This is a complete EkeGusii-Kiswahili-English dictionary that provides definitions for EkeGusii words. The work has been compiled for over fourteen years of collecting lexemes from the native speakers of the language. The respondents, who provided the raw data, range from former teachers of EkeGusii as a mother tongue to indigenous knowledge experts in the Gusii community. Linguists with expertise in lexicography, phonetics, and translation and interpretation, drawn from the Linguistics department, Kisii University, worked on the technical details. Herein lies the uniqueness of this work: it presents more than mere definitions of word tokens. This edition serves as a template for further exploration, future expansion, and development of orthographic conventions in the language.
The dictionary offers the following:
- Meanings of EkeGusii words with Kiswahili, and English translations.
- Abbreviations and proper nouns.
- Grammatical constructions.
- Concise sentences to serve as illustrative examples in EkeGusii.
- Broad transcription of words, using the IPA format, as guide to pronunciation.