The high number of reported cases of murder, rape, terrorism, misdiagnosis, theft, and the plunder of public resources in the country has reignited the debate on the moral standing of our society and level of integrity among the public officials, state workers and the general public at large. At the centre of the debate is the call to ensure individuals and the society takes a moment of self-introspection to reflect on the state of the society and figure out where we might have gone wrong and how we can pull ourselves from this quagmire threatening to tear down the fabric of the society.
Attendant to this desire is the call to ensure moral values are inculcated in individuals at a tender age so that they can grow knowing what is right and wrong.
The Crooked Society seeks to be part of this discourse by highlighting some of the core issues affecting our society: their root causes and how we can possibly overcome them. The author’s history and triumph amid challenges forms the reference point of how we should aspire to conduct ourselves during these trying moments albeit from a Christian perspective.
Elijah Opondo Ochiel (the author) is a Leadership and Management (Public Admin/NPO) graduate from Strathmore University with a background in Finance and Accounting. He is married with four kids. Irrespective of being raised from a humble background, by the grace of God he scaled all the heights in life to become what he is today as attested in this book. His pursuit for good governance cannot be overemphasized. He is known to say things straight as they are without fear or favor, an accolade he reckons he does not regret! This is a must read book and one wonders why he cannot test the waters as a motivational speaker given the contents of this very inspiring book- The Crooked SocietyÂ