Zawadi series- the Bitter sweet and o...

Zawadi and her siblings hate carrying packed lunch to school. The siblings envy their friends who buy snacks from the school canteen. On sports day, their mother surprises them with money to buy lunch. Zawadi is thrilled. For once she will be like... By Gichuru

Zawadi series-The Scary trip and othe...

Zawadi Series Stories that teach life skills These are series of stories for children aged 12 -14 years (Standard 7-8). They help teenage children handle challenges. In an attempt to ‘impress’ her Standard Seven peers at Gachie Primary School, Z By Gichuru

Zawadi series- the Other side and oth...

Zawadi envies her friend Dorothy, for she has many dresses, pairs of shoes and bags. Zawadis shoes and clothes are only replaced when they can no longer be repaired. On Dorothys birthday, Dorothy deliberately hides Zawadis invitation card. To attend By Gichuru