ISBN: “9789914444278”
0794 233 261
Nuria Ranking: #2 in Teachers GuideMwongozo wa Mwalimu
nGredi ya 3
nKiswahili Dadisi, Mazoezi ya Lugha ni msururu wa vitabu vilivyoandikwa kwa ustadi na upekee ili kutosheleza mahitaji ya Mtaala wa Umilisi. Vitabu katika msururu huu vitakusaidia kumwezesha mwanafunzi kupata umilisi wa lugha katika stadi za Kusikiliza, Kuzungumza, Kusoma na Kuandika kama ilivyopendekezwa katika Mtaala wa Umilisi.
nVitabu katika msururu huu vina mazoezi murua ambayo yatawachangamsha wanafunzi wako na kuwapa hamu ya kutaka kujifunza lugha. Mazoezi haya yanakuza umilisi uliopendekezwa, maadili na kufahamisha kuhusu masuala mtambuko.
nKiswahili Dadisi, Mazoezi ya Lugha, Mwongozo wa Mwalimu, Gredi ya 3 kina mifano halisi na ya kutosha kukuwezesha kuwasaidia wanafunzi kukuza umilisi unaokusudiwa. Katika mwongozo huu utapata:
nKiswahili Dadisi, Mazoezi ya Lugha, Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, Gredi ya 3 pamoja na Mwongozo wa Mwalimu vina shughuli, mazoezi na maelekezo tosha ambayo yatakufaa sana ili kuwawezesha wanafunzi kufaulu katika Mtaala wa Umilisi.
nOxford, mshirika wako katika ufanisi!
ISBN: “9789914444278”
Everyday Home Science is a new series for the Competency Based Curriculum. It is specially written to provide practical experiences that equip learners with the basic knowledge, attitudes and skills that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The Teachers guide supports learning by offering:
nALIVE: A New Christian Religious Education Course is a new series that comprehensively addresses the objectives and requirements of the Christian Religious Education (CRE) Syllabus for secondary schools.
nDeveloped by a team of subject experts and experienced teachers, this innovative series combines knowledge acquisition with fun elements and real-life occurrences to deliver an exciting top-notch learning experience.
nThis series aims at moulding learners into role models in society by instilling positive behavioural change. It also helps them to develop a good attitude and life skills that will enable them to effectively deal with emerging issues.
nThe Student's Book for Form 1 is skilfully written to enhance the learners' understanding of the main concepts of the CRE course. It also guides the learners on how to incorporate the concepts and lessons learnt in their daily lives. This coursebook is furnished with numerous illustrations, various assessment exercises, case studies and a glossary of new terms.
This coursebook also provides a modular activity that not only focuses on the overall theme of the course, but also on student leadership, an aspect that is of great importance to students. The activity presents modules that are easy to adopt and apply in the school set-up.
The day King Kong and I were kidnapped started off like any other Saturday."
So writes Moses, Uganda's most notorious schoolboy, at the start of his yet another wild adventure.
The deputy headmaster, Mr Karanja, has decided that the two friends must have their hair cut. They spend a pleasant morning in town, enjoying the freedom from Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen - until a sleek Mercedes Benz appears and their 'holiday' comes to an abrupt end. Their hairstyle thrusts them deep into the criminal underworld and they only escape being sold into slavery by the skin of their teeth.
This is the fourth of Moses' witty chronicles of life in Uganda's most awful school.
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