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KLB Visionary IRE Grade 4 L/B (Approved)

KLB Visionary Islamic Religious Education Grade 4 Learner's Book is aimed at equipping the learner with knowledge. skills, competences and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development. * It is developed in line with the requirements of Grade Four Competency-Based Curriculum design. * The learning experiences are aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus presenting concepts in the most appropriate way for learners at this level. * This book is majorly illustrated to enliven the content with the text following the design closely. * It has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Religion. * Every lesson draws experiences from learner's day-to-day activities at home, school or madrassa/dugsi. * The book has numerous practical activities that enable the learner to acquire the required competences and skills without undue difficulty. * Simple exercises like singing anashids, group discussions, reciting and memorising verses of the Qur'an are integrated within the lessons to enhance active participation and enjoyment by the learner.

KLB Visionary Music Grade 4 L/B (Appr...

KLB Visionary Grade Four Music Learner's Book is aimed at providing learners with an avenue for expressing feelings, ideas and emotions. The activities involved offers the learner enjoyable and purposeful experience through singing, playing instruments and creating music. * It is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum design. * The experiences is aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus presenting concepts in the most appropriate way for learners at this level. * This book is majorly illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely. * It has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Music. * Every lesson draws from learner's day-to-day activities at home and school. * The book has numerous practical activities to enable the learner acquire the required skills and competence without undue difficulty. * Issues around gender equity and parity are well articulated in this title.

KLB Visionary Art & Craft Grade ...

KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Four Learner's Book is designed to help the learner acquire and apply specific concepts, techniques and related vocabulary to increase capacity for effective pursuit of artistic goals. The span of strands at this level entail: Picture Making, Mixed Media and Technology, Indigenous Kenyan Crafts, Presentation and Exhibition. • The book is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum design for Art and Craft for Grade Four. • The learning experiences are aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus concepts are presented in the most appropriate way for learners at this level. • This book is extensively illustrated to make the content interesting to the learners. • It has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations. • Lessons draw from learner's day-to-day activities at school and home. • The book has numerous practical activities, and reflection questions to enable the learner to carry them out on their own either in school or at home. • The title has adequately mainstreamed key pertinent and contemporary issues and is designed to equip the learner with 21st Century competences. This Learner's Book is approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and procured by the Government of Kenya for use by Grade Four learners in all public primary schools. Other approved titles in this series are: • KLB Visionary Grade Four Science and Technology Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide. • KLB Visionary Grade Four Mathematics Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide. • KLB Visionary Grade Four Islamic Religious Education Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide. • KLB Visionary Grade Four Music Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide. • KLB Visionary Grade Four Physical and Health Education Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide. • KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Four Teacher's Guide.

KLB Visionary Physical and Health Edu...

KLB Visionary Grade 4 Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book is aimed at equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competences and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and health development. * It covers all the strands, sub strands and learning outcomes as per the Grade Four Curriculum design. * Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learner. * This book is extensively illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely. * It has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations. * The book develops skills by using readily available material to enhance creativity, and foster skills and values in learners. * Practice Activities are provided for each substrand to assess how well the learners have understood the concepts. * Fun games have been provided to enhance active participation and enjoyment by the learner. * At the end of every skill, the learners are able to self assess themselves and their peers.

KLB Visionary Science & Technolo...

Science and Technology has been designed with the aim of equiping the learner with scientific knowledge and attitudes that they can apply in their day-to-day life. The concepts presented build on the competencies introduced in the early years of learning. * The science element presents activities that guide the learner through explanations and predictions about nature and the universe. * The application of technological element introduces the learner to elementary technological concepts and application of digital literacy in learning and solving problems

KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 4 T/G...

KLB Visionary Mathematics for Grade 4 Teacher's Guide is developed to help teachers in delivering Grade Four mathematics content. This guide is aligned with the Competency Based Curriculum and subject design for Mathematics Grade Four. The book fully addresses the curriculum specific learning outcomes. The text is presented in a concise language appropriate to the level of the target audience. The style is simple, making the book highly readable and easy to use. The book contains numerous exmples designed to assist the teachers and the learners achieve the required kearning outcomes. Every lesson draws from day-to-day ocurrences which forms the basis for the lesson introduction. The Teacher's Guide provides the teacher with useful tips on how to direct the learners in carryibg out the practical activities provided in the Learner's Book.

KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 4 L/B...

KLB Visionary Mathematics for Grade 4 Learner’s Book is designed to help the learners acquire computational skills at this level. The book contains numerous activities that enable the learner to develop numeracy skills without undue difficulty. * This book is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency-Based Curriculum and subject design. * The content is presented in a concise language appropriate to the level of the learner. * The style is simple, making the book highly readable and the concepts easy to understand. * The book contains full-colour illustrations designed to hold the attention and interest of the learners. * The learner’s book has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner's interests, knowledge and application to real-life situations. * Every lesson draws from day-to-day occurrences which form the basis for lesson introduction. * The book has numerous practical activities and examples that enable the learner to learn on their own with minimum input from the teacher.