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Shadows of triumph:A mystery of Pain,...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,299.00
I am a butterfly,beautiful,free and with vibrant colours. But I was not always so; I was called Caroline wambugu by my birth parents but this was not my real name,long ago before I came here on earth,I was given a name by my true father a butterfly.( A butterfly undergoes intense pain to be birthed out). I did not know so until later in life. I came from a poor family many people called us cursed. I knew it and everyone knew it. There was a problem in my family; no one seemed to go anywhere, we never advanced in our education, we were beautiful but unmarried and poor. Oh,I forgot to tell you my mother was taken to the hospital on a wheel barrow where she died,my grandfather was taken to the hospital on a wheelbarrow,where he died and my uncle was meant to get one but.....my brother was driven to the streets; he became a mad man,those men you see carrying a sack while my fate was to die of cancer at 30 years of age but here I am. Free and beautiful. I am not telling you this because I need your pity. But because those shadows became my triumph. The shadows of pain The shadows of rejection The shadows of shame The shadows of humiliation The shadows of lack The shadows of curses The shadows of warfare These shadows have became my testimony. Each shadow I faced was lined with triumph.

Spiritual Combat: Mastering the art o...

KShs1,199.00 KShs799.00
In this book, I highlight actual experiences of some of the spiritual warfare I have gone through, the dimensions of truth that saved me and to demonstrate to you the power of God. Who Should Read mastering the art of warfare in the spirit realm? Those seeking to know the nature and strategies of the Enemy. Those who have been hidden and have been contending for a longtime in spiritual warfare Those individuals who have been waiting for the manifestation of a God-given dream or Vision. Those individuals whom God has called and feel they have been hidden in the womb of the spirit. Individuals seeking to understand the strategies and nature of spiritual warfare. Adults seeking to understand what is holding them back from their true potential. Individuals seeking to understand why warfare occurs. For Faith Based Organisations to reveal the importance and the role of spiritual warfare to their members. For Change Agents who want to arise and impact their generations.


KShs1,299.00 KShs799.00
In this book the Author inspires the reader to take action, as she emphasizes that every individual regardless of age or status, has the power to make a difference. With, unwavering determination this book serves as a rallying cry for men and women to arise and change the trajectory of their lives, their families, their marriages, their churches and their nations.

Rise From The Ashes: Navigating the s...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,499.00
Rise from the ashes: Navigating the spiritual wilderness Your suffering is a precursor of the greatness and abundance about to be manifested in your life. When the darkness ends, the wilderness ends, and the veil is flipped you will be blinded by the glory about to be revealed. In this book you will learn: How adversity plays an important role in your spiritual growth and maturity. How to navigate through the wilderness experience. Understanding that spiritual wilderness is a phase you will have to go through regardless of who you are. Understand the butterfly system; how it forms and its colour symbolism in your life. Understand the butterfly effect and your importance in shaping destinies. Understand how spiritual abortion occurs. Access devotional content to help you through adversity.

Blaze Atrail by Salome Njunge

KShs500.00 KShs250.00
There was a generational curse that was operating in this family lineage from wairimu and wambui and as far back to their ancestors. The curse was waiting for the next generation it caused shame, pain, afflictions, suffering and rejection. In this story one of their ancestor, wicked woman cursed the women in the genealogy of wairimu because of jealousy. This is what drives the people to curse others, Through God's power you can rewrite your story. Your life experiences might have been tough you were raped, rejected, abandoned, suffered the death of someone close, rejection, a cripple, barren, poor, it may be rough, tough and miserable but God's power is capable of going deeper to transform you, who decide to come to Him today and begin a marvelous journey. Don’t allow curses, misfortune, calamity and its evil fruits, worldly standards or peoples negative opinions limit you. Always remember that before God we have equal opportunity and are precious in his sight. He calls us “the apple of his eye”. Our part is to be willing to come to Him and allow Him to work in us so that through us He can help many. God wants to hold our lives and guide us. In a world that is sinking each day ONLY GOD can illuminate our path and give us a happy, blessed and active life.

Rescue Priscy by Salome Njung’e

KShs500.00 KShs250.00
Sonia delacruz,priscy’s mother,came from one of the wealthiest and privileged caste system of India. Unfortunately, for Sonia she had cast away all restraint, forgone the customary arranged marriage her father had made to advance their wealth and political power. She married an untouchable, the forbidden but her husband died young leaving her with three children. Priscy was a young girl brought up in the slums of lalbagh in India.This book gives voice to the challenges she faced, the challenges that rocked her emotional. physical, social and psychological life. But in the midst of this she was rescued.

Re-inventing yourself by Caroline wam...

KShs599.00 KShs199.00
This book contains insights and gems Caroline has learned in her personal journey from being employed, resigning and establishing her companies and authoring books. Everyone thought she was crazy in leaving a plum job in Europe to come and pursue her dream in Kenya. With no money, connections, nor skills she navigated to establish her business and reinvent herself to achieve her dreams.

I am known by a different name by Car...

KShs699.00 KShs399.00
Lia's journey takes her from the dusty village of karao, to the sandy white beaches of Mombasa to the glitter of Kitakyushu, Japan, and the Island of Jeju, in South Korea. Will she discover what she is looking for? Will the Messenger of Light, the Blind Guides, and the Camp of Secrets help her unlock the greatest mystery of her life?


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