Africanum: In an alternate reality, a quadruple set of super-powered beings emerge, anointed by The Akhamasi, an immortal sect of African sorcerers who awaken to a disheartening state of an Africa fallen from grace. Not accepting the fallacy of this alternate reality, through their use of their ancient magic and acolytes, they work to restore Africa and its descendants as the centre of a new geo-political alignment where Africa exists as the world’s leading superpower, under the moniker of AFRICANUM, symbolized by its chief defender of the same name.
Together they are committed to resolving global historical injustices perpetrated against the colonized people of Africa and North America.
When discussions for fair trade and restitution fall on deaf ears, the full extent of their powers are employed changing the geo-political landscape and reshaping Africa and the world into new alignments which humanity must adapt and come to terms with. A New African Utopia in Modernity – AFRICANUM
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