Franklin Njeru

Franklin Njeru

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Calm Down, It’s Just a Business...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
In These Pages..... Armed with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Management Science and CPA, some experience across Africa, a dream and a whooping one million Kenyan shillings, the Author takes a leap of faith out of secure, but unfulfilling employment into the deep waters of business. In his professionally-designed business plan, the Author is confident that within six months, he will have turned his start-up into a thriving profit-making conglomerate that will meet all his financial responsibilities. As six months turn into several years with no profits but mounting debts, his once bright vision begins to dim and depression swiftly takes up residence in his mind. Never one to give up, the Author diligently scours the Internet, follows his mentor’s guidance, reads a myriad books and reflects on his journey. He sheds the depression that had threatened to engulf him, finds and executes the winning formula for success in business and suddenly, any doors he knocks on, seem to open with little effort on his part. In his generosity of spirit, he now shares these secrets with you so that your journey may be smoother and maybe even shorter.


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