This book has been written to share critical information, and unlock the hidden experiences, secrets, and realities relating to the complex work which journalists do for society amidst dangerous environments which sometimes can cost even their lives. It reminds us where we came from as a country in the journalism industry, and warns us not to slide back to the bitter, evil, painful, and dark past in efforts to suppress the media for any reasons. It discourages us not to admire or to go back to our stupid or silly past. It outlines the dangers associated with journalism and crafts the wise interventions. It exposes serious attack on the independence of media then.
This book finally deals with the meaning of news, sources of news, types of news, importance of journalism, presentation of news, qualities of good reporting, ethics for journalists, and written communication. It also guides on good press releases, press conferences, media interviews, process of writing books, benefits of reading books, book reviews ,and plagiarism. It has been made simple, and precise for easy understanding by the readers.