Author: R. Nandwa, M. Mbii, K. King’ei, A. Mbaisi, A. Hussein
ISBN: “9780195746457”
0794 233 261
Nuria Ranking: #1 in PP1Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.
Author: R. Nandwa, M. Mbii, K. King’ei, A. Mbaisi, A. Hussein
ISBN: “9780195746457”
Arope amezoea kwenda malishoni kuwalisha wanyama wao. Baada ya muda kidogo, baba yake anamtaka aende shuleni ili apate elimu. Arope anafika shuleni. Siku moja, mgeni mmoja wa ajabu anakuja shuleni kwa kina Arope. Mgeni huyu anafanya mambo ambayo yanampatia Arope furaha kubwa. Mwishoni Arope anakuwa 'Arope wa Kitabuni'.
Furaha ya Arope ni mojawapo ya hadithi katika mradi wa kusoma. Huu ni mradi wa vitabu vya ziada unaoambatana na kozi ya Kiswahili Sanifu.
The day King Kong and I were kidnapped started off like any other Saturday."
So writes Moses, Uganda's most notorious schoolboy, at the start of his yet another wild adventure.
The deputy headmaster, Mr Karanja, has decided that the two friends must have their hair cut. They spend a pleasant morning in town, enjoying the freedom from Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen - until a sleek Mercedes Benz appears and their 'holiday' comes to an abrupt end. Their hairstyle thrusts them deep into the criminal underworld and they only escape being sold into slavery by the skin of their teeth.
This is the fourth of Moses' witty chronicles of life in Uganda's most awful school.
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