Blind Fold is the 4th novel in the Mombasa Raha, My Foot saga written by Haroun Risa. It's main theme is female genital mutilation; Haroun Risa has used fiction to raise awareness against FGM practices in Kenya through the 4th novel.
Kenyan Timing Ate My Boob is the 2nd novel in the Mombasa Raha, My Foot saga, written by Haroun Risa.
The main theme is breast cancer, and how it breaks apart families and communities at large, alongside the well known Kenyan Timing; our well known action of being late over everything, for no good reason.
The first in the Mombasa Raha, My Foot saga written by Haroun Risa. Its main theme is human trafficking and sex tourism in Kenya; Haroun Risa begins with this novel to raise awareness against major issues affecting Kenyans using fiction.