Political Mask is a novel well scripted, highlighting the challenges that are faced in most of the African Political space. Mzuzu is a kingdom that suffered under the corrupt leadership of Malachi. It suffered for a while until the citizens were tired of bad leadership. It is now that a young man by the name Kwame rose to leadership. He is the one who liberated Mzuzu kingdom.
A young Brazilian boy by the name Lucas dared to dream of playing professional football. His parent always discouraged him. They were more focused on education. They believed it was only through education that their kids could succeed. They insisted on their son, Lucas to concentrate on school. They wanted him to secure a well-paying job after graduating with good grades. Lucas's dream was to pursue a football career at all costs. He had to prove them wrong. Sometimes he had to sneak out to get a chance to practice. His struggles later paid off when Palmeiras scouted him and gave him a chance to prove his quality to the world. That is where his football career kicked off.
John Murigu's Autobiography highlights the challenges he faced at a tender age. No matter the mountainous challenges, he had to endure but still made it in life. This story helps us to see life differently. His life Journey is a lesson and a motivation to those facing challenges. It gives the reader a whole different view of life.
John's purpose in writing this book is to give hope to the hopeless. He looks forward to selling this book and using the money to serve the less privileged within the community. His philanthropic agenda can be seen clearly in this book.
Make sure you enjoy the read and appreciate life