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The FABT Framework - Your Road to Financial Freedom is a book with proven doable methods, strategies and processes of building your wealth to financial freedom. It is your holistic approach to financial freedom. Wealth is often associated with a few people, and probably we may think it is meant for a chosen few. The Bible says, it is God who gives us power to get wealth, meaning God has already availed us the power to get wealth for everyone. The author challenges us as Christians to take action regarding our personal and business financials. She explores existing proven methods, strategies, tools and processes that you need to get started and even sustain your financial freedom journey in this framework.
The acronym ‘FABT’ stands for Foundation, Analysis, Building, Testing Framework - FABT Framework™ and Continuous Improvement and Assessment. This framework has been drawn from vast doable strategies, experiences, actions and exposures to different cultures and environments. The readers will understand how these different stages feed into each other for wealth building to achieve financial freedom.
If you are looking for a one-stop centre, this is it. The book is written to help you start, maintain and sustain your financial freedom journey. If you are ready to start your personal and business financial freedom journey, then this book is for you. As you read through this book, you will know how to GET, GROW, GUARD and GIVE your wealth for financial freedom.
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