CLC Kenya
CLC Kenya

CLC Kenya

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Harmony by James Peter Gitonga

In all human relationships, marriage and family stands out. It is the bedrock of the society founded by God. This book is founded on the principle that God made marriage and He intended for it to work. A successful marriage is built diligently on love and care. God created each person with a unique personality. In marriage, the understanding of each other’s personalities is critical. This book will help you find God’s guidance to critical questions regarding your temperaments and how to work them out as a couple. The book discusses temperaments from a psychological standpoint and also shares biblical principles on the same. May this book help you experience joy and fulfilment in your relationships, marriage and family. James holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies and Counselling Psychology from Pan Africa Christian University having specialized in pastoral and marriage/family care. James has also undertaken short courses in Narrative Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Social-Recovery Therapy, Structural Family Therapy, Strength-Based Therapy, Relational-Culture Therapy, and Group Therapy among others. James also holds a higher diploma in Business Management from Kenya Institute of Management. James is an accredited member of the Kenya Counselling Association and has been a marriage and family pastor for over 15 years. He is passionate about marriage and family and is actively involved in counselling individuals, groups, couples and families. He conducts workshops and training for pastors. James is an ordained minister with the Methodist Church in Kenya. Currently, he is the Bishop of Berean Christian Community Church located in Thika town, where he ministers together with his wife. He is also a co-director at DGTV (Dominion Generation Television) in charge of operations and strategic administration. He also hosts programs on family, parenting, marriage, pre-marital issues and teaching the true word of God

When I Said I Do

This is a story of endurance or less time to breath for ease for a young Christian couple who are leaders of a local church as Pastor and Lady Pastor of the Church. The young couple, Pastor Simphiwe Gambu and Nontle Madikizela met at church and made vows to each other, the Antagonist, Blessing Mthimkhulu, a daughter of the Apostle who has been raised with Christian values and principles has vowed to become the Pastor’s wife, and gives the couple no time to rest. Challenges emanates from inside the church, where there are satanists given authority by Lucifer to fight and destroy their marriage because of the dangerous prayers of the Pastor and his wife; while other women at church wants the Pastor to marry their daughters. Children from outside marriage also bring a strain to the already sinking marriage; Forces of darkness intensify the attacks as the warfare increases. The couple looses almost everything they had, Pastor Gambu is given an option to come out of their misery and poverty; an option of joining a Christian cult by prophesying through evil spirits and divination to increase his church members and to make money, leading people of God astray to satisfy his ambitions. will he take that option? Will their marriage survive these challenges?

Principles for Personal Greatness by ...

Everything functional in human life, can be traced to certain obeyed principles; be it success, victories, promotion or any level of rising. The working knowledge of principles and the science of their engagement, births desirable results. If you look closely at your life, you would agree with me that in almost all situations that happened to you-to some extent, you were in agreement with their conditioning. Your reactions or responses to those situations constituted the outcome. Nothing progresses effectively, unless by Right Principles of Functionalism. The knowledge and the right engagement of Principles, leads to effectiveness. ‘Greatness’ is a life’s pursuit desired by all. It is a component that is inherent in all creation. However, only a few achieve it. It is a quality of being distinctively impactful (or great as in size, skill, achievement, or power). In other words, ‘greatness’ is excellence, perfection, preeminence or supremacy. All of us yearn to be great in one area or the other. However, only a few arrive at this place of supremacy. We were made to flourish potently. Conversely, not many people reach this apex in life, let alone experience the sweetness of flourishing in their engagements. As much as greatness is within the creature, very few exemplify this nature.

Born To Die by Gideon Nyakiongora

What is the ultimate value of identity, when one has to choose whether to live or die? What if it really is true that life is more important than food and the body more important than clothing? Can hope be generated in a desert devoid of the conditions necessary to nourish the soul? The human spirit has a remarkable will to survive, even triumph when dealt the worst hand. This is especially true in the lives of Nameless, Vagabond and Anonymous, a trio of young men brought and bound together for life. Find out how the three excel against many odds in this riveting tale of survival. Gideon Nyakiongora currently works as a tax consultant in his own firm, having retired from Kenya Revenue Authority where, he Worked as a tax assessor for 33 years. This is his third novel having published Set the Last Captives Free and The Tale of Innocent Imani, both with Gideon Wisdom Publishers.

Power of Forgiveness by Bernard Maingi

The book brings out how forgiveness is critical for day to day living as christians.

Decision Points – Memoirs of a Workin...

This book is a discussion on intentional parenting. It revolves around the decision points that Esther, a working mother, made, as she intentionally raised her children between the ages of 0 -12 years. Esther openly shares her memoirs on her parenting journey; the highs and lows, as well as the challenges she has gone through and how she has handled the said challenges. Decision points is an invaluable guide for anyone involved in raising children from 0 -12 years, including educators, grandparents, parents, support teams and the extended family. It is a voice for many working mothers who are grappling with the challenge of raising children in today’s world. It is also an invaluable guide to young mothers who wish to learn from the experiences of other working mothers.

Grow in Prayer and Hearing God by Sop...

Grow in Prayer and Hearing God is a Bible Study on Prayer with space to journal your prayers, thoughts and God’s voice. The goal of the book is to help the reader start or grow in their prayer life and grow in confidence in hearing God’s voice.

Gems of Healthy Living by Jemimah Nzola

Do you want to feel good about yourself? Do you want to look good? Does your emotional well-being matter? How is your mental prowess? How do you relate with others? Let’s talk about financial wellness…. are you working for money or is money working for you? What’s your worldview; do you believe in a deity? Is your life wholesome? We all desire all-rounded wellness. We all deserve empowerment in managing our health and living life well. We need to live a life devoid of ailments and diseases. “How do we do this?” I am glad you asked…. The fool-proof way to achieve this all-rounded wellness is through making piecemeal changes that will eventually reflect wholesomely. These could be: – Lifestyle changes, fitness, nutrition, and even changes in how you rest and rejuvenate. “Where do I start?” you ask. “The Gems of Healthy Living (All-rounded Wellness) book is here. It is loaded with insights and wisdom on wholesome living as well as easy steps towards transforming your life step-by-step in order to lead a fruitful and fulfilled life. The author- Jemimah Nzola is passionate about all things health and wellness. She is not only a qualified holistic nutritionist, she is also committed and devoted to continuous research on wellness and holistic wellness. Read this book and make it your wellness bible and see your life transform to a wholesome all-rounded lifestyle devoid of diseases, stress, social misnomers, and other maladies. Enjoy the read, buy for a dear one and let’s add life to our lives!

The Nest by Jackie Owusu-Biney

Both Kevin and Linda feel ready for it. They have been preparing their whole life to experience it – independence. However, no matter how careful Linda is or how macho Kevin thinks he is, neither are truly prepared for the journey ahead. Step into their world as these two leave their parents’ nests to create their own. Look into some of the challenges they face as they both realise life isn’t terribly easy. Jackie Owusu-Biney invites you to find the path to your own independence, the steps toward building your own nest, learning many necessary life skills as you go. Welcome to the epic journey that is: THE NEST

The Spirit of the Four Lepers by Naka...

This book encourages people to stop dwelling on the problems surrounding them and focus on the greatness of God. We should push on so as to realize the treasures God has set aside for us and after we get a breakthrough we should be grateful to our Maker and also tell of His goodness for all to hear


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