Showing 41–60 of 133 results

The Decline of Spiritual Authority in...

£19.00 £16.45
The problem investigated by this study has been indicated by the observation that there is prevalent instability in many Gikuyu families. This instability leads to strained relationships between family members both at the nuclear and extended levels, resulting in family break-ups, domestic violence and tragedies. These increasing unstable Gikuyu families are becoming a cause of concern for Gikuyu society and for the general human society. The study has been guided by theories of knowledge that acknowledge indemonstrable first principles that characterize human intelligence and theories that reject the dichotomy of methodologies between the natural sciences and the human sciences but support the validity of the scientific study of religion as a human science. Gikuyu Traditional Religion has been presented in the framework of the six dimensions of a religion defined by Ninian Smart, viz., the experiential, mythological, ritual, ethical, social and doctrinal. Extensive review of related literature and document analysis has established the incidence of spiritual authority in Gikuyu Traditional Religion and at the same time revealed the gap addressed by this study: that the spiritual authority has not been addressed as a legitimate partner to be entered into dialogue with.

Releasing Your Potential: Exposing th...

£21.50 £19.00
Releasing Your Potential Expanded Edition with Study Guide is a complete, integrated, principles-centered approach to release the awesome potential trapped within you. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, this book reveals a step-by-step pathway to releasing your potential. If you have been frustrated by your dreams, ideas, and visions, this book will activate your buried treasure and ignite the wheels of productivity. It will release a death blow to procrastination and set you on a path to personal fulfillment, purpose, and productivity. Releasing Your Potential will enable you to... * Take the next step from the author s first best-selling volume Understanding Your Potential. * Activate, stimulate, and release the wealth of your potential. * Break free and leap over the limitations of past opinions. * Comprehend and appropriate the principle keys for unleashing for the next generation the wealth of potential trapped inside.

Masjid Organization 21st Century

£16.50 £14.00
This book lays a great foundation in modern organization of Masjid. The book captures the contemporary issues facing our mosques. It proposes the approaches that can be taken in light of technological advancement. The book is suitable for university and college students and lecturers. It is also a must read book to Imams and Members of Mosque committees.

30 Days of Transparent Faith by Dr.Wa...

Faith is not as complicated as we perceive it - a big tick in a box that gives us a pass for God to love us. That’s not what faith is. Faith is a means by which we say, “God, I trust you. I believe you. I believe in your opinion of me.” Then we prove it by action. This devotional addresses the main issues surrounding faith: • Doubt, • Brutal honesty, • Feelings of betrayal, • Impatience and • Anger. They may seem like unscalable issues that choke faith but unless we get downright honest with God, we can never reach true intimacy with Him. Dr. Wanjiku Ngigi invites you into a journey of figuring it out with God.

A Tale of three Kings by Gene Edwards

£13.45 £12.45
This best-selling tale is based on the biblical figures of David, Saul, and Absalom. For the many Christians who have experienced pain, loss, and heartache at the hands of other believers, this compelling story offers comfort, healing, and hope. Christian leaders and directors of religious movements throughout the world have recommended this simple, powerful, and beautiful story to their members and staff. You will want to join the thousands who have been profoundly touched by this incomparable story.

In Search Of Sanity BY: MUSINGUZI BEG...

In Search of Sanity is a tale of one man’s journey to find meaning in life amidst a life altering mental condition called Bipolar disorder. Musinguzi opens up candidly about the challenges he faced coping with the disorder but importantly gives the hope he found in Christ during his journey to a productive life. Having studied in the top most schools in Uganda and attained the highest honors and accolades, you would think that success was guaranteed. Then Bipolar hit and his entire life came to a crushing stop. You will find a holistic approach which included the use of advances in the medical field coupled with deep spirituality and family support. The book is full of light humor detailing well-crafted experiences of an African boy growing up in rural Uganda; and the pain and struggles of living with a mental condition. You will laugh and cry at the same. But as you do, look out for the victory that could only have come from having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

21st Century Hymns Volume 1 BY: DR. J...

The 21st Century Hymns are songs drawn from the Word of God by the Anointing of the Holy Ghost and grafted skillfully through the leading and inspiration of God. The hymns unfold in dimensions aimed at transforming the entire body of Christ in worshipping God with a deeper revelation and understanding. The Spirit in the words of the hymns will be alive in your life and in your circumstances as God ministers to your situation. The hymnal is an important tool for corporate worship and is highly recommended to all and especially the children. Ephesians 5:19 says “speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”. Kingdom Intimate Worship yearns for a lifestyle of hearty worship which ascends to the throne of God causing a release of His presence to the body of Christ. I guarantee you that after you have prayerfully sung and worshipped God through these hymns there shall be a manifestation of God’s glory and in His presence nothing is impossible. Your life will never be the same again. It’s your moment to soar high in the Spirit of God as you experience the 21 Century Hymns. There are a total of 65 songs of which 50 are hymns within which 19 and 5 are special songs for children and Israel respectively. Therein are 5 prophetic songs dedicated to the nations. The book benefit from 9 worship songs from Pastor Kenneth Rono and his wife Emmy. Let us get intimate with God through worship.

You Are God’s Best BY: JENNIFER FAVOR...

Those who leave everything in God's hands, will eventually see God's hand in everything.Jennifer Favor Mutinda is born again Christian, Minister of the Gospel, Motivational Speaker, Gospel Artist, and a Counselor.

Inspired by Forty BY: RICHARD MWEBESA

Inspired by Forty is a collection of quotable quotes that have been purposefully written and packed with wisdom nuggets to ignite a call to action in the reader. Words are powerful and the right ones do not only have the power to change lives but transform them. These words of wisdom will enable you build the foundation to have insightful guidelines that will enable you stay on the course you choose to take. We are the captains of our own lives. Like a ship’s radar the Inspired by forty quotable quotes shall enable the Captains steer their lives in the direction they so choose. Easy to memorise, simple to refer to and resoundingly exciting they are. Read and find out for yourself. Welcome onto the ship of the insightful.


This is an inspirational/motivational book. It takes you through my journey of overcoming odds of poverty and rising to educate myself in the United states Of America; it shares my story of early marriage, death of parents and spouse and victory in finding healing through a relationship with God.


No matter the situation you find yourself in at this moment, S.P.E.E.D will teach you principles that will help you start living a life of purpose – one full of Holy Spirit power in you!

Destiny Achievers BY: JOSHUA BETI

Destiny Achievers brings to light what it takes to accomplish one’s purpose and ultimately fulfilling destiny. Many people fall off the path of destiny because they imagine that they can do it on their own. Don’t be fooled. Human wisdom can’t guarantee you a place in the heart of destiny. When challenges come, man’s wisdom will fail you big time- but God’s love won’t. His counsel beats all odds of life and ultimately usher you to the place of glory. Joshua Beti discusses at length the different battles every man of destiny encounters. This is in reference to the Ancient Biblical King David, whose tenure as the leader of Israel came with battles from all fronts. However before he was laid to rest, he had served God’s purpose in his time. If you are willing and obedient, just like David was, a man after God’s own heart, you too will achieve destiny. You will find answers to tough questions like these: -Am I really equal to the herculean task of fulfilling destiny? -Does my life really matter? -What is it going to take for me to pursue my purpose and fulfill destiny? You will be equipped in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and godly counsel to pursue your destiny relentlessly. You will come to terms with self, challenge yourself to be outstanding, and keep self in closet with God who got your lifeline story in His book of destiny.

Belief In A God You Cannot See by Tim...

Do you know what is the only way to lose? To have too much fear or too much pride to face the question of the existence of God. Believing in God is not simply some impromptu and random declaration. Your beliefs about God have an eternal impact on your way of considering and being yourself, as well as on your relationship and interface with others and with life in general. With much affection, I strongly advise you to resolve the issue once and for all.

The Promise of the Eternal Covenant b...

£10.45 £7.95
Following his remarkable exegesis on the first and second periods of Jesus’ genealogy, the best-selling author, in the fifth installment of The History of Redemption series, covers the third and final period, which spans the fourteen generations from the Babylonian exile to Jesus Christ. The Promise of the Eternal Covenant sheds light upon the labyrinth-like history of the 600 years before Jesus’ birth. Throughout the book, Rev. Abraham Park demonstrates that God is sovereign over all history; the rise and fall of nations, kingdoms, and empires occur all according to God’s eternal decrees and providence. His readers will be filled with assurance that God’s promise of the Eternal Covenant will certainly be fulfilled.

Beautiful thoughts by Jane Harel

£10.00 £8.95
Beautiful Thoughts is a collection of poems. It presents every day reflections, prayers, testimonies and real- life expriences. Beautiful Thoughts will make you to sit down to reflect, break forth into prayer or praise and to soar with joy. It reveals God's pathway in transforming our hearts as we listen, make our petitions and supplocations to him. Beautiful Thoughts is a lyrical gift from God.

Timeless Seeds of Advice: The Sayings...

£19.00 £16.50
A selection of beautiful and practical pieces of advice from the Quran, the Prophet PBUH and Islam’s great scholars on repentance, guidance and purification. This book is designed to serve as a source of hope and strength for those going through difficult times, while providing numerous important pieces of knowledge and guidance for all readers and all times.

Possessing early Victory by Dancan Wa...

Dancan Wanyoike writes to every young person encouraging them to live a life of purpose conquering, setbacks and pitfalls. He goes ahead to highlight key areas that everyone should consider in their pursuit of victories living. He also employs Biblical Truths that are liberating providing Godly wisdom for everyday living. He provides nuggets of truths that are simple to synthesize and apply in life. The compilation therefore. Is very important, practical and useful to every person who desires to live and serve his generation fully.

Perfect Truth by Dr. Joe Kamau

"I will build my church" ( Mathew 16:18). This book provides the biblical discipleship truth exactly how Jesus Christ is building His Church. The perfect understanding and practice of godliness, God's Word, scripture and prophetic revelation is the greatest power outside the Trinity. A synopsis of historical Church Reformation is provided in this book. It is at PhD level discipleship programs modelled after the new testament at Disciples Bible School

Rebranding to Win by Humphrey kanga

Fame, wealth and education, although good, are viewed as vanity. Examples are given of two wealthiest people on earth that died and were buried without anything. They gave a wise counsel on their death bed on what the most important thing in life is. Love and family are the greatest investments an individual should seek and build for when they are gone, they will take with them the memories they shared with their families and loved ones

Feeling with the Church: Cardinal Nju...

£11.50 £10.00
Brief Summary Cardinal Njue’s Long Service in the Catholic Church In this biography, award-winning writer, Waithaka Waihenya, examines the Cardinal’s childhood, formation as a priest, his episcopacy and the extent to which he tried to bring a near-revolution to the country’s biggest See. Waihenya invites us to see the Cardinal in a new way, as a man who fought, and won, his own battles in pursuit of his goals in all the dioceses he served and one who left a lasting legacy in his long episcopacy.