Gitonga Israel

Gitonga Israel

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KShs2,200.00 KShs1,950.00
The book Introduction to Knowledge Management is a peep into the world of knowledge economy for the learners, trainers and practitioners. Basically the book provide a guide on Knowledge management with a view of answering the six fundamental questions of knowledge management. It articulate the "What" , "Why", "When", "Where" "Who" and "How" of knowledge management.


KShs1,980.00 KShs1,680.00
Gender and Climate Adaptation in Community Development Projects 2020 edition  is a simplified guide for students and trainers in gender and climate courses. The book provides ideal framework for approaching learning and training of gender and climate change issues in development interventions. The book further helps the reader to link gender, climate change issues with sustainable development. In a simple, clear and logical structure, the book helps the reader to connect climate change adaptation issues and gender inequality. It articulate the the process of mainstreaming gender and climate adaptation issues in development project cycle. Who May benefit from this Book. Besides students and lecturers, practitioners such as trainers, consultants, development projects and programme managers, policy makers, researchers, human rights advocates and lobyists, curriculum developers, legislators, community mobilizers among others may find this book helpful. The book is published by PSI Consultants the leaders in project and community development consultancy. It is developed around nine chapters and glossary of terms.

Modern Psychology Simplified-Handbook...

KShs1,900.00 KShs1,500.00
Modern Psychology is an ideal hand book for ECDE training facilitators. The book is published by PSI consultants.

LIFE SKILLS MADE EASY- Handbook for T...

KShs1,850.00 KShs1,500.00
Life Skills Made Easy is a Timeless handbook for learners and trainers in life skills. The book is designed as one of the tools that provide frameworks for learning and training in life skills. It provide guideline on fundamental life skills issues. The book articulates the concept of life skills, knowing and living with self, knowing and living with others, making decisions, choices and solving problems and responsibilities and rights Life Skills Made easy is currently the most popular book for young people and trainers of life skills. It is published by PSI Consultants one of the leaders in project and community development consultancy. The book comes with a simple, logical and easy to understand language. Learners in primary, secondary and college can read the book comfortably. Life Skills Made Easy Contents The book structure is developed around three areas with part one to five. Under that structure, there are twenty one chapters. Part one: Introduction to life skills Part two: Knowing and living with self which covers self awareness, emotions, cooing with stress, character development,self esteem, time management and leisure Part three: Knowing and living with others. This covers; empathy,effective communication, relationships, negotiation,non violent conflict resolution, collaboration and team work Part four: Decision making,choices and problem solving. This covers;critical thinking, creativity, decision making, problem solving and project management skills. Part five:Responsibilities and rights. This covers; genders issues, drug and substance abuse,Hiv/aid, child labour and child rights.


KShs2,250.00 KShs1,950.00
Project Management Simplified is a household name in the project management sector in Africa and beyond. The book is a tertiary level coursebook for undeegraduate, graduate and post graduate level. It may also be an ideal companion for project management practitioners. It has been a popular go to reference book for college and university students and trainers since its launch in 2010. It is published by PSI Consultants the leaders in Project and Community Development. It is a simplified version that seek to demystify the learning of project management especially in developing countries where project management principles are yet to be fully embraced. Therefore, the book is designed to be general introduction to project management. The first edition was released in 2010 and followed by revised and current edition of 2019. Project Management Simplified is ideal for students taking a course in project management at undergraduate, graduate and even post graduate level. Practitioners in development projects, lecturers, training facilitators, consultants, curriculum developers, researchers among others may find this book useful.


KShs1,650.00 KShs1,450.00
This is a timeless, religiousless and classless self help and personal development book. The development of the book is inspired by the observation of natural process hence natural principles of uniqueness and purpose of everything on the universe. The book is a window into people's lives. It encourages people to live their true life purpose as designed by the creator. To live a true life purpose, people have to be guided by the natural principles among them being uniqueness and purpose. The book suggests that people can choose true or false life purpose. When people choose true life purpose, they identify, develop and leverage their unique talents in what they do. They live to work and not working to live. This way peoole experience peace, efficiency, high productivity and wealth. On the other hand, people can choose false life purpose. When this happens, many people live a make up/fake life as opposed to authentic life. The book further clarifies that people that live false lives is the reason we have overwhelming problems. Many people are not capitalizing on their unique talents endowed in them naturally. Instead they go for make up or copying others lives. When that happens, we experience conflicts, inefficiency, unproductivity, poverty and loss off human life. This book goes ahead to provide guideline for assessing whether you are living a true or a false life purpose. This is based on natural principles. Further the book articulate indicators of true and false life purpose. It encourages the reader to observe those indicators as basis for establishing whether one lives a true or false life purpose. The contrasts are also provided. It clarifies that people that lead a false life purposed depends on false values such as pursuit for fame, wealth and power. The consequences of pursuing this is false peace, love and joy. It argues that false peace, love and joy are only make hence not sustainable as opposed to true peace, love and joy. Finally, the book clarifies that if we all live our true life purpose, everyone would be enjoying true peace, love and joy. This is because there would be high efficiency, productivity and wealth creation from diverse and unique creative talents.

How To Know Whether You Are Living a ...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
This is a self help book. It seek to help the reader to understand the difference between a true and a false life purpose. It is based on the natural principles governing the natural processes and its order. It articulate the principle of uniqueness, purpose and interconnectedness of elements in the natural system where human being is a part. The reader will learn fifteen (15) indicators of a true and false life purpose. The book suggest that one can choose to observe the nature and apply the 15 indicators as a tool for self life reflection. The reader may do this with objective of determining whether one is leading a true or false life. Finally it suggest that one may choose to take necessary actions that may help in aligning work with true life purpose. You do this by choosing to discover your talent and identify a space where your talent, passion and work converges. At the point where your talent, passion and what you do converges, there is your true life purpose. In conclusion, the book suggest that there will be a true peace only when people choose to pursue their true life purpose. When people live their true life purpose, we experience abundance because there is efficiency, productivity and peace.


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