Showing 421–440 of 1211 results

Building Better Boards A Blueprint fo...

KShs4,999.00 KShs4,750.00
Brief Summary No More Rubber Stamps Dominant corporate CEOs once saw their boards as the rubber stamps they needed to implement their favorite programs. Changes in corporate governance standards, company scandals in Europe and the U.S., and new challenges to executive authority have altered that attitude. Shareholders and the public now question what corporate boards should do for their companies and how they should manage their relationships with executive management. Boards can deal with this increased scrutiny either by providing the minimum oversight mandated by the stock exchanges and various regulatory bodies, or by making a more significant contribution to their corporations by exercising their collective experience and expertise. Under the old minimum standard approach, the board oversaw the audit committee and the ethics code, but little else. ISBN:9780787981808 Author:David A. Nadler, Beverly Behan and Mark Nadler

50 Management Ideas You Really Need t...

KShs1,999.00 KShs1,900.00
Brief Summary The fourth title in the Quercus Ideas You Really Need to Know series demystifies the management concepts that any budding entrepreneur would want to grasp. The 50 bite-sized topics expound the wisdom of the well-known business gurus (from Peters and Porter to Welch and Gates), explain helpful theories and tools (Ansoff's Product/Market grid, the 4Ps, Boston Matrix), expand on management ideas (branding, outsourcing, supply and demand) and cover the latest commercial concepts from the online world. ISBN:9781847240095 Author:Edward Russell Walling

Guide to the Management Gurus by Caro...

KShs2,299.00 KShs2,185.00
Brief Summary The ten additional full-length entries range from classic gurus such as Henry Gantt and the Gilbreth time-and-motion pioneers to the latest thinkers influencing 21st-century business, including Clayton Christensen, master of innovation theory, and Karen Stephenson with her ground-breaking insights into human networks. The lives and work of more than 55 gurus are covered in clear and accessible style, along with penetrating analysis of their ideas and influence on management. Guide to the Management Gurus has sold around the world since its first publication in 1991, and has been translated into more than 15 languages, including Russian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese. ISBN:9781905211029 Author:Carol Kennedy

Twelve Management Skills For Success ...

KShs1,799.00 KShs1,710.00
Brief Summary The book can also be used as a learning tool and readymade training material for managers and supervisors to acquire core management skills at low cost and in a short time by governmental and business organisations. ISBN:9788130901848 Author:Ram Narain

Competitive Strategy by Michael Porter

KShs5,000.00 KShs4,800.00
Brief Summary Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors Now nearing its 60th printing in English and translated into nineteen languages, Michael E. Porter's Competitive Strategy has transformed the theory, practice, and teaching of business strategy throughout the world. Electrifying in its simplicity -- like all great breakthroughs -- Porter's analysis of industries captures the complexity of industry competition in five underlying forces. Porter introduces one of the most powerful competitive tools yet developed: his three generic strategies -- lowest cost, differentiation, and focus -- which bring structure to the task of strategic positioning. He shows how competitive advantage can be defined in terms of relative cost and relative prices, thus linking it directly to profitability, and presents a whole new perspective on how profit is created and divided. In the almost two decades since publication, Porter's framework for predicting competitor behavior has transformed the way in which companies look at their rivals and has given rise to the new discipline of competitor assessment. More than a million managers in both large and small companies, investment analysts, consultants, students, and scholars throughout the world have internalized Porter's ideas and applied them to assess industries, understand competitors,, and choose competitive positions. The ideas in the book address the underlying fundamentals of competition in a way that is independent of the specifics of the ways companies go about competing. Competitive Strategy has filled a void in management thinking. It provides an enduring foundation and grounding point on which all subsequent work can be built. By bringing a disciplined structure to the question of how firms achieve superior profitability, Porter's rich frameworks and deep insights comprise a sophisticated view of competition unsurpassed in the last quarter-century. ISBN:9780743260886 Author:Michael Porter

Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba

KShs1,299.00 KShs1,235.00
Brief Summary Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur. I am witnessing a phenomenon. It seems as though a growing group women entrepreneurs all around the world has discovered the secret to success and happiness in both their lives and careers. It's almost as though there is a hidden, underground world of power playing females who have all cracked a magical code: they think positively, they support one another, and they truly believe they can have it all -and you can, too. There is something dynamic that happens when women genuinely show up for each other. When we lose the facades, when we cut the bullsh*t, and when we truly have each other’s backs. When we stop pretending everything is perfect, and we show the messy, beautiful parts of ourselves and our work that all look awfully similar. When we talk about our fears, our missteps, and our breakdowns. And most importantly, when we share our celebrations, our breakthroughs, and dish on what works. There is no reason to hoard information, connections, or insight. Wisdom is meant to be shared, so let's start sharing what we've learned to make each other better. Let's start building each other up. Let's live up to our potential and start ruling the world. GIRL CODE is a roadmap for female entrepreneurs, professional women, "side hustlers" (those with a day job who are building a business on the side), and anyone in between who wants to become a better woman. This book will not teach you how to build a multimillion dollar business. It won't teach you about systems or operational processes. But it will teach you how to build confidence in yourself, reconnect with your "why," eradicate jealousy, and ultimately learn the power of connection. Because at the end of the day, that's what life and business is all about. ISBN:9780692492604 Author:Cara Alwill Leyba

Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable ...

KShs3,500.00 KShs3,099.00
In his latest page-turning work of business fiction, best-selling author Patrick Lencioni provides readers with another powerful and thought-provoking book, this one centered around a cure for the most painful yet underestimated problem of modern business: bad meetings. And what he suggests is both simple and revolutionary. Casey McDaniel, the founder and CEO of Yip Software, is in the midst of a problem he created, but one he doesn't know how to solve. And he doesn't know where or who to turn to for advice. His staff can't help him; they're as dumbfounded as he is by their tortuous meetings. Then an unlikely advisor, Will Peterson, enters Casey's world. When he proposes an unconventional, even radical, approach to solving the meeting problem, Casey is just desperate enough to listen. As in his other books, Lencioni provides a framework for his groundbreaking model, and makes it applicable to the real world. "Death by Meeting" is nothing short of a blueprint for leaders who want to eliminate waste and frustration among their teams, and create environments of engagement and passion.

Market Wizards Interviews with Top Tr...

KShs4,000.00 KShs3,790.00
Brief Summary The world's top trader's reveal the secrets of their phenomenal success! How do the world's most successful traders amass tens, hundreds of millions of dollars a year? Are they masters of an occult knowledge, lucky winners in a random market lottery, natural-born virtuosi—Mozarts of the markets? In search of an answer, bestselling author Jack D. Schwager interviewed dozens of top traders across most financial markets. While their responses differed in the details, all of them could be boiled down to the same essential formula: solid methodology + proper mental attitude = trading success. In Market Wizards Schwager lets you hear, in their own words, what those super-traders had to say about their unprecedented successes, and he distils their responses down into a set of guiding principles you can use to become a trading star in your own right. • Features interviews with superstar money-makers including Bruce Kovner, Richard Dennis, Paul Tudor Jones, Michel Steinhardt, Ed Seykota, Marty Schwartz, Tom Baldwin, and more • Tells the true stories behind sensational trading coups, including the one about the trader who turned $30,000 into $80 million, the hedge fund manager who's averaged 30% returns every year for the past twenty-one years, and the T-bond futures trader who parlayed $25,000 into $2 billion in a single day! ISBN:9781118273050 Author:Jack D Schwager

Learn to Earn A Beginners Guide to th...

KShs1,799.00 KShs1,710.00
Brief Summary Mutual-fund superstar Peter Lynch and author John Rothchild explain the basic principles of the stock market and business in an investing guide that will enlighten and entertain anyone who is high-school age or older. Many investors, including some with substantial portfolios, have only the sketchiest idea of how the stock market works. The reason, say Lynch and Rothchild, is that the basics of investing—the fundamentals of our economic system and what they have to do with the stock market—aren’t taught in school. At a time when individuals have to make important decisions about saving for college and 401(k) retirement funds, this failure to provide a basic education in investing can have tragic consequences. For those who know what to look for, investment opportunities are everywhere. The average high-school student is familiar with Nike, Reebok, McDonald’s, the Gap, and the Body Shop. Nearly every teenager in America drinks Coke or Pepsi, but only a very few own shares in either company or even understand how to buy them. Every student studies American history, but few realize that our country was settled by European colonists financed by public companies in England and Holland—and the basic principles behind public companies haven’t changed in more than three hundred years. In Learn to Earn, Lynch and Rothchild explain in a style accessible to anyone who is high-school age or older how to read a stock table in the daily newspaper, how to understand a company annual report, and why everyone should pay attention to the stock market. They explain not only how to invest, but also how to think like an investor. ISBN:9780684811635 Author:Peter Lynch and John Rothchild

Little Book of Common Sense Investing...

KShs3,699.00 KShs3,515.00
Brief Summary Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns. Investing is all about common sense. Owning a diversified portfolio of stocks and holding it for the long term is a winner's game. Trying to beat the stock market is theoretically a zero-sum game (for every winner, there must be a loser), but after the substantial costs of investing are deducted, it becomes a loser's game. Common sense tells us--and history confirms--that the simplest and most efficient investment strategy is to buy and hold all of the nation's publicly held businesses at very low cost. The classic index fund that owns this market portfolio is the only investment that guarantees you with your fair share of stock market returns. To learn how to make index investing work for you, there's no better mentor than legendary mutual fund industry veteran John C. Bogle. Over the course of his long career, Bogle--founder of the Vanguard Group and creator of the world's first index mutual fund--has relied primarily on index investing to help Vanguard's clients build substantial wealth. Now, with The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, he wants to help you do the same. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Little Book of Common Sense Investing will show you how to incorporate this proven investment strategy into your portfolio. It will also change the very way you think about investing. Successful investing is not easy. (It requires discipline and patience.) But it is simple. For it's all about common sense. With The Little Book of Common Sense Investing as your guide, you'll discover how to make investing a winner's game: Why business reality--dividend yields and earnings growth--is more important than market expectations How to overcome the powerful impact of investment costs, taxes, and inflation How the magic of compounding returns is overwhelmed by the tyranny of compounding costs What expert investors and brilliant academics--from Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham to Paul Samuelson and Burton Malkiel--have to say about index investing And much more You'll also find warnings about investment fads and fashions, including the recent stampede into exchange traded funds and the rise of indexing gimmickry. The real formula for investment success is to own the entire market, while significantly minimizing the costs of financial intermediation. That's what index investing is all about. And that's what this book is all about. ISBN:9780470102107 Author:John C Bogle

Sexy Little Numbers How to Grow Your ...

KShs2,399.00 KShs2,280.00
Brief Summary Imagine if you could identify your business’s most profitable customers, craft a better marketing strategy to communicate with them, and inspire them to buy more? Well now you can. And the best part is that you can do it using the data you already have. Today, everything we do creates data, and the volumes are enormous. Virtually every time someone views something online, enters search on Google, or even surfs the web on a smart phone, another chunk gets added – in real time - to the multibillion gigabyte (and growing) trove of data that can help us better understand and predict consumer behavior. We no longer need expertise in math or statistics or even expensive modeling software to get the most out of all these revealing consumer insights. A revolution in data analysis is underway, and the methods and tools for aggregating and analyzing this "data deluge” are suddenly far simpler, less expensive, and more precise than they were. In this book – the first of its kind – Dimitri Maex, Managing Director of global advertising agency Ogilvy One New York and the engine behind the agency’s global analytics practice, reveal show to turn your data - those sexy little numbers that can mean more profit for your business – into actionable strategies that drive real growth and revenues. And he can show you how to do it at virtually no cost. In his clear, easy-to-understand style, he explains how to: • Identify which customers are most valuable, which have the most potential to be valuable, which are most likely to buy more in the future, and which are not worth targeting. • Allocate your marketing assets in the best possible way and pinpoint the outlays that will generate the highest possible returns. • Figure out precisely which communication or media brought a customer to your company’s web site and what that customer will do once she arrives. • Predict which products or services customers will want in the future. • Learn which customers are preparing to defect to the competition and how to stop them. • Determine which customers buy your product because it is perfect for their needs, which ones purchase because they liked your ad, which ones chose you because of an appealing price, and which ones came to you through word-of-mouth…or some combination of all these factors. • Drill your geographic targeting down to the regional, zip code, and even neighborhood level. • Optimize your web presence to get the maximum return from search. A must read for marketers striving to get the biggest ROI on their advertising dollars, small business owners eager to grow faster, researchers needing a consumer in mind for whom to create new products or services, those in finance responsible for growing the bottom line, and even creatives looking for feedback to help them improve their output, Sexy Little Number sis THE essential tool not just for math nerds and number crunchers, but for anyone wishing to use the data at their fingertips to grow their business and increase their profits dramatically. ISBN:9780449009918 Author:Dimitri Maex and Paul B Brown

Security Analysis Principles and Tech...

KShs9,999.00 KShs9,500.00
Brief Summary With nearly a million copies sold, Security Analysis has been continuously in print for more than sixty years. No investment book in history had either the immediate impact, or the long-term relevance and value, of its first edition in 1934. By 1951, seventeen years past its original publication and more than a decade beyond its revised and acclaimed 1940 second edition, authors Benjamin Graham and David Dodd had seen business and investment markets travel from the depths of Depression to the heights of recovery, and had observed investor behavior during both the calm of peacetime and the chaos of World War II. The prescient thinking and insight displayed by Graham and Dodd in the first two editions of Security Analysis reached new heights in the third edition. In words that could just as easily have been written today as fifty years ago, they detail techniques and strategies for attaining success as individual investors, as well as the responsibilities of corporate decision makers to build shareholder value and transparency for those investors. The focus of the book, however, remains its timeless guidance and advice--that careful analysis of balance sheets is the primary road to investment success, with all other considerations little more than distractions. The authors had seen and survived the Great Depression as well as the political and financial instabilities of World War II and were now better able to outline a program for sensible and profitable investing in the latter half of the century. Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition marks the return of this long-out-of-print work to the investment canon. It will reacquaint you with the foundations of value investing--more relevant than ever in tumultuous twenty-first century markets--and allow you to own the third installment in what has come to be regarded as the most accessible and usable title in the history of investment publishing. ISBN:9780071448208 Author:Benjamin Graham and David L Dodd

Even Buffett Is not Perfect by Vahan ...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary Even Buffett Isn't Perfect: What You Can--and Can't--Learn from the World's Greatest Investor A contrarian look at how Warren Buffett thinks about investing and related issues. Warren Buffett is the most successful and revered investor of all time. His ability to consistently find undervalued companies has made him one of the world’s richest men. Despite many previous books about him, it’s rare to find an objective assessment—one that praises him when appropriate, but also recognizes that even Buffett makes mistakes. For instance, is he right to call for higher taxes and an end to earnings guidance? Should Buffett fans copy his avoidance of technology stocks? In this penetrating look at how Buffett thinks, Vahan Janjigian shows readers how to learn from the master’s best moves while avoiding strategies that don’t apply to small investors. And he explains Buffett’s favorite valuation methodology, the discounted cash flow model, and how it can significantly reduce the odds of overpaying for a stock. ISBN:9781591842705 Author:Vahan Janjigian

Investment Biker Around the World wit...

KShs2,199.00 KShs2,090.00
Brief Summary Legendary investor Jim Rogers gives us his view of the world on a twenty-two-month, fifty-two-country motorcycle odyssey in his bestselling business/adventure book, Investment Biker, which has already sold more than 200,000 copies. Before you invest another dollar anywhere in the world (including the United States), read this book by the man Time magazine calls "the Indiana Jones of finance.” Jim Rogers became a Wall Street legend when he co-founded the Quantum Fund. Investment Biker is the fascinating story of Rogers’s global motorcycle journey/investing trip, with hardheaded advice on the current state and future direction of international economies that will guide and inspire investors interested in foreign markets. ISBN:9780812968712 Author:Jim Rogers

The End of Alchemy Money Banking and ...

KShs2,400.00 KShs2,190.00
Brief Summary "If [The End of Alchemy] gets the attention it deserves, it might just save the world.” ?Michael Lewis, Bloomberg View Something is wrong with our banking system. We all sense that, but Mervyn King knows it firsthand; his ten years at the helm of the Bank of England, including at the height of the financial crisis, revealed profound truths about the mechanisms of our capitalist society. In The End of Alchemy he offers us an essential work about the history and future of money and banking, the keys to modern finance. The Industrial Revolution built the foundation of our modern capitalist age. Yet the flowering of technological innovations during that dynamic period relied on the widespread adoption of two much older ideas: the creation of paper money and the invention of banks that issued credit. We take these systems for granted today, yet at their core both ideas were revolutionary and almost magical. Common paper became as precious as gold, and risky long-term loans were transformed into safe short-term bank deposits. As King argues, this is financial alchemy?the creation of extraordinary financial powers that defy reality and common sense. Faith in these powers has led to huge benefits; the liquidity they create has fueled economic growth for two centuries now. However, they have also produced an unending string of economic disasters, from hyperinflations to banking collapses to the recent global recession and current stagnation. How do we reconcile the potent strengths of these ideas with their inherent weaknesses? King draws on his unique experience to present fresh interpretations of these economic forces and to point the way forward for the global economy. His bold solutions cut through current overstuffed and needlessly complex legislation to provide a clear path to durable prosperity and the end of overreliance on the alchemy of our financial ancestors. ISBN:9780393353570 Author:Mervyn King

Competing for the future by C K Praha...

KShs2,299.00 KShs2,185.00
Brief Summary New competitive realities have ruptured industry boundaries, overthrown much of standard management practice, and rendered conventional models of strategy and growth obsolete. In their stead have come the powerful ideas and methodologies of Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad, whose much-revered thinking has already engendered a new language of strategy. In this book, they develop a coherent model for how today's executives can identify and accomplish no less than heroic goals in tomorrow's marketplace. Their masterful blueprint addresses how executives can ease the tension between competing today and clearing a path toward leadership in the future. ISBN:9780875847160 Author:C K Prahalad and Gary Hamel

Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,190.00
Brief Summary Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist Economics is broken. It has failed to predict, let alone prevent, financial crises that have shaken the foundations of our societies. Its outdated theories have permitted a world in which extreme poverty persists while the wealth of the super-rich grows year on year. And its blind spots have led to policies that are degrading the living world on a scale that threatens all of our futures. Can it be fixed? In Doughnut Economics, Oxford academic Kate Raworth identifies seven critical ways in which mainstream economics has led us astray, and sets out a roadmap for bringing humanity into a sweet spot that meets the needs of all within the means of the planet. En route, she deconstructs the character of ‘rational economic man’ and explains what really makes us tick. She reveals how an obsession with equilibrium has left economists helpless when facing the boom and bust of the real-world economy. She highlights the dangers of ignoring the role of energy and nature’s resources – and the far-reaching implications for economic growth when we take them into account. And in the process, she creates a new, cutting-edge economic model that is fit for the 21st century – one in which a doughnut-shaped compass points the way to human progress. Ambitious, radical and rigorously argued, Doughnut Economics promises to reframe and redraw the future of economics for a new generation. " ISBN:9781847941381 Author:Kate Raworth

Scaling Up How a Few Companies Make I...

KShs6,390.00 KShs5,990.00
It's been over a decade since Verne Harnish's best-selling book Mastering the Rockefeller Habits was first released. Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest Don't is the first major revision of this business classic. In Scaling Up, Harnish and his team share practical tools and techniques for building an industry-dominating business. These approaches have been honed from over three decades of advising tens of thousands of CEOs and executives and helping them navigate the increasing complexities (and weight) that come with scaling up a venture. This book is written so everyone -- from frontline employees to senior executives -- can get aligned in contributing to the growth of a firm. There's no reason to do it alone, yet many top leaders feel like they are the ones dragging the rest of the organization up the S-curve of growth. The goal of this book is to help you turn what feels like an anchor into wind at your back -- creating a company where the team is engaged; the customers are doing your marketing; and everyone is making money. To accomplish this, Scaling Up focuses on the four major decision areas every company must get right: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. The book includes a series of new one-page tools including the updated One-Page Strategic Plan and the Rockefeller Habits ChecklistTM, which more than 40,000 firms around the globe have used to scale their companies successfully -- many to $1 billion and beyond. Running a business is ultimately about freedom. Scaling Up shows business leaders how to get their organizations moving in sync to create something significant and enjoy the ride.

CEO School Insights from 20 Global Bu...

KShs5,699.00 KShs5,415.00
Brief Summary This book focuses on what makes a successful CEO and the paths to becoming one in today’s global economy. Chapters in the book include insights by 20 top CEOs – one from each G20 country – gathered from an extensive global qualitative research project. Through seven easy-to-digest "master classes” that demystify the role of the 21st century CEO, the authors present their findings in an accessible, conversational style that serves as a step-by-step guide for those who aspire to become CEOs, and develop essential character traits, experience, and skills required of the role. ISBN:9789811078644 Author:Elin Williams, Kirill Kravchenko and Stanislav Shekshnia

The New Secrets of CEOs 200 Global Ch...

KShs2,199.00 KShs2,090.00
Brief Summary Steve Tappin and Andrew Cave interview more than two hundred of the world's top CEOs to discover what matters to them, How they run their businesses today, and how they expect their leadership to change in the future. Tappin and Cave offer a glimpse into the business worlds and personal lives of some of the most influential people today.. ISBN:9781857885439 Author:Andrew Cave and Steve Tappin