Nahashon Harrison

Nahashon Harrison

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  1. A compilation of two remarkable fiction novels.
THE DEVIL'S UNDERWEAR This novel is about nothing at all. Only that metaphorically reflects the story of the Devil, protruding fangs, pigheaded, and suffering microcephaly. The moribund curmudgeon and the brainchild of anthropophagy pop into a fashion gallery to only look at the attendant across the face and ask for a pair of cotton balbriggan to adorn his humongous bahookie and not for special occasions but for wearing every day. It was a gigantic woolen balbriggan, and he loved to wear it and swing his pelvic girdle flaunting his humongous breasts and buttocks when something weird happenned—not just today but a couple of times. The Devil shits his pants after emitting fat Malodorous gases. He gets tired of the woolen balbriggan and throws the pair of soiled pants into the laundry baskets— nobody knows if the microcephalic curmudgeon still thinks the underwear is recyclable. A WORLD WITH NO AIR A world with no air" is a compelling story that revolves around the life of an African boy. It is a journey of one man inside himself engulfed with an overwhelming quest for liberation. It is a clear picture of how an average African boy fights to survive in the underprivileged world. It reflects a journey through barricades and dangerous hiccups. It is a pure example of what it means to hit rock bottom. "As I walked along the tiny road that runs from Kenya Clay Works to the other side of the road that connects O.J. and Ruiru town, I tried to figure out what Gmail and email entail. I came up with a genius idea, maybe email means when you send electronic mail, and Gmail means when someone sends a mail using a generator. I did not know. I looked at the piece of paper and ripped it into shreds.”


THE ENLIGHTENED SPECIES is a book exploring the inter-dynamics that affect dating as an integral part of the human mating game. It delves into human behavioral patterns exhibited by the two genders right from the first stage of seduction. This brings to the limelight the conduct and rebuttal of every seduction attitude/action. The woman is irrefutably the initiator of the first steps of seduction as seen in Briffault's Law. It is the woman who picks the desired male by considering some attributes in him. She then puts herself in a position where he can easily reach her—she is the advertiser in the seduction game while the man is a marketer. He initiates the seduction game by pitching. Herein is a thorough analysis dissecting the cores of family genesis. Without seduction and mating, the family would be deemed obsolete and the human race would become extinct.



Just a little book with divergent perceptions—affirms the irrationality of belief in God and the critical destruction religion has inflicted on society, from the Garissa University, Orlando shootings, killing of Deborah a Nigerian college student by her Muslim counterparts to 9/11 and much more.

With inclemency and repartee, Nahashon examines God in all his forms, from the sex freak despot of the bible to the more benevolent and irrational angelic horologist favored by some wishful thinkers. He takes away the major altercation for religion and parades the ultimate improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion propagates war, propells bigotry, and have children abused, bolstering his points with historical and synchronic evidence. The Hallmark of ignorance and the God Hallucinations makes a compelling case that belief in God is not just irrational but unanimously detrimental. It also offers brilliant insight into the good side of not subscribing to faith as cultivation of willful ignorance to individuals and society at large.


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