Showing 521–540 of 1211 results

Dragons Den Success from Pitch to Profit

KShs1,399.00 KShs1,330.00
Brief Summary Learn how to be a success from the business lessons of the Dragons and the financial advice of Evan Davis. Britain's best loved business brains —Duncan Bannatyne, Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, Theo Paphitis, and Richard Farleigh along with economics expert Evan Davis—divulge the secrets of their success in this essential read. Joining them is James Caan, the new Dragon who will be part of the team in the new season of the television show. James is a multi-millionaire businessman and entrepreneur. Dragons' Den is packed with advice, whether you want to perfect your pitching skills, develop an idea or make more money. The Dragons will look at what's become of the entrepreneurs who entered the Dragons' Den. Some went away empty handed but have since become successful. Others won the backing of the Dragons but failed to make their dream come true. The Dragons will show you what should have been done, what should have happened next, and how you too could win their backing and become a business success. This is much more than a TV series companion. It is a solid business read with never-before-heard advice and experiences from the Dragons own business ventures. At last, we'll find out how they became millionaires and their rules for success. This is a unique, accessible, and useful business read straight from the Dragons' Den. ISBN:9780007270828 Author:Deborah Meaden, Duncan Bannatyne, Peter Jones, Richard Farleigh and Theo Paphitis

The Profitable Consultant Starting Gr...

KShs3,599.00 KShs3,420.00
Brief Summary Selling can be uncomfortable for professional business consultants and executive coaches. The two biggest problems are generating more qualified leads, and turning those leads into actual paying clients. Taking traditional beliefs about how best to "sell" and turning them completely upside down, author Jay Niblick rewrites the sales playbook for the consulting and coaching industry. His proven five-step sales process is specifically designed for independent business consultants and coaches, serving as a common set of rules to grow their practice, deliver more value and generate more revenue. The Profitable Consultant delivers a suite of ready-to-launch tools that will automate readers’ marketing efforts, so they can focus more time delivering revenue-generating services -- to even more clients. ISBN:9781118553138 Author:Jay Niblick

Collusion How Central Bankers Rigged ...

KShs3,199.00 KShs3,040.00
Brief Summary In this searing exposé, former Wall Street insider Nomi Prins shows how the 2007-2008 financial crisis turbo-boosted the influence of central bankers and triggered a massive shift in the world order. Central banks and international institutions like the IMF have overstepped their traditional mandates by directing the flow of epic sums of fabricated money without any checks or balances. Meanwhile, the open door between private and central banking has ensured endless opportunities for market manipulation and asset bubbles--with government support. Through on-the-ground reporting, Prins reveals how five regions and their central banks reshaped economics and geopolitics. She discloses how Mexico navigated its relationship with the US while striving for independence and how Brazil led the BRICS countries to challenge the US dollar's hegemony. She explains how China's retaliation against the Fed's supremacy is aiding its ongoing ascent as a global superpower and how Japan is negotiating the power shift from the West to the East. And she illustrates how the European response to the financial crisis fueled instability that manifests itself in everything from rising populism to the shocking Brexit vote. Packed with tantalizing details about the elite players orchestrating the world economy--from Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi to Ben Bernanke and Christine Lagarde--Collusion takes the reader inside the most discreet conversations at exclusive retreats like Jackson Hole and Davos. A work of meticulous reporting and bracing analysis, Collusion will change the way we understand the new world of international finance. ISBN:9781568585628 Author:Nomi Prins

The Dance of Change The challenges to...

KShs3,900.00 KShs3,590.00
The Dance of Change, written for managers and executives at every level of an organization, reveals how business leaders can work together to anticipate the challenges that profound change will ultimately force the organization to face. Then, in a down-to-earth and compellingly clear format, readers will learn how to build the personal and organizational capabilities needed to meet those challenges. These challenges are not imposed from the outside; they are the product of assumptions and practices that people take for granted—an inherent, natural part of the processes of change. And they can stop innovation cold, unless managers at all levels learn to anticipate them and recognize the hidden rewards in each challenge, and the potential to spur further growth. Within the frequently encountered challenge of "Not Enough Time," for example—the lack of control over time available for innovation and learning initiatives—lies a valuable opportunity to reframe the way people organize their workplaces. This book identifies universal challenges that organizations ultimately find themselves confronting, including the challenge of "Fear and Anxiety"; the need to diffuse learning across organizational boundaries; the ways in which assumptions built in to corporate measurement systems can handcuff learning initiatives; and the almost unavoidable misunderstandings between "true believers" and nonbelievers in a company. Filled with individual and team exercises, in-depth accounts of sustaining learning initiatives by managers and leaders in the field, and well-tested practical advice, The Dance of Change provides an insider's perspective on implementing learning and change initiatives at such corporations as British Petroleum, Chrysler, Dupont, Ford, General Electric, Harley-Davidson, Hewlett-Packard, Mitsubishi Electric, Royal DutchShell, Shell Oil Company, Toyota, the United States Army, and Xerox. It offers crucial advice for line-level managers, executive leaders, internal networkers, educators, and others who are struggling to put change initiatives into practice.

Machine Platform Crowd Harnessing Our...

KShs2,999.00 KShs2,850.00
Brief Summary In The Second Machine Age, Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson predicted some of the far-reaching effects of digital technologies on our lives and businesses. Now they’ve written a guide to help readers make the most of our collective future. Machine | Platform | Crowd outlines the opportunities and challenges inherent in the science fiction technologies that have come to life in recent years, like self-driving cars and 3D printers, online platforms for renting outfits and scheduling workouts, or crowd-sourced medical research and financial instruments. ISBN:9780393356069 Author:Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook Strate...

KShs3,599.00 KShs3,420.00
Brief Summary Senge's best-selling The Fifth Discipline led Business Week to dub him the "new guru" of the corporate world; here he offers executives a step-by-step guide to building "learning organizations" of their own. ISBN:9780385472562 Author:Peter Senge

The Truth About Money by Ric Edelman

KShs2,199.00 KShs2,090.00
Brief Summary Home Sweet Home: How to buy your first home, your next home and save on taxes when you sell. A-Z of Investments: From annuities to zero-coupon bonds, go from owing money to OWNING money. Get out of debt (and stay that way). Estate Planning & Long-Term Care: Learn how to protect yourself and your family. ISBN:9780062006486 Author:Ric Edelman

The Alchemists Three Central Bankers ...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary When the first fissures became visible to the naked eye in August 2007, suddenly the most powerful men in the world were three men who were never elected to public office. They were the leaders of the world’s three most important central banks: Ben Bernanke of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Mervyn King of the Bank of England, and Jean-Claude Trichet of the European Central Bank. Over the next five years, they and their fellow central bankers deployed trillions of dollars, pounds and euros to contain the waves of panic that threatened to bring down the global financial system, moving on a scale and with a speed that had no precedent. Neil Irwin’s The Alchemists is a gripping account of the most intense exercise in economic crisis management we’ve ever seen, a poker game in which the stakes have run into the trillions of dollars. The book begins in, of all places, Stockholm, Sweden, in the seventeenth century, where central banking had its rocky birth, and then progresses through a brisk but dazzling tutorial on how the central banker came to exert such vast influence over our world, from its troubled beginnings to the Age of Greenspan, bringing the reader into the present with a marvelous handle on how these figures and institutions became what they are – the possessors of extraordinary power over our collective fate. What they chose to do with those powers is the heart of the story Irwin tells. Irwin covered the Fed and other central banks from the earliest days of the crisis for the Washington Post, enjoying privileged access to leading central bankers and people close to them. His account, based on reporting that took place in 27 cities in 11 countries, is the holistic, truly global story of the central bankers’ role in the world economy we have been missing. It is a landmark reckoning with central bankers and their power, with the great financial crisis of our time, and with the history of the relationship between capitalism and the state. Definitive, revelatory, and riveting, The Alchemists shows us where money comes from—and where it may well be going. ISBN:9781594204623 Author:Neil Irwin

The Wall Street Journal Guide to the ...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary The WSJ Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators That Really Matter: From Big Macs to "Zombie Banks," the Indicators Smart Investors Watch to Beat the Market With more than 80,000 copies sold worldwide in multiple languages, The Wall Street Journal Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators that Really Matter is a must-have guide for investors. WSJ columnist Simon Constable and respected financial historian Robert E. Wright offer valuable tips and insight to help investors forecast and exploit sea changes in the global macroeconomic climate. Unlike other investment handbooks, Constable and Wright's guide explores the not widely known economic indicators that the smartest investors watch closely in order to beat the stock market--from "Big Macs" to "Zombie Banks." Not only valuable and informative, The Wall Street Journal Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators that Really Matter is also wonderfully irreverent and endlessly entertaining, making it the most fun to read investors' guide on the market. ISBN:9780062001382 Author:Simon Constable and Robert E. Wright

The Spider Network by David Enrich

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief Summary The Spider Network: The Wild Story of a Math Genius, a Gang of Backstabbing Bankers, and One of the Greatest Scams in Financial History In 2006, an oddball group of bankers, traders and brokers from some of the largest financial institutions made a startling realization: Libor—the London interbank offered rate, which determines the interest rates on trillions in loans worldwide—was set daily by a small group of easily manipulated administrators, and that they could reap huge profits by nudging it fractions of a percent to suit their trading portfolios. Tom Hayes, a brilliant but troubled mathematician, became the lynchpin of a wild alliance that included a prickly French trader nicknamed "Gollum”; the broker "Abbo,” who liked to publicly strip naked when drinking; a nervous Kazakh chicken farmer known as "Derka Derka”; a broker known as "Village” (short for "Village Idiot”) who racked up huge expense account bills; an executive called "Clumpy” because of his patchwork hair loss; and a broker uncreatively nicknamed "Big Nose” who had once been a semi-professional boxer. This group generated incredible riches —until it all unraveled in spectacularly vicious, backstabbing fashion. With exclusive access to key characters and evidence, The Spider Network is not only a rollicking account of the scam, but also a provocative examination of a financial system that was crooked throughout. " ISBN:9780753557495 Author:David Enrich

Beyond the E Myth The Evolution of an...

KShs3,099.00 KShs2,945.00
Brief Summary Beyond the E-Myth: The Evolution of an Enterprise: From a Company of One to a Company of 1,000 Beyond The E-Myth embraces the fundamental premise of that first book--that a small business only succeeds to the degree its owner goes to work ON the business rather than just IN it, creating the systemic Operating System that makes that business unique in the marketplace. Beyond The E-Myth expands that conversation with the entrepreneurial small business owner, in a clear, precise, and compelling overview that addresses their main job--inventing, building, and launching a company with the power to "scale"--to grow beyond the "Company of One" in a straightforward, eight-step process. When asked, Gerber emphatically explains: "I wrote this to make the job of building a small business easy--for every man or woman struggling to get it right. This book cuts to the chase: A company is a product to be sold. Build it right, and you will sell it. Build it wrong, and you won't. Most small business owners won't. This book was written to fix that." ISBN:9781618350480 Author:Michael E Gerber

Smart Thinking How to Think Big Innov...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary Think smart people are just born that way? Think again. Art Markman, one of the premier cognitive scientists in this field, demonstrates the difference between raw intelligence and 'smarter' thinking. Using examples from his own lab and stories from the worlds of business and popular culture, Markman shows it is possible to learn to be a smarter thinker. In doing so, you can reap the benefits in every area of your life. Smart Thinking provides: • The means to replace self-limiting habits with new behaviours that foster smart thinking, • An understanding of the mind itself as well as memory, • The ability to define and solve problems more efficiently, • Ways to present and process information effectively. Using the tools and practical exercises provided in Smart Thinking, you too can access the skills needed to achieve your personal goals and create your own 'culture of smart thinking' at work and home. ISBN:9780749957681 Author:Art Markman

Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

KShs2,290.00 KShs1,990.00
In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook summaries fit into your life. Find out more at Have you ever wondered what separates the companies able to pull together when times get tough from the ones who fall apart? The answer is effective leadership. Find out how to become a successful leader, able to create a healthy and productive working environment where people are eager to work for you and for each other. Leaders Eat Last is a guide to leading with compassion and integrity, positively affecting the behavior of those you are in charge of. Many leaders today choose to rule with an iron fist and make decisions based on numbers alone. Understand why these techniques do more harm than good, and learn how to avoid making such mistakes, as you discover alternative methods that will help your company not only survive, but thrive. You will learn: • About the different chemicals in our bodies that drive certain behaviors • That you can't calculate success by focusing on numbers • Why power must be shared throughout a company to make it more effective as a whole.  

Kenya Land of Opportunity

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief Summary Many books have been written about Kenya. Some have been on its history, some on its economic development. Others have focused on its flora and fauna. Yet others have dwelt on the diversity of its landscape. In this book, perhaps for the first time, all these different aspects of the country have been brought together in one illustrated volume. The reader will see, through a series of arresting photographs, not only the grandeur of the land but also the energy and vitality of Kenyan society. At the same time, the reader will discover the story of our economic development and, understanding the complexities of our problems, join with us as we seek solutions to them. ISBN:Kenya Land of Opportunity001 Author:Central Bank of Kenya

Pitch Perfect How to Say It Right the...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary During the pivotal moments of our lives, results are often determined not only by our actions but also by our words. Saying the right thing the right way can make the difference between sealing the deal or losing the account, advancing your career or suffering a demotion. In these moments, it’s important to be pitch perfect—to use precisely the right tone to convey the right message to the right person at the right time. In Pitch Perfect, the renowned media coach Bill McGowan shows you how to craft just the right message. Along the way, McGowan lays out his Seven Principles of Persuasion, which are as easy to learn, implement, and master as they are effective. The right language—both verbal and nonverbal—can make you more confident, persuasive, and certain. It can stir people to listen closely to your every word and to remember you long after you’ve left the room. ISBN:9780062472939 Author:Bill McGowan

Blue Ocean Strategy Softcover

KShs2,200.00 KShs1,990.00
Brief Summary Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant Written by the business world's new gurus, Blue Ocean Strategy continues to challenge everything you thought you knew about competing in today's crowded market place. Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than a hundred years and thirty industries, authors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne argue that lasting success comes from creating 'blue oceans': untapped new market spaces ripe from growth. And the business world has caught on - companies around the world are skipping the bloody red oceans of rivals and creating their very own blue oceans. With over one million copies sold worldwide, Blue Ocean Strategy is quickly reaching "must read" status among smart business readers. Have you caught the wave? ISBN:9781591396192 Author:W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne

Africas Business Revolution How to Su...

KShs6,000.00 KShs5,490.00
Brief Summary Africa still lags far behind other regions on most key measures. But that's about to change. By 2025 spending by African consumers and businesses will exceed $5 trillion, and by 2035 Africa will have the world's largest urban population and a workforce larger than China's or India's. That points to exciting opportunities for global and Africa-based companies looking to access new growth markets--and to build large, profitable businesses in sectors ranging from resources to manufacturing to services. Their momentum will be fuelled by Africa's young and fast-growing population and by the rapid adoption of technology across the continent. But Africa's business environment remains poorly understood and known to many executives in the West only by its reputation for complexity, contradiction, and corruption. Africa's Business Revolution provides the inside story on business in Africa and its future growth prospects, and helps executives understand and seize the opportunities for building profitable, sustainable businesses. The authors--Acha Leke, Mutsa Chironga, and Georges Desvaux--are senior leaders in McKinsey's African offices and draw on in-depth proprietary research by the McKinsey Global Institute as well as their own extensive experience advising corporate and government leaders across Africa. Brimming with company case studies and exclusive interviews with some of Africa's most prominent executives, this book comes to life with the vibrant stories of those who have navigated the many twists and turns on the road to building successful businesses on the continent. Combining an unrivalled fact base with expert advice on shaping and executing an Africa growth strategy, this book is required reading for global business executives wanting to expand their existing operations in Africa--and for those seeking a road map to access this vast, untapped market for the first time. " ISBN:9781633694408 Author:Acha Leke, Musta Chironga and George Desvaux

Soonish Ten Emerging Technologies Tha...

KShs3,199.00 KShs3,040.00
Brief Summary What will the world of tomorrow be like? How does progress happen? And why do we not have a lunar colony already? What is the hold-up? In this smart and funny book, celebrated cartoonist Zach Weinersmith and noted researcher Dr. Kelly Weinersmith give us a snapshot of what's coming next -- from robot swarms to nuclear fusion powered-toasters. By weaving their own research, interviews with the scientists who are making these advances happen, and Zach's trademark comics, the Weinersmiths investigate why these technologies are needed, how they would work, and what is standing in their way. New technologies are almost never the work of isolated geniuses with a neat idea. A given future technology may need any number of intermediate technologies to develop first, and many of these critical advances may appear to be irrelevant when they are first discovered. The journey to progress is full of strange detours and blind alleys that tell us so much about the human mind and the march of civilization. To this end, SOONISH investigates ten different emerging fields, from programmable matter to augmented reality, from space elevators to robotic construction, to show us the amazing world we will have, you know, soonish. ISBN:9780399563829 Author:Kelly Weinersmith and Zach Weinersmith

Business Secrets from the Bible by Da...

KShs3,299.00 KShs3,135.00
Brief Summary Business Secrets from the Bible: Spiritual Success Strategies for Financial Abundance. Find success in finance, friendships, and spirituality with the advice of a well-known expert It's safe to say that nearly everyone is seeking a happier, more successful life. So then why do so few attain it? Business Secrets from the Bible proposes a new way to view and approach success--one based upon key concepts from the Bible that are actually surprisingly simple. Written especially for those seeking success in the realms of money, relationships, and spirituality, this book encourages readers to realize their common mistakes, come to terms with them, and turn those mistakes into future triumphs. Filled with concrete advice for improved finances, spirituality, and connection, this resource takes a practical approach and aims to change not just the minds, but the actions of readers with a self-evident and persuasive pathway. Drawing on his wisdom and knowledge of the Bible, the author reveals the clear link between making money and spirituality, and urges readers to focus on self-discipline, integrity, and character strength in order to achieve personal prosperity. Special emphasis is given to establishing positive attitudes toward making money and adopting effective Biblically-based strategies. • Demonstrates how earnings and profits are God's reward for forming relationships with others and serving them • Stresses the importance of service, sharing, change, leadership, and creating boundaries and structures • Encourages readers to focus on other people's desires and teaches why and how to make connections with many people • Suggests ways for readers to transform themselves and continue toward success even in the face of fear and uncertainty • Attaining wealth and well-being is no longer a mystery. Let this book identify and correct the errors that are keeping you from fulfillment and happiness. " ISBN:9781118749104 Author:Daniel Lapin

Trust Creating the Foundation for Ent...

KShs2,599.00 KShs2,470.00
Brief Summary Entrepreneurs in developing countries who assume they will have the same legal, governmental, and institutional protections as their counterparts in the West will fail. To succeed, they need to build trust within the existing structures--and this book shows how it's done. Entrepreneurial ventures often fail in the developing world because of the lack of something taken for granted in the developed world: trust. Over centuries, the developed world has built customs and institutions such as enforceable contracts, an impartial legal system, and credible regulatory bodies--and even unofficial but respected sources of information such as Yelp and Consumer Reports--that have created a high level of what scholar and entrepreneur Tarun Khanna calls "ambient trust." This is not the case in the developing world. But Khanna shows that rather than become casualties of mistrust, smart entrepreneurs can adopt the mindset that, like it or not, it's up to them to weave their own independent web of trust--with their employees, their partners, their clients, their customers, and society as a whole. This can be challenging, and it requires innovative approaches in places where the level of societal mistrust is so high that an official certification of quality simply arouses suspicion--and lowers sales! Using vivid examples from Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and elsewhere, Khanna's stories show how entrepreneurs can build on existing customs and practices instead of trying to push against them. He highlights the role new technologies can play (but cautions that these are not panaceas) and explains how entrepreneurs can find dependable partners in national and local governments to create impact at scale. As far back as the 18th century, Adam Smith recognized trust as what Khanna calls "the hidden engine of economic progress." "Frankness and openness conciliate confidence," Smith wrote. "We trust the man who seems willing to trust us." That kind of confidence is critical to entrepreneurial success, but in the developing world entrepreneurs have to establish it through their own efforts. As Khanna puts it, "The entrepreneur must not just create, she must create the conditions to create." ISBN:9781523094837 Author:Tarun Khanna