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Generation #Occupy: The Anatomy of an...


President William Ruto as a leader has fared much worse than candidate William Ruto. The cautious optimism that his constituent political bases had in him during the 2022 electoral season seems to have fizzled out fairly quickly after he took over power. His popularity, momentum, and the hope in his hustler dream among the key supporters has died out faster than anticipated. To be fair though, presidents are rarely popular while in office. So, the question is always, are they unpopular for the right reasons. The enthusiasm of energetic presidential campaigns rarely translates well into the often-cold mechanics of everyday leadership decision-making, once they get into office. Hence, most presidents move from the popularity of candidature, to a slump in likeability once they are in the presidential role. They then get a popularity boost once they are out of office or after retirement-depending on the strength of their presidential legacy.

Nairobi National Park Calendar

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
A beautiful 2025 calendar of Nairobi National Park with 15 leaves showing the stunning beauty of the Park and wildlife. Each purchase supports conservation efforts for wildlife in the city.

Confessions of Nairobi Women: Book Tw...

KShs1,300.00 KShs1,000.00
For many people, telling their stories is confronting all the versions of themselves that have existed.

Confessions of Nairobi Women by Joan ...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Confessions of Nairobi Women is a collection of thirteen candid true stories told to Joan Thatiah by women living in Nairobi. The stories are as awe-inspiring as they are heart-wrenching.

KNOW KENYA by Martin Wahogo

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
The story of Kenya has been told for decades and now finally, Kenya's unique heritage, history and touristic information has been put in one publication.


Our unique family getaways, world renowned parks, museums, archeological heritage, cultural heritage, monuments, unique landscape features, infobits, demographic fastfacts and even some Kenyan little known heroes are all covered in this unique full colour travel guide. KNOW KENYA is here to sell to you Kenya as a holiday destination through your fingers from the comfort of your seat. You finally have a travel companion to help you decide your next unique spots to visit when you visit shags, or even as you travel around the country with your pals and office colleagues. Now you can discover and explore the hidden titbits around the country and go back home with a treasure of experiences.

A Slice of Darkness for Breakfast ...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
A Slice of Darkness for Breakfast is what happen when you bring 9 talented writers together and ask, nay, demand that they go nuts. The result is a breakfast of imaginative tales about the challenging art of being human, and the awakening of the monsters within. We, the chefs, only ask, nay, demand, that you go as nuts consuming your breakfast, as we did preparing it. ;-)

Tuzo za Usafi by Timothy Sumba

KShs330.00 KShs299.00
Tuzo za Usafi ni kitabu cha wanafunzi wa gredi za chini katika shule ya msingi. Kazi bunilizi hii inazingatia mahitaji yote ya mfumo mpya wa elimu (mtalaa wa umilisi) kama vile ujenzi wa masuala mtambuko. Utajiri mkubwa wa yaliyomo ni burudani katika lugha sanifu na msamiati teule ambao umeshiba mafunzo kemkemu ya maadili. Visa sisimuzi vimesukwa ili kumpa mtoto ilhamu ya kutaka kujua zaidi na kumjengea uraibu wa kusoma kwa ufasaha. Usafi wa mwili ni mazoea mazuri. Umuhimu wa usafi ni upi? Utaratibu wa usafi wa mwili ni upi? Vifaa gani hutumika kuusafisha mwili? Mwandishi wa kitabu hiki, Timothy Omusikoyo Sumba ni mtaalamu wa saikolojia na fasihi ya watoto. Ameandika vitabu chungu nzima ambavyo vimeidhinishwa na Taasisi ya Kukuza Mitaala ya Kenya (KICD) pamwe na Research Triangle International (RTI).


KShs330.00 KShs299.00
Siku za Mwizi ni kitabu cha wanafunzi wa gredi za chini katika shule ya msingi. Kazi bunilizi hii inazingatia mahitaji yote ya mfumo mpya wa elimu (mtalaa wa umilisi) kama vile ujenzi wa masuala mtambuko. Utajiri mkubwa wa yaliyomo ni burudani katika lugha sanifu na msamiati teule ambao umeshiba mafunzo kemkemu ya maadili. Visa sisimuzi vimesukwa ili kumpa mtoto ilhamu ya kutaka kujua zaidi na kumjengea uraibu wa kusoma kwa ufasaha. Mwizi amezoea kuiba. Mwizi ni nani? Aliiba nini? Wapi? Vipi? Je, siku za mwizi zitafika? Mwandishi wa kitabu hiki, Timothy Omusikoyo Sumba ni mtaalamu wa saikolojia na fasihi ya watoto. Ameandika vitabu chungu nzima ambavyo vimeidhinishwa na Taasisi ya Kukuza Mitaala ya Kenya (KICD) pamwe na Research Triangle International (RTI).

Arusi Tatu na Wilson Ireri

KShs649.00 KShs499.00
Arusi Tatu Arusi tatu ni simulizi inayotuchorea picha kamili ya safari ya mwanadamu. Wepesi na ugumu wa safari hizo umeelezwa kwa ubatini katika maana kamili ya 'Arusi Tatu'. Mwandishi Wilson Ireri anatusafirisha katika safari ya vijana watatu wenye hulka baidi kama ardhi na mbingu. Wa kwanza Shida ana shida kama lilivyo jina lake. Alichorithi kutoka kwa wazaziwe ni shida tu. Je, atapiga mbizi vipi katika bahari yenye mawimbi ya ufukara ili aufikie ufuo wa ufanisi? Daniel na Don ni pacha hawa hawajui shida ni nini. Wamelelewa katika maisha ya tunu na tamasha. Je neema waliyo nayo wataitumia kuijenga kesho yao? Mwisho mwandishi anatuelewesha kuwa kila mtu ana kipawa chake..." Ni shida ipi inayotokea mtu asipojua kipawa chake? Wilson Ireri ni mwandishi wa hadithi fupi, riwaya na mashairi. Kwa sasa Wilson ni Kasisi katika Dayosisi ya Mlima Kenya Magharibi kanisa la Kianglikana.

The Black Facade by Rowland Lukano

KShs550.00 KShs500.00
The Black Facade is a poetry collection that seeks to address the deceptive nature of humankind in all spheres and the silver lining that shines hope on the rather hopeless. Presenting a society marked by a cocktail of smiles and frowns, Lukalo seemingly divides his poems into three groups; the first group addressing the political gimmicks in the contemporary society. The second group addresses the hiccups that lace the sweet experience that love is. Lastly, Lukalo has given a masterpiece of poems cleverly cutting across the social issues that are not uncommon in our society today. The question one asks is; how truthful are we in the pursuit of happiness and wellbeing of ourselves and others? And, are happy endings really existent? About The Poet Lukalo was born in September, 1994 in Simatwet, Nandi County, Kenya. He is the lastborn in his family. He attended Kaptik Primary School and Kaptik Mixed Day Secondary School both in Vihiga County. He later joined Moi University where he graduated in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in Education-Arts (English/Literature). He is currently a teacher of English and Literature. His passion for writing began as early as when he was a form 2 student when he started doing short stories and poems. None of these was published though. He later started his blog, The People's Beacon, in 2016 which he uses to write poems and articles addressing social rights.

Design Your Life Personal Planner ...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,500.00
Design Your Life Personal Planner  is an essential planning tool in life organization, designed to help you identify and map out the big picture in your life and break it down into executable actions. It has the bonus point of having both planner and journal features. Some features include: Vision Board, Finance Planner, Goal Setting, Monthly Planning and Review, Weekly Planning and Review, Daily Habit Tracker, Rating, Journaling pages and so much more.

Design Your Life Personal Planner ...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,500.00
Design Your Life Personal Planner is an essential planning tool in life organization, designed to help you identify and map out the big picture in your life and break it down into executable actions. It has the bonus point of having both planner and journal features. Some features include:
  • Vision Board,
  • Finance Planner, Goal Setting,
  • Monthly Planning and Review,
  • Weekly Planning and Review,
  • Daily Habit Tracker, Rating,
  • Journaling pages and so much more.

Design Your Life Personal Planner ...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,500.00
Design Your Life Personal Planner is an essential planning tool in life organization, designed to help you identify and map out the big picture in your life and break it down into executable actions. It has the bonus point of having both planner and journal features. Some features include: Vision Board, Finance Planner, Goal Setting, Monthly Planning and Review, Weekly Planning and Review, Daily Habit Tracker, Rating, Journaling pages and so much more.

Silencing Anna by Wanjiru Waithaka

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
Silencing Anna tells the story of a young female journalist, blacklisted from all the media houses in the country, after exposing a prominent tycoon’s clandestine activities. Kihoto Ndegwa uses his advertising millions to arm-twist editors and media owners into only publishing PR stories about him and killing negative ones in a classic illustration of media capture. Anna struggles to keep her integrity in an often corrupt newsroom atmosphere while suffering depression and losing her faith in God. When a whistle blower gives her the chance to bring Ndegwa down, Anna takes him on again despite her fear. The resulting drama moves quickly through the streets of Nairobi, the port of Mombasa, the Indian Ocean and ultimately into the wilderness of Tsavo East National Park where Anna faces her greatest test. An elephant rescued from the wild after poachers killed its mother holds the key to Anna’s survival. Can she be saved before it’s too late? A final heart-breaking twist ends this fast-paced thriller that you won’t want to put down for even one minute. Click on this link to watch the book trailer:

(MAP OF) Nairobi National Park

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,300.00
The map of Nairobi National Park is a quick guide to enhance the experience of visitors during game drives in Nairobi National Park. It clearly shows all roads, signage and it is also a guide to animal identification. Easy to use by people of all ages.

Nairobi National Park Guide Book

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
A guide for Nairobi National Park reignites the passion that residents, tourists, researchers, and students have for this unique city park.

I Am Become Death by Charles Chanchori

KShs800.00 KShs600.00
After Death dies, in order to determine who'll occupy the throne, his three children must embark on a ruthless mission to weed out a threat in Nairobi.

Rock Bottom by Charles Chanchori

KShs2,800.00 KShs2,500.00
Deon Sudi is an acclaimed novelist and filmmaker living in Nairobi. Coming from broken background, Deon suffers from sex addiction, alcoholism and deeply entrenched trust issues. He carries these problems into his romantic relationships and when they don't last, his cracked faith in humanity cracks. Eventually, he finds himself on the verge of his ideal relationship. A relationship that promises emotional, financial and familial security. Can he heal from the past in time to not ruin it?

They Were Us: Stories of Victims and ...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
They Were Us is a documentary project that reveals the systemic causes of extrajudicial executions through the stories of those most impacted by Kenya’s informal policy of state-sanctioned violence in the name of safety. In these cases, police officers are simply an extension of security policies crafted by the political elite, policies that essentially make poverty itself a crime. Police might be the ones pulling the trigger, but popular narratives of security legitimize ‘shoot-to-kill’ policing. Instead of protecting fundamental human rights, policing is imagined as an urgent response to the need to “stabilize,” “control,” and “eliminate.” Benna Buluma, MVSN Convener, arranged interviews with other people who have lost loved ones from police brutality. Wyban Kanyi interviewed them, translated and edited their conversations. Photographs taken by Betty Press.

Nairobi in the Making: Landscapes of ...

KShs1,590.00 KShs1,099.00
Brief Summary What does it mean to make a life in an African city today? How do ordinary Africans, surrounded by collapsing urban infrastructures and amid fantastical promises of hypermodern, globalized futures, try to ensure a place for themselves in the city's future? Exploring the relationship between the remains of empire and the global city, and themes of urban belonging and exclusion, housing and security, Constance Smith examines the making and remaking of one of Africa's most fragmented, vibrant cities. Nairobi is on the cusp of radical urban change. As in other capital cities across Africa, the Kenyan government has launched "Vision 2030", an urban megaproject that envisions the capital as a "world class metropolis", a spectacular new node in a network of global cities. Yet as a city born of British colonialism, Nairobians also live amongst the dilapidated vestiges of imperial urban planning; spaces designed to regulate urban subjects. Based on extensive ethnographic research in a dilapidated, colonial-era public housing project built as a model urban neighborhood but which is now slated for demolition, Smith explores how projects of self-making and city-making are entwined. She traces how it is through residents' everyday lives - in the mundane, incremental work of home maintenance, in the accumulation of stories about the past, in ordinary people's aspirations for the future - that urban landscapes are formed, imaginatively, materially and unpredictably, across time. Nairobi emerges as a place of pathways and plans, obstructions and aspirations, residues and endurances, that inflect the way that ordinary people produce the city, generating practices of history making, ideas about urban belonging and attempts to refashion "Vision 2030" into a future more meaningful and inclusive to ordinary city dwellers.