Brief Summary
As the 1950s Mau Mau war breaks out in the foothills of Mt. Kenya, Wambũi, a fourteen-year-old girl leaves her besieged village to join a prestigious boarding school a half day’s journey away by train. There, she becomes aware of her extraordinary mathematical abilities discovered by her teacher, Eileen Atwood. Initially, Wambũi views Eileen’s attentions with suspicion and hostility, but over time, the two grow close and form a lifelong friendship. Unfortunately for Wambũi, the mid-twentieth century isn’t ready for a female math prodigy, particularly in Kenya.
But she quietly and defiantly takes on the obstacles seeking to define her, applying her unusual gifts in new directions, which ultimately benefits her impoverished family and inspires her siblings and their children to pursue their own dreams. After forty years in Kenya, Eileen unexpectedly loses her employment authorization and is forced to return to England, where she struggles to adjust to living in a country she barely recognizes. Meanwhile, Wambũi’s son, Ray, a doctor, navigates a fraught visa application process and travels to America to begin residency training; however, his hospital becomes insolvent and shuts down a year later. He and his colleagues are assimilated into other programs where, as foreign-born physicians, they endure relentless prejudice. As a black man, he also discovers that the streets of Chicago are sometimes quick to judge, with serious consequences.
A saga of family and friendship spanning five decades and three continents, 'The People of Ostrich Mountain' chronicles the interconnected lives of three outsiders as they navigate the vagaries of race, gender and immigration.
Omeno M. –
When Agape meets Eros in our mixed world the outcome is IRRESISTIBLE!
‘Irresistible’ by Larry Liza has three books in one that encompasses all areas of life thus making it a very wholesome read. The whole book marks the journey Larry has made for all the 20 years and more he has written these poems. He was actually four years old when he jotted down his first poem. It’s like a journal of trial and tribulations, sorrow and happiness…
The first book ‘Agape Love’ opened up with ‘Abort Me Not’ and I knew it’s no jokes here. The book deals with this relationship we have with God/Source/higher self…our actions and how it affects the dynamics of the relationship. It documents fully how from time to time we flit in and our of that relationship, how sometimes we feel far away from source yet so near, how
The second book ‘Eros’ gets very amorous and otherworldly. Obviously my favorite part of the book 🙈🙈🙈 This is the point that more poems than not were very relatable and easily digestible without taking the power away. From unrequited love, to lost love, those bodily cravings, to question the worth of a certain relationship…Larry voices our thoughts out well. Truly love related things are universal. ‘Will You Still Be Mine’ remains my most favorite piece in this book.
The last book ‘Mixed Blessings’ goes farther out into the world as it touches on climate change, breast cancer, war, genocide, death, hunger and even Mandela has been immortalized here. The last poem on Rwanda left me palpitating 🥺
From some poems here I know understand why some people shy away from poetry. Coughs! They were like Greek. But overall I did understand and feel most.
Liza is definitely not afraid to go in deep and gave this book his all. This book was truly a labour of love from him to us.
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Book totally worth your time and money, it’ll nourish you in more ways than not. This was truly a mixed blessing!