Elong'o Publishers
Elong'o Publishers

Elong'o Publishers

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The Dawn of NewLife

KShs1,300.00 KShs800.00
Mr. Turner’s story is one of a truly extraordinary kind. Born after a three-year gestation period in his mother’s womb, he was immediately rejected by his family. They saw him as a blight on their reputation, and his birth was shrouded in secrecy. Despite the challenges he faced from the outset, Mr. Turner was determined to make something of his life. He worked hard to educate himself, eventually finding a job and building a career. Along the way, he encountered many obstacles and hardships, including a failed marriage and numerous setbacks. However, with his steely determination and unwavering resilience, Mr. Turner persevered. Despite the odds, he eventually achieved a degree of success that many of his peers could only dream of. His hard work and dedication paid off, and he found success in his chosen field. Mr. Turner’s story is a remarkable one, and he serves as an inspiration to us all. His journey is proof that with enough hard work and determination, anyone can overcome any obstacle. He stands as a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome even the most difficult of odds.

The Lost and Found

KShs1,300.00 KShs800.00
It can be incredibly difficult to keep going when the journey feels long and overwhelming. I understand the feeling of having nothing left to work with. It's easy to feel like giving up and to think that no matter how hard we try, it won't make a difference. But that is not true. Even in our darkest moments, we can find the strength to keep going and to create something new and beautiful. We can make a conscious effort to focus on positive thoughts and to take small steps towards our goals. We can remember that no matter what we have been through, we are still capable of achieving our dreams. Take some time to reflect on the journey you have been on so far. Celebrate the successes, learn from the mistakes, and recognize the strength and resilience that has gotten you this far. Remember that you have the power to create and foster something new in your life. Find the courage to keep going and to take one step at a time. You can do it.

Accounting for Secondary School

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,200.00
Accounting for Secondary Schools has been authored with design, precision, and accuracy by a qualified teacher and examiner to enable students taking Business Studies to understand and tackle accounting questions appropriately and easily in examinations. This book is elaborate with several examples that are simple and concise approaches and solutions that reinforce accounting knowledge. In addition, it has numerous questions at the end of every topic and some content on economics that require mathematical solutions. The topical questions are set in tandem with KCSE standards. It, therefore, guarantees excellence in the subject. Students who drop Business Studies in earlier years of secondary education attribute this decision to fear of accounting. This book is therefore authored with the hope that many students will be able to take Business Studies as An Optional Technical Subject forthright. This will also be directly proportional to the number of students pursuing accounting as a career in universities and colleges.

You have your tomorrow now

KShs1,300.00 KShs800.00
Living a life without purpose is like existing in a vacuum, with no reason to exist. Life can be filled with joy, beauty, and purpose when we take the time to appreciate the wonders of the world God has created. From the smallest wonders, like the dance of fireflies at night, to the grandest of miracles, like the birth of a new life, we can see the hand of God working in our lives. When we take the time to appreciate the beauty and mystery of creation, we are reminded of the importance of living fully and with purpose. By focusing on what matters most to us and striving to make the most of our lives, we can create a life full of meaning and purpose. We can learn to appreciate the gifts God has given us, and use them to help others and make the world a better place. We can become more mindful of the things around us, and use our time and energy in meaningful ways. When we recognize the purpose God has for our lives, we can live with an appreciation for the beauty and joy He has placed in our lives. By looking for the good in each day, we can find the motivation and inspiration to live a life full of purpose. We can use our gifts and talents to make a difference in the world and to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us. We can enjoy the simple moments of life, and be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. When we live with purpose, we can tap into the power and potential of our lives and make a difference in the world.

Life skills Matters

KShs800.00 KShs600.00
At times, what we think are set-backs are actually God's set-ups in handling the challenges facing adolescents. If the situation is overwhelming and you are feeling drained, remember that God is your hope, your light, your strength and your comforter. Evans Mwangi had a humble upbringing in rural Murang'a, Kenya, and his career in community work changed the course of his life. He now works with Christian and non-governmental organizations to address the needs of children and adolescents. Adolescence is a delicate period for adolescents, and it takes a lot of care and balancing to help them come out mature and responsible adults. As a parent or guardian, it is important to ask yourself what your child's responsibility is and what yours is. Your job is to hold them accountable and teach them how the real world works. This book addresses the 10 A's, which guide both adolescents and parents/guardians to focus on resolving adolescent crises, their needs, and to work together to help them through this period and come out of it in a win-win situation.

Of Scattered Tears

KShs700.00 KShs500.00
Scattered Tears’ is an anthology of 18 soothing poetries on the theme of ‘Love’. Love is a thin heavenly neutral line between smiles and tears. Not all relationships end with a ‘happy ever after’ and that is why this collection is here for you. To help you heal that broken heart. Heartbreak is real; heal and live happier. The poetries in this book are written with high professionalism that will leave you hungry for more. I have dedicated it to four main types of readers: 1. To those with broken hearts. I know you want to heal and live a happy life, this book is for you. 2. To those learning poetry. This anthology contains all the basics that you should know about poetry, including forms and styles. The next update of this book will contain a detailed analysis of each poem. 3. To those enjoying poetry. Sit tight and read this book. I do not doubt that you will enjoy every bit of it. The good news is that ‘Of Scattered Tears’ is a twin book of ‘Of Painted Smiles’. The twin books cover the two major spheres of love: Heartbreaks and Happiness. 4. To anyone and everyone who likes to read. I am a reading addict too. Writing this book has been easy. I love poetry and it mostly comes to me as a free-fall. It took me few days to research, days to write, months to compile, and just minutes to publish. An awesome experience, I should say. Heartbreaks break and burn the heart as well. Sometimes it may almost seem to be impossible to move on from it. It is very important to realize that with or without a heartbreak, life should move on, as long as you are breathing. This awesome collection of soothing poetry is here for you. Everything contained in this book is pure work of my imagination, thoughts, and perspectives. Prepare to enjoy yourself with this heart-fixer kit, learning aid, leisure book, call it however you want to.

The Incredible Alpha

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
This particular novel will stitch your mouth from talking to eating till you go through every sentence in each paragraph.

Barua kwa Moyo Wangu

KShs1,000.00 KShs500.00
  1. Dunia inapita kwa Kasi sana. Wakati nao hausimami. Jua nalo lakimbia. Ni hali hizi na nyingine ambazo zimemfanya binadamu kujipata katika tanzu zinazotatiza na changamoto changamano chungu nzima. Maradhi, siasa duni, ufisadi, dhiki, ushirikina, mateso, chuki, mauti, vita, elimu, uongozi mbaya, utamaduni, kisasi, wivu, ubaguzi, ugatuzi, afya, ulevi, shinikizo, bidii, ari, hiari, uvumilivu, subira, ufanisi, ushindi na mapenzi ni baadhi tu ya mambo yanayomkabili mlimwengu katika dunia yake.
Fasihi ndicho kioo au video aula ya kuyaweka makabiliano ya mja na ulimwengu hadharani. BARUA KWA MOYO WANGU na HADITHI NYINGINE ni fasihi iliyosukwa kwa ustadi ili kuyaweka wazi mapito ya mja tangu utotoni hadi ukubwani. Ni diwani ya kusomwa na mtoto ili aelewe maisha ya wazazi na mzazi aelewa maisha ya mtoto. Kiongozi akiisoma ataelewa mahitaji ya raia na raia atajua majukumu ya kiongozi. Hadithi zimesukwa kwa msuko na mnato. Misamiati,tamathali,fani na mbinu za Lugha zimetumika kumpa msomaji dira ya kumwongoza kuifahamu jamii yake vizuri. Waandishi ni walimu na watahini wa mitihani tajika nchini. Tajriba yao imejiweka wazi katika hadithi zao za kusoma na kusoma tena.

Tragedy on the mountain

KShs700.00 KShs500.00
Tragedy on the Mountain is a collection of thrilling and suspenseful short stories that transport readers to the treacherous and unpredictable world of adventure. Each story is crafted with care, introducing readers to complex characters and mysterious scenarios that will keep them on the edge of their seats. Whether it’s a gripping tale of a group of hikers scaling a treacherous mountain or a heart-stopping account of a daring ice-climbing expedition, Tragedy on the Mountain offers an exciting escape into the unknown. With vivid descriptions and captivating plotlines, each story is sure to keep readers engrossed and hungry for more. From the icy depths of an avalanche to the mysterious depths of a hidden cave, Tragedy on the Mountain will take readers on an unforgettable journey of suspense, mystery, and danger.

The Masked Dream

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
The storm was not over; it was just the beginning. Immediately the coast guards’ ships were swallowed into the horizon; a sailor in Kamau’s boat on the watch spotted a large boat approaching them from the back at high speed. The ship looked piratical. He raised the alarm to alert the other crew members.


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