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FOLK TALES Issue #01: Blood & De...

The Asiiri have existed for over a millenium. Spirit beings and oracles living in plain sight across all of the mortal realm Sworn to an oath of secrecy with a devotion to control the realm of spirits and mortals. The Council sits on the Pentagon, a circle of 5 cults which have controlled the world for centuries, keeping the order & war at bay between Spirits and Celestials. What happens when the oath is threatened?

LAND OF GODS, Issue #02

The follow up issue to the epic fantasy tale! Khashiya a 13 year old part Nigerian American is visiting her grandmother in Nigeria when she steps into a magic mirror, finding herself in a magical realm of gods and monsters. She soon realises that she is in the midst of a brewing war and is destined to be a savior for all.

LAND OF GODS, Issue #01

Welcome to epic fantasy world of the Land Of Gods. Khashiya a 13 year old part Nigerian American is visiting her grandmother in Nigeria when she steps into a magic mirror, finding herself in a magical realm of gods and monsters. She soon realises that she is in the midst of a brewing war and is destined to be a savior for all.

AGBARA, Issue #2: Blood and Ghost

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

AGBARA, Issue #1

An Action thriller series with a supernatural twist! Agatha is a fallen angel who lands in the eastern part of Nigeria at home of Isiadinso spurring into a series of supernatural events leading to self-discovery of why she has fallen and her purpose on earth.


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