What do you want to achieve with your finances? Do you have a clear plan to guide your financial decisions? What financial products and services should you use to help you meet your goals? If you cannot answer these questions confidently Before You Earn Your First Income is for you.
In this book you will learn how to:
 Recognize the impact of your personality, upbringing, and culture on your financial behavior
 Save, invest, give, and use debt wisely
 Plan for short, medium, and long-term goals
 Avoid common financial mistakes
Rose’s experience in personal financial planning will help you gain clarity and confidence in your financial decision-making. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skill you need to gain clarity and confidence in your decision-making, make the most of your finances, and live purposefully as you pursue financial freedom.
Rose Wakiria is a financial and retirement planner. She is passionate about helping individuals and families manage their financial resources well and live purposeful lives.