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BREAKING FREE by Angela Nsimbi

I AM NOT BIPOLAR; HEALING IS POSSIBLEShe had mastered to cover up her pain. Angela was confident that the only way she would protect herself from pain was AVOIDANCE. In this book, BREAKING FREE she takes the reader on a journey of exposing the dangers of covering up pain. For Angela, covering up eventually exploded into a medical diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder.The author takes the reader on a journey to show that healing is possible from invisible wounds. With the use of her story; Angela enables the reader travel into a world that explores and unveils a world, whose existence most of us prefer to deny. But this is a journey that heals soul and emotional wounds.The author’s description of her fight with bipolar encourages mental health conversations. At the same time, it brings home the reality that when mental illness happens to a loved one the effects are far reaching.With Breaking Free; the silence and stigma surrounding the mental illness is crushed. The portrayal of the author wearing many hats of; wife, career woman, mother, and now turned mental health activist helps families relate to this story. Clearly, anyone is vulnerable.You can breathe again. There is hope and redemption through a pathway of finding your identity in God; Angela did. By sharing her vulnerable moments, her story gives every family with a loved who is struggling mentally to acknowledge their pain and get help.

Bible Companion H/C

This book is an all-in-one, full color comprehensive reference guide to the Bible, designed to enable teachers, preachers and lay persons alike around the world to understand and communicate the message of the Bible to others effectively.

Belief In A God You Cannot See by Tim...

Do you know what is the only way to lose? To have too much fear or too much pride to face the question of the existence of God. Believing in God is not simply some impromptu and random declaration. Your beliefs about God have an eternal impact on your way of considering and being yourself, as well as on your relationship and interface with others and with life in general. With much affection, I strongly advise you to resolve the issue once and for all.

The Sower’s Parable by Vincent Obonyo

The words that Jesus speaks to us are spirit and life. They are not meaningless and are not intended to be taken lightly. Although His words are already weighty in their meanings, Jesus emphasizes His points with punchy lines like this one, “he that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” The parable of the Sower has been much spoken of and written about globally. Why would there be one more book to address this same subject? The answer, the use of another punchy line by Jesus, merits all the study and writing that can be done concerning this parable. Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable?” By these statements, Jesus meant the following. First, if one cannot decipher the meaning of this parable, he/she is incapacitated in understanding any parable. What does that make of anyone who assumes that they understand other parables without an in-depth comprehension of this one? A liar or a delusional. Second, that this parable is the cornerstone with which all the other parables align and relay true meaning. This book digs deep into the hidden meanings of this parable and unlocks the reason why it is the key to understanding all parables.

The Promise of the Eternal Covenant b...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
Following his remarkable exegesis on the first and second periods of Jesus’ genealogy, the best-selling author, in the fifth installment of The History of Redemption series, covers the third and final period, which spans the fourteen generations from the Babylonian exile to Jesus Christ. The Promise of the Eternal Covenant sheds light upon the labyrinth-like history of the 600 years before Jesus’ birth. Throughout the book, Rev. Abraham Park demonstrates that God is sovereign over all history; the rise and fall of nations, kingdoms, and empires occur all according to God’s eternal decrees and providence. His readers will be filled with assurance that God’s promise of the Eternal Covenant will certainly be fulfilled.

Vizazi Katika Kitabu Cha Mwanzo – Uta...

KShs1,290.00 KShs890.00
Mara nyingi vizazi hufasiriwa kama dhana isiyovutia, au mbaya zaidi, inayochosha. Hata hivyo, kitabu kipya cha Dkt Abraham Park, Vizazi katika Kitabu Cha Mwanzo: Utawala wa Mungu katika Historia ya Ukombozi kinaonyesha umuhimu mkubwa na hata furaha ya kusoma kwa kina kuhusu vizazi katika Biblia. Msingi dhabiti ni muhimu kwa muundo wowote ule. Hivyo basi ni kweli kwamba Kitabu cha Mwanzo ni msingi imara wa imani yetu ya kibiblia. Kitabu cha Mwanzo si msingi tu wa kuielewa mianzo yetu, bali pia ni msingi wa kujielewa sisi na vilevile kuuelewa uhusiano wetu na Mungu, na watu wengine. Ni dhahiri kuwa hatuwezi kuupuza umuhimu wa Kitabu cha Mwanzo kama kielelezo cha msingi cha kutafakari kwa Wakristo wote. Dkt Abraham Park anastahili kupongezwa kwa mchango wake wa maana na thamani katika kuelewa kwetu kuhusu msingi wa kitabu hiki.

The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant continues the popular series by Rev. Abraham Park, offering Christian seekers an engaging, yet precisely Bible-based exploration of God’s redemption plan for humanity. In this book, we learn what the Bible’s carefully listed genealogy of Jesus Christ shows us about that more significant purpose. The biblical timeline outlined in this Bible study of New Testament genealogies reveals how God was at work in redemptive history to guide it towards its fulfillment.

The Covenant of the Torch: A Forgotte...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
The Covenant of the Torch made with Abraham is the most significant among all the covenants in the Bible. Why? It’s the most detailed yet condensed summary of God’s divine administration for redemption that outlines the work of restoration of His godly people and holy land. In this book, Rev. Abraham Park brings to life the Covenant of the Torch and helps us to understand—accurately, and in chronological detail—692 years of redemptive history starting from Abraham, including the great exodus, the wilderness journey and the conquest of Canaan.

God’s Profound and Mysterious Provide...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
The fourth book in the History of Redemption series, God’s Profound and Mysterious Providence begins with accounts of King David and Solomon, then continues into the era of divided kingdoms: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. This book illustrates the reigns and lives of the kings from the perspective of God’s administration for redemptive history.


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