Peter Mbuthia

Peter Mbuthia

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No girl is limited by Peter Mbuthia

$14.50 $11.70
This book is dedicated to the girl child. The two main characters are the dad and his daughter, where the dad is encouraging her to be a curious person, to be a critical thinker, and to ask questions with the view of gaining knowledge and elevating her self-esteem and confidence and therefore setting herself upon an exciting process of self - empowerment. In a society where the girl child faces ever-increasing challenges, she requires mentors who will walk with her as she is growing up. The girl needs to be affirmed that she is equally competitive and that her dreams are as valid as for those of everyone else. The first and most important line of mentoring should be her parents, especially her dad, who should be fully present and fully engaged in her life. Important lessons for how a girl will relate to the opposite gender are learned from her dad. If her dad treats her well, she will feel secure and confident. This book is relevant for the boy child as well, but the author intends to pay special attention to the girl child.

Scars Of A Nation: Survivor Of Kiamba...

$25.00 $21.50
Brief Summary A true Story about victims of the 2007/08 Post election Violence in Kenya, their suffering and the search for their Justice at The International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands. The lies, intrigues, machinations and skullduggery during the ICC process. The author is a victim of the Kiambaa Church Massacre. Quote from the book: “Today, when you walk into the Kenya Assemblies of God Church in Kiambaa Eldoret, thirty-six graves are conspicuously visible. They stick out as a monument of that massacre - a powerful reminder of the consequences of prejudice, negative ethnicity, hate and the greed of a few individuals, who do not care that innocent citizens have to die from artificially generated conflicts, as long as this enables them to negotiate for political power, so as to satiate their individual greed, with ill-gotten wealth, and soothe their ego, with fame and prestige” In Naivasha “the attackers came to the home of Mr. Bernard Ndege, a man from the Luo tribe, and locked his entire family inside their house then set it ablaze and killed nine of his children and two wives” “having a President coming from your ethniccity is usually just a feel-good attitude only, and can be quite deceptive to think that one is privileged, because, it does not necessarily translate into tangible personal gains when ‘one of our own is the President’ Only a good governance system can guarantee equality for all” N/B Buy the book to support and encourage Kenyan authors.


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