CLC Kenya
CLC Kenya

CLC Kenya

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The boy who heard God Speak by Annie ...

story about Jeremy, a timid albino boy who grows up in the slum with a drunk father. Due to his skin color, he endures endless bullying in school. This, is until he believes in a mighty God whose power begins to work in his life.


The Bubba, Happy and Pal series is a faith-based line of books written and voiced to help children be of good moral character. The Best Path to Success, grounded in the Holy Bible, puts before children the qualities rooted in God that enable them to succeed in life. When children follow this path under the guidance of their loving parents and living in goodness, mutual respect, self-control and working hard, they can reach enviable heights of success. The book is indeed good reading for everyone. I have also used familiar words, big fonts, exciting real-life scenario & colourful illustrations. For more guidance, I advise parents and teachers to read with their children.

A Day at the Beach by Audrey Spaulding

Join Adia and her family for a day at the beach: full of fun, family moments and love.

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot by Mary...

Shema, an eight-year-old Rwandan goatherd from a child-led family, has many adventures, including a goat eating his only T-shirt, a frightening visit to a medicine man and a dangerously close brush with a spitting black cobra! Though them all, little by little Shema learns about “Mister God” and discovers that although he is in an orphan, he has a Father in heaven who cares for him. A victorious, heart-warming story for 8-11s, with lovely background to life in rural Rwanda. “I think this book is very good, it made me feel happy, sad and really excited; I think the most interesting part is when Shema faced the black cobra. It was also very moving when in the book Ishimwe starts to cry because her parents died. I really enjoyed this book. It is one of my favourites.” - Kemi “A thrilling adventure story about three orphans' dreams coming true when their prayers were answered.” - Jonathan

Nobody’s Dog by Eleanor Watkins

"There's that dog again," said Luke. Lots of dogs were being walked, because it was Sunday afternoon. Some were on leads and some were off, chasing balls or sticks or just running. But this dog was all on its own. Luke cannot forget the lonely dog with its hungry brown eyes. It seems to be nobody's dog, so Luke and his friend Mr Bronzovi decide to look after it. But it's not as easy as Luke thinks. Luke learns that sometimes God seems slow in answering our prayers, and sometimes it seems as if He is not listening at all. Sometimes He answers in a different way than we are expecting - but He always answers. As the dog in the park learns to trust Luke, Luke learns to trust God.


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