Patricia Henry

Patricia Henry

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It’s ok to be angry at God

If you believe in God, you must have felt angry at him at some point. Anger is felt because we had an expectation that wasn’t met or someone violated our boundaries. Ephesians 4: 26-27 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil” Some people use this verse to preach “anger suppression” while it’s not healthy to stay angry, it’s important to learn how to express your anger so that your emotions grow and become healthy. This book can help you achieve exactly this. Patricia Henry, is also an Expert in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics based in Kenya. She is committed to promoting Agíkúyú indigenous cultural foods and making the Kenyan Food Security Systems functional. When you buy this book, 40% goes to helping small-scale farmers restore indigenous crops, foods and trees. Happy reading 🙂      

Why should I marry I’m Happy si...

A lot of women rush to marriage because they believe it will “complete” them, make them “happy”, but does happiness come from marriage? Patricia Henry, explores what makes women vulnerable and how they can accept and heal these vulnerabilities, making them become functional. Patricia believes that womanhood is a functionality, and its purpose is to bring authenticity and grace to the world. This book will help you get in touch with your authentic self by facing vulnerabilities that come from religious and cultural definitions of womanhood. Patricia Henry, is also an Expert in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics based in Kenya. She is committed to promoting Agíkúyú indigenous cultural foods and making the Kenyan Food Security Systems functional. When you buy this book, 40% goes to helping small-scale farmers restore indigenous crops, foods and trees. Happy reading 🙂    


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