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Sudanese Arabic – English / English –...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary This dictionary has been produced specifically as a resource for foreign learners of Sudanese Arabic. The language is spoken in Khartoum and throughout most of the Republic of Sudan, but it is essentially an unwritten language, since Modern Standard Arabic is almost always used for written communications. Foreigners therefore do not find it easy to learn the spoken language, though some course books do exist. So this dictionary will be invaluable for both beginning language learners and those who have already made progress in learning the language. It should supply all the vocabulary needed for everyday conversations and many working situations. Rianne Tamis holds an M.A. in Semitic Languages from the Catholic University of Nijmegen. She has worked at the Catholic Language Institute of Khartoum since 2002 as assistant director, course editor and teacher of Sudanese Arabic. Janet Persson has an M.A. in Linguistic Science from Reading University. For many years she has been involved in linguistic research with SIL International in a number of languages, including Sudanese Arabic. She and her husband Andrew are the authors of Sudanese colloquial Arabic for beginners.

Morphology and Syntax: Tools for Anal...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary In this expansion of work by John Daly, Larry Lyman, and Mary Rhodes, Albert Bickford shares his enthusiasm for languages and linguistics with the reader by presenting a practical guide for acquiring skills necessary to analyze the morphology and syntax of languages around the world. Written in an informal, personal style, this is a practical book for teacher and student alike, a rich storehouse of references and helps in addition to the theoretical content drawn broadly from work within generative grammar. Most chapters begin with a statement of goals and a list of prerequisites for understanding the information contained in them. Examples and explanatory diagrams are distributed liberally throughout the text. The review of key terms, questions for analysis, and sample descriptions which appear at the end of most chapters help the student to apply the theoretical material. References for further reading are provided for those wishing to study further. Dr. Bickford serves in Tucson, Arizona, as a linguistic consultant with the Summer Institute of Linguistics, teaching and advising language workers who are investigating the languages of Mexico. Most summers he teaches the course from which this book developed at the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota, and directs the University's graduate program in linguistics.

Local Literacies: Theory and Practice...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary While many books have been written about basic literacy, few offer detailed information on how to plan and carry out a community literacy project. Fewer still give guidance in tackling the additional barriers of language, culture, and logistics in developing countries and in treating the local community as an active partner rather than a passive recipient in the literacy process. In Local Literacies: Theory and Practice, Glenys Waters includes these elements and presents a practical guide for developing a literacy program. Beginning with a discussion of the theories of learning and reading, the author provides a detailed description of how to plan and organize a literacy program when the practitioner has little to go on but wit, knowledge, and determination. With approximately one half of the book given to the development of instructional methods and materials in reading, writing, and basic math, Local Literacies will be especially helpful to those doing literacy work in linguistically diverse settings in much of the developing world. The reader will quickly discover that this is a book written by a person who has "been there and done that." Waters has spent more than twenty years in Australia and Papua New Guinea, both as a practitioner and a consultant in programs of literacy for adults and children. This personal experience, plus a thorough knowledge of the professional literature, make Local Literacies a "must" for the pioneering literacy worker.

Juba Arabic for Beginners by Richard ...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary Juba Arabic is an Arabic creole closely related to Kinubi. It began developing in the Equatoria Region of what is now South Sudan over 100 years ago, and spread widely, now being the spoken lingua franca of the region. It has become so well established that expatriates working in Equatoria often find themselves in situations in which neither English nor Khartoum colloquial Arabic is adequate for communication. Juba Arabic for Beginners was originally prepared by SIL as a language course for the communication needs of its own personnel, but other people needing to communicate in Juba have found it invaluable. The present course was adapted from the excellent Sudanese Colloquial Arabic for Beginners (Andrew and Janet Persson, with Ahmad Hussein) in general format with its 30 dialogues. However, due to important linguistic and cultural differences, five additional lessons relevant to southern culture are included. This course is written in a Romanized orthography and represents a widespread dialect of Juba Arabic. Over the past 30 years, the course has served, and continues to serve, personnel of a number of expatriate organizations. Richard L. Watson (1980 Ph.D in linguistics, University of Texas-Arlington) worked with SIL in Vietnam for 15 years, largely focusing on the Pacoh language. He later moved to Sudan, where he was a linguistics consultant for 18 years. He recently published the Pacoh-Vietnamese-English dictionary, Noh Pacoh-Yoan-Anh (www.Pacoh.Webonary). Louis Biajo Ola is a native speaker of Juba Arabic and was crucial in helping prepare the lessons and teaching the first classes which used them.

Ensnared by AIDS: Cultural Contexts o...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary Ensnared By AIDS: Cultural Contexts of HIV and AIDS in Nepal Second Edition David K. Beine SIL International® Publications in Ethnography 42 How people make sense of illness is, in part, culturally determined. Existing community beliefs and presuppositions are organized as cultural models, which "make meaning" of new situations such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic. These cultural constructions can also contribute to the spread of the epidemic. This volume examines the meaning and cultural contexts of HIV/AIDS in Nepal, where AIDS is relatively new and rapidly growing. Until now little has been known about how Nepalis understand the illness locally known as "AIDS rog." This book presents the first long-term field study of the cultural dimensions of HIV/AIDS in South Asia. It examines how Nepalese cultural models of HIV/AIDS are developing, as well as illness schemata that underlie these models. It is one of the few ethnographies of HIV/AIDS to emphasize the depth and diversity of the people's view and construction of the emerging illness. It is also the only HIV/AIDS ethnography to utilize a discourse analysis (linguistic) approach. It should be of special interest to medical anthropologists, social epidemiologists and public health professionals. It will also be of interest to cognitive anthropologists, cognitive linguists, and psychological anthropologists, because it addresses how people incorporate new ideas into established cognitive systems. David Beine (Ph.D., anthropology, Washington State University) has lived and worked in Nepal over several periods from 1988-2001, including affiliation with Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu during doctoral research in 1998-2000. He is a Senior Anthropology Consultant for SIL and currently resides in Spokane, Washington, where he teaches cultural anthropology and linguistics. He visits Nepal yearly for applied anthropology and sociolinguistic research.

Discourse Features of New Testament G...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary Discourse Features of New Testament Greek: A Courses book on the Information Structure of New Testament Greek, Second Edition

Bible Translation Basics: Communicati...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary Over the past thirty years, scholars have made significant advances in understanding how human communication functions. They have moved from looking for meaning in texts alone to seeing texts as providing clues that lead hearers to discover the speaker's intended meaning. Hearers use other inputs as well—things they already know, information from the speech environment—as they search to understand not only what the words of the text say but also what the speaker is communicating. All this has significant implications for Bible translation. Bible Translation Basics accomplishes two things: 1) it expresses these theoretical developments in communication at a basic level in non-technical language, and 2) it applies these developments to the task of Bible translation in very practical ways. Tried and tested around the world, people with a secondary school education or higher are able to understand how communication works and apply those insights to communicating Scripture to their audiences. Bible Translation Basics helps translators work with language communities to determine the kind of Scripture product(s) that are most relevant for them, given their abilities and preferences.

Baranzan’s People: An Ethnohistory of...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary Based on in-depth fieldwork, research, and personal interviews, this comprehensive ethnographic study of the Bajju people of southern Kaduna State in Nigeria covers their origins, history, culture, religious beliefs, and practices. Bajju precolonial political-religious organization, economy, legal system, social organization, and values are described. Also included are chapters on the Hausa-Fulani, the colonial context, the Christian era, and cultural change. Ethnologists, missiologists, development personnel, and the Bajju themselves will find this a rich resource. For me as a Bajju scholar, this study is as important as E. E. Evans-Pritchard’s classic study, Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande (1937). For that reason, all Bajju sons and daughters must read this important work (from the foreword by Dr. Samuel Waje Kunhiyop). Baranzan’s People: An Ethnohistory of the Bajju of the Middle Belt of Nigeria is a companion volume to Bajju Christian Conversion in the Middle Belt of Nigeria, published by SIL International® 2019.

Bajju Christian Conversion in the Mid...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary Why have large numbers of the Bajju people of the Middle Belt of Nigeria become Christians? The first conversions occurred in 1929 and today almost one hundred percent of the Bajju claim to be Christians, so this people movement happened within a relatively short period. McKinney details the various contexts in which religious change took place among the Bajju: in traditional Bajju culture, in their relations with the Hausa-Fulani, in the British colonial context, and in the missionary context. She presents the results of an in-depth interview schedule administered in 1984 and 2011 to respondents in both a rural village and a Kaduna suburb. This longitudinal study, together with the author's involvement in participant observation, personal language learning, and archival records research, help provide answers to the questions of why, and to what degree, a worldview paradigm shift has occurred among the Bajju. The author also discusses some traditional religious beliefs retained by Bajju Christians, and charts traditional religious beliefs with biblical texts. Bajju Christian Conversion in the Middle Belt of Nigeria will be essential to anthropologists specializing in conversion studies, and be of interest to missiologists, and to the Bajju people themselves. It is a companion volume to Baranzan's People: An Ethnohistory of the Bajju of the Middle Belt of Nigeria, published by SIL International(R) 2019.

African Friends and Money Matters: Ob...

KShs6,000.00 KShs4,500.00
Brief Summary African Friends and Money Matters grew out of frustrations that Westerners experience when they travel and work in Africa. Africans have just as many frustrations relating to Westerners in their midst. Each manages money, time, and relationships in very different ways, often creating friction and misunderstanding. This book deals with everyday life in Africa, showing the underlying logic of African economic systems and behavior. Two new chapters in this second edition emphasize personal relationships, making the book even more relevant to the thoughtful reader. Maranz introduces these principles, as well as the very different goals of African and Western economic systems, plus ninety specific observations of money-related African behaviors. Personal anecdotes bring this book to life. The result is that the reader can make sense of customs that at first seem incomprehensible. This popular book has captured the interest of Westerners living in or visiting Sub-Saharan Africa: business, diplomatic, and NGO personnel; religious workers, journalists, and tourists. The readership includes professors and students of African Studies. African readers will also be interested for what it reveals about Western culture and ways Westerners often react to Africa. David E. Maranz (Ph.D., International Development) has worked with SIL International in several African countries since 1975 in community development, administration, and anthropology consulting. His earlier book, Peace is Everything (SIL International), examines the worldview and religious context of the Senegambia region.


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