This enchanting story is about a little girl who grew up on the rocky shores of the Indian Ocean in South Africa. She loved the ocean and she adored her daddy. Their favorite times were spent at the ocean-fishing, swimming, and laughing.
He was everything a child could want in a daddy. But then he died!! This true story continues to unfold, as we follow her into adulthood.
Although she was happily married, the little abandoned girl inside had never grown up. Feeling abandoned and betrayed by her daddy, she tried to be normal, but the indelible memories haunted her. Twenty years later, the broken little girl inside a grown woman felt an urge to go look for her daddy's ocean, only this time, it would be the rocky shores of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Amid fireflies and majestic sunsets, she found the answer for which her heart was yearning...a new Daddy.
And it was amidst the fatherly embrace of this new Daddy-the Perfect Everlasting Father-that she learned to let go of abandonment, condemnation, and shame. She was saved by His Love...and finally became free.
This story is not only for those who lost someone, and are struggling with abandonment, but also for those who struggle with non-acceptance, unworthiness, condemnation, shame, and guilt. The Perfect Father sent His Son, Jesus, to set us free from any and all of these negative, destructive beliefs. Do not read this book if you do not want to be changed.
Author:Renee Olivier Faul
Florence –
Great read. Written simply but powerfully. Recommended read not only for church leaders but anyone who aspires to have a different model of leadership
Njagi –
Keep soaring high
Urban –
You are going far my brother
Congratulations on a job well done. All the best sir.
Moh –
This is just great
Peter –
Great one daktari
Alice –
Good work
Irene –
Cheers to the most amazing person you deserve this and more ..
Lucia –
Congrats. Best wishes moderator!
Stan fantastik –
A personal favorite… Great insight
Kelvin Muchemi –
This is great sir. Keep soaring.
Stanley –
Evelyne Kanyua –
Congratulations Ken. Upwards and onwards! Keep soaring
Vella –
Good job my boss
Annet –
Good Job
Christine Wanjeri Thuku(delicious Bites) –
Congratulations! May it be an opening to greater success ahead!
Carol –
Carol –
Waithira –
Schola –
Christine –
You done a great job here Mr.Moderator.
The Sky is the limit fly high