Showing 1–20 of 178 results

Lake Victoria and Riparian; Cultural ...

This book examines the cultural practices of Lake Victoria communities in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya, focusing on their ecological prudence and resource conservation strategies. These communities have long-standing traditions of conserving resources to ensure their long-term availability. When resources were depleted, they would move to other areas, allowing regeneration to occur. The study involved interviews with community sages and elders, observations, and workshop discussions. A comprehensive literature review was conducted prior to field interviews to gather information and identify research gaps. Lake Victoria, which sustains approximately 30 million people, has fostered peaceful coexistence and cultural exchange among different ethnic groups. Common practices, such as belief in totems, have been adopted across the region, leading to the conservation of animals and trees. Strong kingdoms like Buganda and Busoga enforced conservation through royal decrees, while chiefdoms in Sukuma and Ukerewe areas had similar traditions. Cultural leaders implemented limited hunting and fishing seasons to promote animal and fish reproduction. Forests, wetlands, and beaches were considered sacred and served as habitats for animals while protecting the surrounding vegetation. Population pressures were eased through migration to open lands, although present land tenure laws have limited this practice. Different communities had varying land tenure systems, including the Nyarubanja pattern, Mailo system, and communal lands administered by elders, which helped control soil erosion and floods through collective efforts. Noteworthy cultural sites include the Budhaghali rapids, cherished by the Basoga people, with surrounding forests preserved due to their sacred significance. Traditional conservation methods involved the use of ash for food preservation, tobacco leaves to eliminate ticks, and hippopotamus dung for treating fungal diseases in crops. Non-destructive hunting and fishing tools were employed, while hand-hoes made from homemade iron prevented soil erosion. Overall, the book presents a rich exploration of the cultural practices that have sustained resource conservation in the Lake Victoria region, providing insights into traditional knowledge and approaches that can inform contemporary conservation efforts.

Political Marketing Strategies :Globa...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
The book offers refreshing and unique insight into multidisciplinary subject of political marketing. It explores political persuasion and strategies in the era of disruptive technology including social media and Artificial intelligence. It is valuable for Researchers ,marketing strategists, communication specialists, elected leaders, political candidates, and political science undergraduate and post graduate students in Universities.

Close Call in Mogadishu By Mark Agutu

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Wednesday, May 4, 2005 had all the hallmarks of a wonderful day. The sun was up by 6am, peeking cheerfully over the Indian Ocean in the horizon, its rays kicking up beautiful sparkles in the watery expanse. This was meant to be a memorable day. The day new Prime Minister Ali Gedi would, in person, address the Somali people in a rally at the Mogadishu National Stadium. He had arrived in the battle-scarred city a few days earlier. The purpose of this trip was clear. He was to assess suitability of Mogadishu as the possible seat of the Somalia Transitional Federal Government (TFG) led by President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed when it relocates home from Nairobi. Gedi had spent the days following his arrival in energy-sapping whirlwind tours, meeting and negotiating with notorious warlords, determined to win heir backing for the new government. When the rally finally got going under a relentless midday sun it quickly turned into a festival, a colourful jamboree. The stadium heaved and pulsated with excitement, song and dance as the jubilant Somalis celebrated what they hoped was the arrival of a new dawn in their country, the dawn of peace and stability. Then, as Gedi was addressing the multitude, an explosion ripped through the stadium, bringing the event to a shuddering stop. When the dust finally settled, many lay dead, dismembered by the explosion, as scores of others writhed on the ground, fatally wounded. Gedi emerged unscathed and was whisked off to safety.

I Am Her: Tales about life, love and ...

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,500.00
I am Her is a fictional journey through the lives of three women who are so different, yet the same at their core. They share about their lives, loves and legacy. There are different mothers and mothers-to-be who will pick this up and see themselves in the stories of Azalea, Hazel and Rose. There are many other people, women or men, who will see themselves in the stories of their families, friends and colleagues.

BLINDPILOT- Beyond the Boundaries of ...

KShs1,300.00 KShs1,000.00
Blindpilot is an extraordinary memoir unveiling the awe-inspiring life of Daniel Odongo, a visionary who shattered the limitations, defied expectations, and left an indelible mark on aviation despite his blindness. Embark on unforgettable journey as Daniel Odongo narrates his path to becoming a pilot, triumphing over challenges and societal norms. This captivating memoir immerses you in the exhilarating of flight revealing the extraordinary depth of human potential.

The Empirical Value of a Legacy Estat...

A business Finance and Investment strategy book showcasing alternative strategy on handling bequeathed legacy estates amongst the BAME group.

Sacred Spaces: Altars as Points of Di...

Sacred Spaces: Altars as Points of Divine Encounter and Transformation" invites readers on a profound journey into the heart of spiritual connection. In this illuminating exploration, the author delves into the ancient and universal practice of creating altars as focal points for communion with the divine.

Dreams Birthed In Adversity By Simon ...

This book is a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever felt lost or defeated. Through the story of a man who overcame poverty, loss, and seemingly insurmountable challenges, it ignites the possibility of achieving any dream, regardless of circumstance. Whether you're a student facing setbacks, a worker battling hardship, or simply someone yearning for a brighter future, this book reminds you that hope is always a choice, and dreams can blossom even in the harshest soil.

African Woman the Powerful Victim by ...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,300.00
Mbaye Birome Diouf is a seasoned Author. The author holds a Doctorate degree in security management. He holds other degrees in Leadership, Diplomacy, and Crisis Management. He strongly believes in and is committed to advancing the cause of women.


KShs1,980.00 KShs1,680.00
Gender and Climate Adaptation in Community Development Projects 2020 edition  is a simplified guide for students and trainers in gender and climate courses. The book provides ideal framework for approaching learning and training of gender and climate change issues in development interventions. The book further helps the reader to link gender, climate change issues with sustainable development. In a simple, clear and logical structure, the book helps the reader to connect climate change adaptation issues and gender inequality. It articulate the the process of mainstreaming gender and climate adaptation issues in development project cycle. Who May benefit from this Book. Besides students and lecturers, practitioners such as trainers, consultants, development projects and programme managers, policy makers, researchers, human rights advocates and lobyists, curriculum developers, legislators, community mobilizers among others may find this book helpful. The book is published by PSI Consultants the leaders in project and community development consultancy. It is developed around nine chapters and glossary of terms.


KShs2,000.00 KShs1,800.00
HR Practice: A Rear View with Salome Gitoho is a book that presents you with real experiences that highlight how the discipline of HR is an integral factor of production, even today when IT has revolutionized the workplace. The experiences and lessons in this book will help you navigate the intricacies of Human Resource Management and derive maximum benefits. The book, written in a storytelling genre tells stories of various HR practices, joys, challenges, and lessons learned as an HR practitioner and what Salome would do today, in hindsight. It is a practical case study for managerial and leadership lessons in the workplace.

Adaptive Leadership by John Wanguba

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Until mid 1980s, doing business in Kenya was relatively easy. The Exchange Control was in place to enforce the protectionist policy of the day, so buyers of goods had to learn to put up with what was locally available. Accordingly, it was possible to register sustained growth even when decisions that guided the company were made by an individual at the top, in an environment that depended on reactive structures. Then things changed with the repealing of the Exchange Control Act, exposing us to external competition. Ever since, captains of industry have found themselves contending with a volatile, uncertain and complex environment that makes market reality a moving target. And overtime, there have been more and more factors that impact negatively on businesses, making it harder to keep afloat, much less thrive. This book is about how to develop transformational leaders, creative individuals who, among other things, involve as many employees as possible in decision making in an effort to keep the business responsive to continuously changing circumstances.

Rich Dropouts Poor Graduates by Hunni...

KShs2,135.00 KShs999.00
RICH DROPOUTS POOR GRADUATES is the explorative work by the young man Winston Churchill. H., a.k.a Hunnington Hill, a contemporary of Winston Churchill the great. This is the original copy of the book, with Hunnington’s depiction of how a powerful mind REGARDLESS OF INTELLECT can allow you to see beyond the limiting constructs of reality and gain control over your life. After turning the world into a big classroom and learning from it, Hunnington Hill uncovered the secrets of knowledge and presents the notion that a powerful mind can determine how powerful and successful you become. This book will change your life if you truly internalize the knowledge and understanding within it. It will help you develop a powerful mind that can break beyond any limits and achieve whichever goals you set, all fueled by a power within you.

Purple Cow: Transform Your Business b...

Urging you to put a Purple Cow into everything you build and everything you do to create something truly noticeable this book is a manifesto for anyone who wants to help create products and services that are worth marketing in the first place By Seth Godin

GRIT: Why passion and resilience are ...

UNLOCK THE KEY TO SUCCESS WITH JP MORGAN S BEST SUMMER READ OF In this must read for anyone seeking to succeed pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth takes us on an eye opening journey to discover the true qualities that lead to outstanding... By Angela Duckworth

The Art Of People

In a world where we are constantly connected it s those with the best people skills who win the day Those who build the right relationships Those who Only understand and connect with their colleagues their customers their partners Those who others... By Dave Kerpen

Colour & Doodle Book Assorted

Explore your artistic side with this colouring book for adults - because colouring-in is not just a hobby for kids! A collection of beautifully designed line drawn illustrations, to help colour and doodle the stress away! A wonderful colouring... By North Parade Publishing

The Concise Mastery

Around the globe people are facing the same problem that we are born as individuals but are forced to conform to the rules of society if we want to succeed This title builds on the strategies outlined in The Laws of Power to provide a practical... By Robert Greene

Simplify: How the best businesses in ...

For the past forty years, Richard Koch has worked to uncover simple and elegant principles which govern business success. To qualify, a principle must be so overwhelmingly powerful that anyone can reliably apply it to generate extraordinary... By Richard Koch