the male
Discover God’s original blueprint for men and step into your true purpose in life.

In Pursuit of Purpose: The Key to Per...

KShs3,990.00 KShs3,690.00
Do you want to know the true meaning of your life, fulfill your dreams, and unlock your destiny? It all starts with discovering your life purpose. This doesn’t just happen overnight—it is a journey. To successfully travel the road towards finding personal fulfillment and significance, there are specific key decisions you need to make. These decisions are actually secrets to finding motivation to pursue your life’s purpose… even when you encounter difficult circumstances or struggle with hopelessness. In the motivating style that made Dr. Myles Munroe one of the premier communicators of his generation, In Pursuit of Purpose gives you the keys to fulfilling the very things that you were put on Earth to do. The following pages bring you into what feels like an intimate conversation with Dr. Munroe as he shares the essential principles, precepts and concepts that will help you begin the journey to understanding your purpose and fulfilling your destiny.

Rediscovering the Kingdom by Myles Mu...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,690.00
When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. All of the past ideologies have failed—humanism, communism, totalitarianism, fascism, socialism and even democracy. This is a philosophy, an ideology that will not fail, for it was bore in the heart of God Himself. As Dr. Munroe unveils the reality and the power of the Kingdom of God, you will be challenged to the core of your religious soul as you discover realities that few have seen, let alone talked about. Rediscovering the Kingdom will defy almost every concept you have about religion as it shifts the focus away from religion towards the ultimate issue—the Kingdom of God. In this book you will discover: • The keys that make the Kingdom function in your life. • Why religion cannot solve your problems. • Why governments and world leaders continue to fail us. • Why religion can never fulfill your deepest desire. • Why power is the pursuit of all mankind. • The present and future reality of the Kingdom among us. • The original message and purpose of Jesus.

Releasing Your Potential: Exposing th...

KShs3,500.00 KShs3,000.00
Releasing Your Potential Expanded Edition with Study Guide is a complete, integrated, principles-centered approach to release the awesome potential trapped within you. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, this book reveals a step-by-step pathway to releasing your potential. If you have been frustrated by your dreams, ideas, and visions, this book will activate your buried treasure and ignite the wheels of productivity. It will release a death blow to procrastination and set you on a path to personal fulfillment, purpose, and productivity. Releasing Your Potential will enable you to... * Take the next step from the author s first best-selling volume Understanding Your Potential. * Activate, stimulate, and release the wealth of your potential. * Break free and leap over the limitations of past opinions. * Comprehend and appropriate the principle keys for unleashing for the next generation the wealth of potential trapped inside.