Mathematics – Space and Measure...

Schofield & Sims Get Set Early Years is a comprehensive and engaging early years scheme that aims to bridge the gap between play and formal learning, helping all children to become school-ready by the end of Reception. Comprising twelve activity... By Schofield & Sims

Mathematics – Shape and Pattern...

Schofield & Sims Get Set Early Years is a comprehensive and engaging early years scheme that aims to bridge the gap between play and formal learning, helping all children to become school-ready by the end of Reception. Comprising twelve activity... By Schofield & Sims

Mathematics – Space and Measure...

Schofield & Sims Get Set Early Years is a comprehensive and engaging early years scheme that aims to bridge the gap between play and formal learning, helping all children to become school-ready by the end of Reception. Comprising twelve activity... By Schofield & Sims

Mathematics – Shape and Pattern...

Schofield & Sims Get Set Early Years is a comprehensive and engaging early years scheme that aims to bridge the gap between play and formal learning, helping all children to become school-ready by the end of Reception. Comprising twelve activity... By Schofield & Sims