CLC Kenya
CLC Kenya

CLC Kenya

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PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF” is a heart-to-heart message that will help you realize that you are on a mission to find and draw significance to lives, better our world, and be better. In life, we all desire to have peace of mind and a life that has significance. And this book edifies the soul and simplifies the journey as it opens you up with illustrations to reflect on what it takes to see yourself from being broken into pieces to peace of mind, from being a victim to experiencing effective victories

Fresh Springs of Poems by Maria Kegode

A Christian poetry book that dissects the subjects of life’s journey, relationships, faith and work and business. The poems reflect on the depth of human emotion. They radiate warmth and beauty. They deeply refresh as they pulsate with rhythm and take an intuitive look at different perspectives of life.


EMBRACING THE VALUES OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD To live a victorious Christian life, we have to abide by a set of rules, outlook and mental attitudes that align with God our creator. We were created to function under a characteristic spiritual culture defined under the laws of the God – our factory settings. Many Christians live under a contradicted and irrational belief system different from the laws of God, whom in His manifold wisdom created all things in the garden of Eden to function under His pre-defined laws and principles. On this account, I consider now to be the right moment for the body of Christ to revisit and reconsider its’ understanding about the Kingdom of God and its operational principals. The subject of the Kingdom of God is the only source from which we can get the true ethos of Gods’ mind and purpose for our lives. If we understand and live by God’s Kingdom principles, then we shall become relevant, fulfilled and impactful. Without the knowledge of the Kingdom of God, we shall continue to lack spiritual impact and ultimate self-fulfilment as Christian’s ought to have. This book will help you to realize critical Kingdom laws and principles that as a Christian, we ought to stick to. It is designed to propel you to take practical steps towards embracing and walking in a Kingdom Mindset. Get ready for this amazing transformation in life, put on a Kingdom Mindset.


This book discusses how one can leverage to be a cutting edge principled leader in various spheres of influence. Based on the authors leadership experience it provides a framework of 10 action points you can take in order to become a results-driven leader who can successfully guide your teams and followers to meet their goals.


The Lord desires for us to know him deeply and intimately, and God has reserved a place inside every believer for this very purpose. It is in the believer's spirit that we truly get to know the lord and it is there that he transforms us. The Christian life is a spiritual life, not an intellectual or emotional one, or one of many religious activities, therefore, we must learn to know Christ in our spirit. The believer's life is centred upon a living dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ To the young Believer will take you on a spiritual journey to the innermost part of you, where Jesus Christ now lives and dwells with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. There you will meet with him and find yourself wanting nothing more than tonkmow Him for the rest of the days. Young Christian, you have just embarked on the most amazing adventure possible! Drawing on colourful imagery, To The Young Believer offers the young Christian the following: Practical assistance with ways of Knowing the lord intimately Clear, easy-to-understand explanations of spiritual realities through the use of everyday examples. Insights not commonly taught in the modern institutional church setting Tools to assist with growing strong roots for ongoing spiritual growth

God’s Calling – The Daring Adventure ...

The single message in this book is that God calls men and women, old and young first to himself through faith for salvation, and secondly, God calls Christians to perform specific tasks as needs might be. I acknowledge that all Christians render Godly services in what they do. This book recognises that there are situations in which God calls Christians to perform special functions as ordained ministers of the Word and Sacraments, in preaching, teaching, evangelism, and Christian advocacy in the whole marketplace of human interaction. Some tasks into which God calls Christians are long-term while others are short-term. God’s calling is loud and clear. Christians need to be sensitive to the calling of God to keep in step with God’s will in a service one renders.

Unlocking the Power of You By John St...

ince 1991, John Stanko has helped people all over the world understand their personality and how it relates to their purpose and creativity. Now John brings decades of experience to you in this book so you can understand that your strengths, weaknesses, gifts and personality are all part of who God made you to be.Included in this volume are 52 short studies that will help you be more comfortable in your own skin so you can flow in God’s will for your life. John has worked with individuals and organizations the world over so individuals can focus on their strengths and teams can be more productive as members learn to focus on strengths rather than weakness. In this book, Unlocking the Power of You encourages you to stop fighting who you are, and teaches you that your personality is an important part of your ability to fulfill God’s plan for your life. Whether you are detailed or not, like to multi-task or prefer one job at a time, enjoy many friendships or just a few, this book will help you be at peace that you are who you are in God’s plan for your life. If you are good enough for God, shouldn’t you be good enough for yourself as well?

Unlocking the Power of Your Thinking ...

You are missing out on the tremendous power available to you as described in Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Your transformation will occur by the renewing of your mind and since the business of the mind is thinking, then your thoughts hold the key to spiritual transformation. In this fifth book of his Unlocking series, John Stanko shares important truths from biblical examples that shows Jesus’ working with His disciples to change their thinking. Then when the Holy Spirit was sent, the process of their transformation through new thoughts continued. Unlocking the Power of Your Thinking will challenge you to (what else?) change the way you think about the way you think!

Unlocking the Power of Your Purpose b...

If you answered yes to these important questions, that’s good news. If not, we have good news for you - John Stanko’s purpose is to help you find yours! Since 1991, John Stanko has helped people around the world find their purpose. If you aren’t content to just talk about purpose, but want to know it and how to fulfill it, Unlocking the Power of Your Purpose is right for you. Included in this volume are 52 short studies that will help answer questions you’ve been asking all your life: Who am I, really? Am I happy doing what I’m doing? How can I know the will of God for my life? Does my childhood hold a clue to discovering my purpose? Does what I do determine who I am? Why does what I’m doing seem so small and insignifcant? How can I tap into the power of my purpose? ...and much more! These studies are perfect for youth, families, and small groups as well as personal devotions. Join millions of other purpose-seekers as you answer the most important question in life. What am I here for?

Unlocking the Power of Your Productiv...

Since 1991, John has helped people the world over find and fulfill purpose, express creativity, and be more productive. Now he brings that experience to you with Unlocking the Power of Your Productivity to help you move beyond wishing to doing. Included in this volume are 52 short studies that will help you express your creativity and fulfill your purpose. Divided into four sections, Unlocking the Power of Your Productivity covers four important topics: goals; creativity; time management; and personal development. You can use this book as a one-year guide to a more effective and satisfying life, or you can read the lessons at your own pace. Whichever way you choose to use it, you will benefit from John’s unique insights into helping you embrace your creativity and achieve your dreams. These lessons are perfect for youth, family, or small group study, as well as personal development.


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