Showing 21–40 of 1272 results

Amariogo Y’Omogusii

KShs600.00 KShs500.00
This book introduces nostalgic herbal remedies which cascades into the present realm of medicinal application outside the current conventional medicine. Herbal medicine is the oldest present form of treatment ever applied in mankind. It is as old as man, God instructed Adam and Eve to eat from any fruit tree in the garden, but spare only one at the centre. The fruits and trees were medicine. Quite many of the modern medicine are derived from the natural vegetation. The vegetation act as food for man as well as medicine. There were no modern hospital facilities then; this came along with the advancement of Science and Technology. Most countries globally now use herbal medicine infused with technological innovation for rapid result. Herbal medicine has less negative effects to both man and animals, their administration is also simple and fast sometimes it can be taken directly or as food. For generations Omogusii has used this form of treatment to manage many diseases they encountered on the way as they sojourned to the present settlement. Some ailments were life threatening and broke out in large scale which occassionally were unmanageable. However through herbal medicine, diseases like Cholera, Yellow fever, dysentery and many others which had snowballed into calamities were controlled and contained. Therefore this book has tried to sample the types of ailments which were prevalent and are still of concern together with the herbal administration applied. Although the authors may not have exhausted all the information, an hunch has been left for further research. The book i s written in Ekegusii for that is the target group even though it can be used universally with little language interpretation and translation. Inconclussion therefore this book is very appropriate and handy in administration of herbal medicine.

Labor of love by Nancy W. Wanjohi

KShs3,500.00 KShs3,300.00
Labor of love when you love 💕 some one or you'll do all it takes to get that person close to you. That's the labor of love.

Lion King by Nancy W. Wanjohi

KShs3,500.00 KShs3,200.00
The confidence of the Lion 🦁 should be emulated even in danger the Lion is ready to defend it's territory.


KShs1,500.00 KShs1,000.00
  • DAY OF BREAD AND OTHER STORIES is a compilation of 17 interesting, thrilling, captivating and enchanting African stories written to provoke , condemn, correct, annoy and entertain the reader. It cuts across diverse themes like marriage, divorce, religion, cattle raiding, love, cultural differences, cults and occults among many more. The book leaves the reader in suspense, yearning for more. The book is WYCLIFFE ODHIAMBO's debut, incorporating Babu Juma.

Biblical Wisdom in Proverbs of Abagus...

KShs800.00 KShs700.00
Abagusii have a rich oral tradition that, among other things, is captured by the proverbs in their language of Ekegusii. The proverbs speak to a wide range of subjects and situations, and many of them capture their spiritual disposition. Indeed, like all communities across the world, Abagusii had very clear ideas of the world and how it worked, including any phenomena they encountered. This forms the core of Biblical Wisdom in Abagusii Proverbs. By means of illustration, using one hundred proverbs from Ekegusii, the author contrasts the proverbs and their meaning with situations captured in the Christian Bible. While the overlap in spiritual beliefs of Abagusii and the texts in various parts of the Bible may be wider than captured in this work, the author makes the case that Abagusii were deeply religious and likely as much spiritual as the Bible depicts.

Stoning the Devil of War in Sudan: Re...

African Nonfiction sociopolitical book dealing with the recent military conflict in Sudan. The book covers contextual cases from across Africa including Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and South Sudan.

Perching The Ibis has landed Environm...

KShs1,100.00 KShs900.00
This books explores environmental degradation through the mind of the noisy ibis which according to the author laments the wanton encroachment and destruction of animal and for that matter habitat and the ecosystem through pollution of water sources, cutting of trees for human developments thus depriving the bird of places to nest, breed, feed or perch. The ibis gives a raft of measures mankind should consider through a memorandum on the way forward. The ibis attempts to describe some of the encroachment on her space through the raucous noise of disdain and protest ....its ribcracking but an informative read

The Making of a Revolution

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,600.00
In the tapestry of human existence, the threads of conflict and its complex manifestations have woven themselves into the very fabric of our history and culture. This anthology, a collection of diverse essays written across various times and contexts, invites you to explore the multifaceted nature of conflict through different lenses. These essays may seem disparate in origin, but they share a common foundation—the theme of conflict and change. As you journey through the pages of this book, you will encounter the thoughts, perspectives, and insights of an author who grapples with the enduring presence of conflict in our lives. Drawing inspiration from the ancient philosophers of Greece to modern-day sociologists, each essay offers a unique vantage point on the human experience of conflict, revealing its profound impact on our societies, relationships, and inner selves. The essays within these pages, while diverse in style and approach, share a unifying thread—a commitment to exploring the depths of conflict and its profound significance. They challenge us to confront the discomforting truths about the human condition, encouraging introspection and dialogue. In this anthology, you will encounter various narratives of conflicting situations, philosophical musings on morality, sociological analyses of societal tensions, and personal reflections on the battles within. As you navigate this collection, I invite you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of human conflict, understanding that it is both the source of strife and the crucible in which our resilience and growth are forged.


KShs1,000.00 KShs750.00
This is a story about James, who grew up in the African countryside mother who was driven by determination, perseverance, love, mastery, commitment and devotion to achieve his career goals.


KShs1,000.00 KShs750.00
This is a story set in the African countryside and is about a mother who is driven by love, devotion, diligence, determination, teamwork and entrepreneurship to provide a better future for her family.


KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
Marriage has been considered the most important stage in the life of a Luo and has been a springboard to many other stages and privileges for a member of the community. Not Without My Water Pot is an attempt at providing a deeper understanding of why marriage is accorded such reverence amongst the Luo. This ground-breaking book explores the intricacies of the Luo cultural marriage practices and shows how every detail was carefully planned and executed amidst community-wide celebrations. Discover the traditions and beliefs that guide the Luo on love and relationships, including how the selection of a bride could make or break an entire lineage. Learn how Mikayi - the first wife and matriarch in the home - was an institution unto herself, standing as the point of reference on matters in the home. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the diversity and richness of Luo culture. It serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and will be a key reference for our future generations.

Times and Tides: A story and a rough ...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
In my Book, TIMES & TIDES; The Struggles of a continent are pertinent issues that should be checked into detail with a lot of keenness and deep indulgence. For over the years our nations have maintained a downward trend in growth and development in all dimensions; Socio-Cultural, Economic and political. These are the root of the African Problem. Everything else emanates from it The African continent has been faced with several struggles among which are wars, coups leading to destabilization, a rigged democracy and an overburdened citizen. Despite, the problem being African a bigger stake of it was caused by the intrusion of the white colonialists. But has thrived so well amidst African leaders who chose to benefit from the aperture of opportunity rather than strive for the common good of the society. Culture Stability is the greatest strength of the society, it dictates every dimensions that a people trek upon. It informs our governance systems as well as our economies. He that controls your culture has had a great control over your freedom. Our Cultures as the African societies have been discredited and showcased to be weak, barbaric and backward. This has led to loss of confidence in it by the people from African descent. But a people with such a rich history in their sculpture is in no way backward. Several attempts to stamp authority on Africans have been put into place by the opulent west, there has been rampant intrusion of our education systems, Faith structures such that our polytheistic religions that brought a commendable sense to Africans, a divine places that the Black people sought refuge is nolonger sacred. These intrusions further into our cultural systems leading discrediting our cultural practices have affected Africans greatly. And in all of their attempts they have succeeded. The Major World Body, the UN as currently constituted is biased and under-represented. The UN Security Council is a powerful branch of the UN with a composition of five permanent Heads with Veto powers but among them, No African Nation is a member. Are Africans less citizens of this world as compared to the rest of the races? Democracy despite being a blessing to the world it has had a fair share of problems affecting the Continent. It is a very expensive form of governance, that makes the society so invested into the process than the result, it has been a major cause of civil disruptions leading to violence and loss of lives. Is it time to delve into other avenues of governance? The African People are better united than in different segmentations of single state Nations with different currencies, Security forces us dilapidated economic Power. With the autonomy ammased by African individual nations, the continent should seek further avenues of coming together for the betterment of her people, either in a confederacy or a federal systems. That will be the beginning to the end of the African Problems.


KShs1,500.00 KShs1,450.00
This book is useful for future generations to engage, learn and connect with their culture. It is suitable for readers of all ages and is an excellent introduction to the customs and culture of the Dinka people of South Sudan.