Literary Editors A frica
Literary Editors A frica

Literary Editors A frica

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Doa la Ndoa na Hadithi Nyingine

KShs800.00 KShs700.00
Doa la Ndoa na Hadithi Nyingine ni mkusanyiko wa hadithi fupi za kuvutia zilizoandikwa na waandishi ambao wamedhihirisha ukwasi mkubwa wa lugha ya Kiswahili pamoja na ustadi wa kuumudu utanzu wenyewe. Hadithi hizi zinawasilisha mitazamo tofauti kuhusu masuala mazito katika jamii kama vile ajira, mapenzi, ndoa, unafiki, usaliti na tamaa ya mali. Zinaangazia mashaka tipitipi yanayowakumba vijana wa kiafrika na familia za kisasa, zikibainisha uhalisia wa maisha ya binadamu. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha simulizi zilizosheheni taharuki ya kusisimua, uwezo wa kubana matukio, mwondoko wa haraka, na ucheshi wa aina yake. Ni kazi inayowalenga wapenzi wa fasihi ya Kiswahili wanaotamani kuzamia masuala muhimu katika maisha ya kila siku kwa mtazamo wa kiafrika.

KISA: An Anthology of African Short S...

Presenting a diverse and dazzling collection from all over the continent—from South Africa to Nigeria, to Uganda, to Kenya, KISA is the voice of younger, new-age African writers who give a fascinating picture of a new and more liberated Africa. These writers are motivated by their engagement with the wider world and the opportunities offered by the end of apartheid, the end of civil wars and dictatorships, and the possibilities of free movement. Their work is inspired by society and the African culture. They are liberated, global, and expansive. As Aminatta Forna wrote, “If you want to know a country, read its writers." These are the stories of a new Africa: punchy, self-confident, and defiant.


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