Showing 1–20 of 861 results

Creative Chemistry Form 1 Workbook

KShs1,100.00 KShs1,000.00
Creative Chemistry Form 1 Workbook is the best selling Form 1 revision book now in Kenya. It has been proven by National Schools Students that it is the best. It has all you need in KCSE revision.

Creative Chemistry Form 2 Workbook

KShs1,300.00 KShs1,250.00
Creative Chemistry Form 2 Workbook is the best selling Form 2 revision book now in Kenya. It has been proven by National Schools Students that it is the best. It has all you need in KCSE revision.

Creative Chemistry Form 4 Workbook

KShs1,400.00 KShs1,300.00
Creative Chemistry Practical Workbook is the best selling Form 4 revision book now in Kenya. It has been proven by National Schools Students that it is the best. It has all you need in KCSE practical revision.

Creative Chemistry Form 4 Workbook

KShs1,350.00 KShs1,300.00
Creative Chemistry Form 4 Workbook is the best selling Form 4 revision book now in Kenya. It has been proven by National Schools Students that it is the best. It has all you need in KCSE revision.

Mimi Na Rais (The President and I) by...

Joseph Kaduma, Shushushu na Mwanadiplomasia nguli anaingia katika sintofahamu kubwa kati yake na Rais Sylvester Costa wa Jamhuri ya watu wa Stanza.Joe, kama wengi walivyozoea kumuita serikalini ni muhanga kama walivyo wengi nchini humo kutokana na utawala dhalimu, usiozingatia misingi ya utawala bora na haki, uliojaa rushwa na unyanyasaji wa kila aina chini ya Rais Costa. Katika kuaminiwa kimashaka na Rais Costa, Joe anapewa kazi ya kurudisha mahusiano ya kidiplomasia kati ya Stanza na Korea Kaskazini na akiitumia nafasi hii yeye akiongoza baadhi ya marafiki zake waliopo ndani ya serikali na Idara ya Usalama wa Taifa wanaamua kujaribu kuleta mabadiliko ya kiuongozi nchini Stanza. Rais Sylvester Costa anawashtukia na hapo anaanza kuwawinda Joe na genge lake lote ili alimalize kwa kutaka kuleta usaliti dhidi yake. Joe anaingia kwenye vita kubwa ya kuokoa maisha yake, familia yake, rafiki zake na mali zake dhidi ya mkono wa Rais dhalimu Sylvester Costa. Ni ama yeye ama Rais.

Tausi and Taji; A Sneak-peek to Amazi...

KShs990.00 KShs939.99
Join Tausi and Taji on an exciting day filled with outdoor fun and new discoveries in "Adventures with Officer Latifah"! Through engaging storytelling and vibrant illustrations, children will learn about the important roles that law enforcement officers and other security team members play in keeping our communities safe. Officer Latifah explains complex concepts in simple terms, making it easy for young readers to understand the different job titles and duties within the police force. This delightful book not only entertains but also educates children about the significance of law enforcement, encouraging respect and curiosity about these vital careers. Perfect for young readers interested in exploring different professions, "Adventures with Officer Latifah" is a must-read for any child's career exploration journey.

KISASI BARIDI by Rutere Shenver

KISASI BARIDI ni riwaya ambayo baadhi ya wahusika wake wanasaka kisasi kwa kuti na mauti. Wana hamu ya kulipiza kisasi kikiwa kingali moto kisije kikapoa na kuwa baridi.

IMARISHA USHAIRI by Rutere Shenver

Utafiti umedhihirisha kuwa matokeo ya ushairi wa kiswahili miongoni mwa wanafunzi umekuwa ukidorora siku baada ya siku kutokana na madai kuwa ushairi ni utanzu mgumu ulio na istilahi nyingi tatanishi. IMARISHA USHAIRI ni kitabu kinachochanganua ushairi wa kiswahili kwa njia rahisi na ya kuvutia. Kimefafanua ushairi kwa kina na kutoa vielelezo vya kutosha. Isitoshe, kimekusanya msururu wa mitihani ya kitaifa; maswali pamoja na majibu

USHANGA by Rutere Shenver

  • Ushanga ni riwaya inayosimulia kuhusu safari ya kusaka ushanga wa adhama kubwa wa kifalme ambao unazua mtafaruku mkubwa na kuchonganisha falme nyingi. Kupotea kwa ushanga huu kunasababisha matatizo si haba.

The Extinction of Menai: A Novel (Mod...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,600.00
In the early 1980s, a pharmaceutical company administers an unethical drug trial to residents of the Niger Delta village of Kreektown. When children die as a result of the trial, the dominoes of language extinction and cultural collapse begin to topple. Decades later the end looms for the Menai people. Continents-apart twin brothers separated at birth, an excommunicated daughter living an urbane life with her doctor husband, and an infamous vigilante are among the indelible characters whose lives are shaped by this collective tragedy. Not least of these is the spiritual leader Mata Nimito, who retraces his people’s ancient migration on his quest to preserve the soul of the Menai and resolve the consequences of a centuries-old betrayal. In The Extinction of Menai, Chuma Nwokolo moves across time and continents to deliver a story that speaks to urgent contemporary concerns. He confronts power relations between large corporations and small communities, corporate lobbies and governments, and big pharma and consumers, all expressed through the competing narratives that record the life and death of a civilization.In a novel of stunning scope, Chuma Nwokolo moves across time and place to deliver a story that speaks to urgent contemporary concerns. His characters’ indelible voices offer perspectives that are simultaneously global, political, and intimately human.


KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
In this Anthology, I show that the disciplines of Theology, Science and Philosophy have parted ways for millennia; making the understanding of the Universe problematic as is today; leading to my suggestion that they need to synergize in the 21st Century by embracing the abductive rather than the inductive Scientific Method of Bacon that has been embraced for such a long time. Furthermore, I take a detailed look at why and how nature is deceitful about the true reality and hereby propound a new equation that unifies the physical and quantum realms in the universe as was the last wish of Professor Albert Einstein. Equally, I also delve into the mysteries that shroud the black Moors and Egyptian Pharaohs; positing that they may have been from Kakamega Forest in Kenya contrary to the standard narrative by Egyptologists and western archaeologists and historians that blacks had nothing to do with Egypt. Lastly, I take a look at the female breast and associate its conical shape to that of the mysterious universe following the big bang and also the shape of the pineal gland that is man's third eye and center of knowledge and wisdom; positing that it might be a hidden coach of man and may be critical for societal enlightenment as might have been foreseen by the sculptors of nude female statues displayed prominently in public spaces across the globe in medieval times.

New Horizons of Poems by Maria Kegode


“New Horizons” is a tapestry of poems, where readers are invited on a journey through the myriad experiences that sculpt our lives. From the gentle touch of a petal to the roar of a storm, these poems convey the spirit of our daily interactions with the world around us. With a reflective eye, the collection looks at AI's growing influence both now and in the future.

"New Horizons" is a celebration of diversity, a tribute to the complex fabric of cultures and identities that make up our world. It encourages everyone to pursue their full potential. It empowers women, encouraging them to pursue their aspirations, and it looks to the youth with hope, recognizing their role as the architects of tomorrow. This collection of poems is a gentle reminder of the beauty and resilience that exists within and around us.

The Ghost of Sani Abacha by Chuma Nwo...

A collection of 26 Short Stories set in Sani Abacha's Nigeria.

The Money Pressure by Matata Hassan

KShs650.00 KShs450.00
In this gripping tale, four young graduates in search of employment resort to robbing people during the day in order to survive. The story follows their adventures as the move from one city to another trying to evade the law and trying to make as much money as they can. The protagonists are faced with difficult moral choices to justify their actions to themselves and each other. Will they ever find a way out of their desperate situation? This book will keep you on the edge of your seat as you follow the lives of these daring day robbers. In this amazing anthology, you get a chance to interact with amazing African short stories narrated by Africans. It cover a wide range of thematic concerns from different authorial perspective hence portraying diversity in African Literature.

Fractured By The Weight by Lavin Owende

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Fractured by the weight is a five chapter poetry collection that touches on the struggles endured in our day to day lives. The challenges of our youth, our mental health battles, dealing with grief due to the loss of a loved one, the scars we carry from our past trauma and the hope we find from seeking assistance from God

Arise and shine, for your light has c...

KShs1,200.00 KShs950.00
This book challenges us to become better and excellent in the gifts, talents and experiences that we are all endowed with, or have developed over the years. It provokes us to arise out of the status quo and make the most of the time and opportunities before us.

Analytical Study – Father of Na...

The study book offers insightful analysis of the novel Fathers of Nations by exploring the diverse style, thought-provoking themes, and rich character traits, providing reader with a deep understanding of the whole text. From captivating chapter summaries to in-depth examinations of literary techniques, this book serves as an indispensable companion for both teachers and students alike. By providing detailed analyses and discussions of literary techniques, this book aims to enrich reader's interpretations and facilitate meaningful discussions in both educational and personal contexts. It appears to be a priceless tool for anyone looking to engage more deeply with the text and gain a better understanding of it.

7 Keys To Success by Bishop Peter Ndungu

"Discover the time-tested secrets to unlocking your potential and achieving success with Bishop Peter Ndungu's insightful guide, '7 Keys to Success.' Dive into the mindset of successful individuals and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Don't miss out on this transformative read!"


KShs655.00 KShs600.00
This guide book provides comprehensive analysis of the novel 'Fathers of Nations' by Paul B. Vitta. In particular, the book covers: 1. Relevance of the title. 2. Setting 3. Synopsis. 4. Chapter summary and analysis. 5. Themes. 6. Character and characterization 7. Literary styles used in the novel. 8. Sample KCSE essay questions and answers. 9. Sample KCSE excerpt questions and answers.


KShs850.00 KShs750.00
The book has: 1. Step by step guide on the art of composition writing. 2. Finely refined teaching and learning notes on composition writing. 3. Samples of well written imaginative compositions. 4. Past K. C. S. E. imaginative composition questions. 5. Composition practice questions.