Langham Publishing
Langham Publishing

Langham Publishing

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The War Within: Christians and Inner ...

This book is written for Christians who are discouraged because they still endure inner conflict and failure as they try to live the Christian life.

The Trinity of Sin

You cannot kill a tree by cutting off its branches; you need to dig down and cut off its roots. In this book, Professor Yusufu Turaki uses the Holy Scriptures as spade and axe as he digs down to examine the roots of sin.

The Mystery of the Church: Applying P...

Brief Summary In this powerful application of Paul’s teaching, Fabrice S. Katembo explores the mystery of the church in an African context, arguing that the greatest challenge facing God’s people is not external threat, but internal discord. Katembo draws his reader’s attention back to the unifying work of Christ, who died to abolish all walls of separation and in whom we are one, no matter the tongue, tribe, or nation.

Reading Jeremiah in Africa: Biblical ...

Brief Summary Dr. Katho offers a study that is both accessible and deeply relevant to the particularities of an African context. In a series of ten selected passages, Dr. Katho demonstrates the many parallels between Jeremiah’s Judah and a continent that continues to experience the complex and devastating realities of poverty, injustice, and war. It is a book of hope, and Katho, like Jeremiah, dares to dream past the present and into a future where God is known and humans flourish.

Poverty, the Bible, and Africa: Conte...

Brief Summary Poverty reduction is a worldwide concern, yet if the church is to play an effective role in its alleviation, an approach that is both biblical and contextual is required. Combining in-depth cultural analysis with careful exegetical reflection, Isaac Boaheng formulates a theology of poverty that engages Scripture, African traditional wisdom, and contemporary African concerns to create a paradigm for understanding and alleviating poverty in Africa.

Out of the Shadows of African Traditi...

KShs2,500.00 KShs1,890.00
Brief Summary Francinah Baloyi was sixteen when the ancestors demanded that she continue the family tradition and be trained as a sangoma, one through whom the spirits would speak. She was twenty-three when Christ appeared to her in vision and cast out those spirits, showed her heaven and hell, brought her to repentance, and commissioned her to proclaim him. Today, she is a powerful preacher, who has led many to Christ. Her story challenges the syncretism threatening the church in Africa.

A Guide to Interpreting Scripture: Co...

Brief Summary Quoting verses without regard to context can have serious consequences. In A Guide to Interpreting Scripture, Dr. Michael Kyomya illustrates what scriptural interpretation is, why it is important, how to do it, and the pitfalls to avoid. Full of ways to enrich your personal study of the Bible, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and instruction you need.

God Speaks My Language: A History of ...

Brief Summary Aloo Osotsi Mojola traces the history of Bible translation in East Africa from 1844 to the present. He incorporates four decades of personal conversations and interviews, along with extensive research, to provide the first comprehensive account of the translations undertaken in East Africa. This book is a key contribution to the important and ongoing narrative of how God has met us, and continues to meet us, in our own contexts and our own languages.

God of the Remnant: The Plight of Min...

Brief Summary In this book, Dr. Agang addresses the discrimination, oppression, and violence facing minorities in Africa and the church’s calling to stand against such injustice. Drawing upon covenantal theology and the biblical motif of a remnant, Agang explores God’s heart for those commonly devalued, silenced, excluded, and ignored. This book is a powerful reminder of the source of true identity and the foundation for lasting peace and human flourishing.

Expository Preaching in Africa: Engag...

Brief Summary How can expository preaching, rooted in a textual analysis of Scripture, be effectively utilized in oral cultures? In Expository Preaching in Africa, Ezekiel A. Ajibade engages this challenge directly, offering practical techniques for integrating African oral elements into preaching that is both biblical and African. Alongside numerous examples and tools, Ajibade provides a rich overview of the nature of orality, the history and development of African preaching, and the reason biblical exposition must be central to gospel proclamation.


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