RAY OF HOPE (Why are you sad? Behold your joy) Tells the story of a woman named Ruth. She came from a cursed people, got married and later lost her husband at a young age and left with nothing to show. But her life turned into an inspiration to anyone who understands how important and powerful a relationship with God is.
Life is made up of seasons, both high and low, dark and light. But it is possible to stand strong and true to God even when you don't know why and allow Him manifest His glory.
DESIGNER WOMAN (Beauty with in) is a book meant to motivate and rejuvenate the woman God created. She is not the woman the society ignores, judge, taken for granted, disregarded, insulted or even abused.
But Until she understands or realizes who she is, why she is where she is, what to do and begin to appreciate what she carries within her, then she will be able to live a fulfilling life and find joy in her world.