God Where are you? Is a Pocket book extracted from by book "You will Overcome" Its deep prayer of how one time I was in the valley of dry bones and how God answered my prayers....see some excerpt from the book.....
God please, why, why do I feel that I am screaming myself off, but your ears are completely silent to my cries and my humble pleas? Why is your silence so deafening? Gracious Father, are you still there? Why am I searching all over the place, everywhere, but cannot see your face?
God, why do I feel as if you are so far away, yes, far up there in the sky, far up the heaven, yet you are so close to me?
You are so near to me but why? Why do I feel like you are far off? I ask, in all these troubles, where are you God? God, are you still there for me? Or you are busy dealing with other bigger, greater, and more urgent issues in the universe, forgetting the small and insignificant me?”
Why do I ask all these? Why is my heart troubled? Behold, I cannot see! My eyes cannot see anything! Why do I see only pitch darkness in front of me? Yes, it is totally dark; pitch darkness has filled my life! My life is like the earth in the time of creation -it’s empty, it’s now formless and void! God it is during the day, but why has the sun in my life set at noon? Why is there a total dark eclipse in my life!"
May God answer you in your darkest hour of need.....Amen.