Showing 701–720 of 723 results

KLB Visionary Environmental activitie...

The Environmental Activities Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 is developed in line with the new competency based-curriculum design. All the aspects in the curriculum design have been properly adopted in this teacher’s guide. The guide outlines specific areas of interests that will guide the teacher step by step on activities to be undertaken in teaching and learning processes. The teacher is properly guided on the learning experiences to be undertaken in every lesson. The guide has simplified additional content to the teacher. The additional content gives the teacher extra notes that will be helpful in understanding the background and the development of the content. The guide also outlines measures to be undertaken in addressing learners with special needs. Different categories of learners with special needs have been highlighted and steps to be undertaken while addressing specific disabilities amongst learners have also been properly outlined. Answers to the activities in the learner’s book are provided in order for the teacher to evaluate what the learner has learnt and thus plan for remedial teachings if need be. The guide further stipulates well-framed assessment rubrics according to the lessons. At the end of every lesson, each learner will be assessed based on the designed criterion provided.

KLB Visionary Environmental Activitie...

Environmental Activities Grade One has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new competency-based curriculum. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes and suggested learning experiences. The inquiry-based approach, which emphasises on "how we come to know" rather than "what we know" has been used throughout the development of the content. This learner's book has used a variety of learning activities including project assignments, discussions, homework, parental involvement, experiments, field studies, observations and use of resource persons. All these learning activities are meant to put the learner to task in order to discover the knowledge on their own and apply what they have learnt in solving various problems around them. To evaluate the learner's understanding and mastery of the content, a comprehensive assessment exercises has been provided at the end of every sub-strand. These assessment exercises are meant to assist in assessing learner's progress in the course of learning.

KLB Visionary Hygiene & Nutritio...

Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a course intended to equip learners with basic knowledge, skills. and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The learner is empowered to take care of his or her own wellbeing as well as that of others. The learner is sensitized to adopt healthy practices in order to prevent the occurrence of infections associated with poor hygiene and sanitation practices. This Learner's Workbook for Grade 1 comprehensively covers the 2017 competency-based curriculum. The learning activities are presented in a simple concise language and in an attractive layout designed to make the workbook learner friendly. This workbook incorporates Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) as required in the curriculum designs. Some PCIs addressed include education in the following areas: life skills and values, health, and environment.

KLB Visionary Christian Religious Edu...

KLB Skillgrow Christian Religious Activities Grade 1 Teacher’s Guide is a self-sufficient book that spells out the outcomes for each strand and sub-strand while offering suggestions on how best to teach all the lessons. It further gives activities that need to be done within the lesson to develop the expected competences. Most of the activities in the Learner’s Workbook are those that require guidance from the teacher but do not make learners passive recipients of knowledge but actively involve them in the learning process. Mostly, they call for prior preparation on the part of both the teacher and the learner and this has been spelt out in this Teacher's Guide. This Teacher's Guide has a step-by-step teaching of every strand and sub-strand with information that will help the teacher achieve desired outcomes for each sub-strand. The Key Inquiry Questions have been provided to focus the teacher to guide the learning towards the expected lesson competences. There is also clear cross-referencing between the Guide and the Learner's Workbook to make it easy for the teacher to refer to both. This Guide has useful tips on integrative teaching particularly where multi-ability learning is supposed to be used to cater for learners of varied abilities. The ways to support learners with special needs have been provided. It also has suggested methods of assessment for every lesson to enable the teacher to monitor the progress of the learner using formative assessment tools. Suggested rubrics are included in this Guide to enable the teacher monitor the achievement of learners in light of the expected competences and take necessary action. The Guide shows links to pertinent and contemporary issues and values to be developed in every lesson. It also shows links to strands, sub-strands or activities in other learning areas. It further gives suggestions to non-formal activities that would enhance non-formal learning and community service learning by the learner.

KLB Visionary Christian Religious Edu...

Christian Religious Activities is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society. KLB Visionary Grade 1 Christian Religious Activities Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competence Based Curriculum Design.The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely. This Workbook has employed a child-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the child's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Every lesson has something to draw from day-to-day occurrences. This Learner's Workbook has, therefore, used short texts in simple language with familiar situations that are created to help learners understand more difficult concepts. Gender-equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender. For example, both boys and girls are involved in household chores, playing musical instruments and actively participating in church activities. The principle of inclusivity has been taken care of by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of the society. This Learner's book is basically a Workbook with numerous practical activities within and at the end of every lesson to enable the learner to practise doing on their own. The simple exercises like drawing, colouring, singing and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons so as to make learning interesting and participatory.

KLB Visionary English Activities Grad...

KLB Visionary English Activities for Grade 1 Teacher’s Guide is a self-contained text designed to prepare the teacher on how to present the activities provided in the Learner’s Workbook effectively. The teacher's guide contains outcomes for each sub-strand in the book. The learning experiences for each individual lesson are clearly outlined and the teaching/learning resources are also provided in detail. This is aimed at equipping the teacher with the resources and techniques with which to make the lessons successful and enriching for the learners. The guide also provides expected guidelines and answers to the numerous activities that are clearly set out in the Learner's Workbook. This helps the teacher assess how well the learners have assimilated the lessons. The Teacher's Guide also has a model lesson plan, record of work covered and the learner's progress record. These are just suggestions to guide the teacher. However, the teachers are encouraged to develop their own professional records and only use what is provided as a yardstick.

KLB Visionary Mathematical Activities...

KLB Visionary Mathematical Activities Teacher’s Guide for Grade One is a guide developed by a team of experts with long standing experience in teaching and curriculum development. This teacher’s guide equips the teacher with vital tips on methodology. The guide should be used alongside mathematical activities workbook one to effectively cater for the new mathematicas design

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activi...

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities for Grade 1 Teacher’s Guide is a self-contained text designed to prepare the teacher on how to present the activities provided in the Learner’s Workbook effectively. The teacher's guide contains outcomes for each sub-strand in the book. The learning experiences for each individual lesson are clearly outlined and the teaching/learning resources are also provided in detail. This is aimed at equipping the teacher with the resources and techniques with which to make the lessons successful and enriching for the learners. The guide also provides expected guidelines and answers to the numerous activities that are clearly set out in the Learner's Workbook. This helps the teacher assess how well the learners have assimilated the lessons. The Teacher's Guide also has a model lesson plan, record of work covered and the learner's progress record. These are just suggestions to guide the teacher. However, the teachers are encouraged to develop their own professional records and only use what is provided as a yardstick.

KLB Skillgrow Psychomotor Creative Ar...

KLB Skillgrow Psychomotor and Creative Activities Pre-Primary 2 Teacher's Guide is designed to assist the teacher deliver the new Pre-Primary Competency-Based Curriculum. It Provides the most suitable approach in the coverage of the Strands and Sub-strands prescribed in the curriculum design through a wide and varied range of activities to ensure all the core values and links to other activity areas are brought out as spelt out in the curriculum design. The teacher's guide has clearly highlighted all the pertinent and contemporry issues that are of relevance to the activity area. The whole approach is aimed at equiping the leaner with 21st century skills. The guide effectively assists the teacher in lesson preparation, presentation and assessment; and suggests practical activities and accompanying resources as required. The teacher will find the guide very useful in the delivery of this new inquiry based curriculum. The logical presentation of topics and well sequenced lessons complete with lesson learning outcomes, suggested learning experiences and suggested key inquiry questions all buidon the leaner's strengths creating an opportunity to acquire and apply approppriate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes - Competences necessary for an empowered 21st century citizen.

KLB Skillgrow Islamic Religious Educa...

Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright life acceptable in the society Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 2 Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency-Based Curriculum Design The experiences have been aligned with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. This Workbook is also majorly illustrated to enliven the content with the text following the design closely Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 2 Learner's Workbook has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centred on the child's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Islamic Religious Activities Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them Therefore, every lesson has something to draw from learner's day-to-day activities

KLB Skillgrow Language Activities(Eng...

KLB Skillgrow Language Activities Teacher's Guide for Pre-Primary 2 is designed to aid teachers/care givers lead the leaner to develop knowledge and attitudes in language. It illustrates to the teacher how to assess learner potential and weakness thus enabling them to design approppriate learning paths for the leaner. The key inquiry questions suggested for every lesson enables the teacher to identufy the competencies the learner to develop as they undertake given activities. Assessment rubrics for each lesson are provided in the text. With this, the teacher is able to monitor and evaluate the leaner's progress.

KLB Skillgrow Psychomotor Creative Ar...

KLB Skillgrow Psychomotor and Creative Activities Pre-Primary 1 Teacher's Guide is designed to assist the teacher deliver the new Pre-Primary Competency-Based Curriculum. It provides the most suitable approach in the coverage of the Strands and Sub-strands prescribed in the curriculum design through a wide and varied range of activities to ensure all the core values and links to other activity areas are brought out as spelt out in the curriculum design. The teacher's guide has clearly highlighted all the pertent and contemporary issues that are od relevance to the activity area. The whole approach is aimed at eqiopping the leaner with 21st century skills. The guide effectively assists the teacher in lesson preparation, presentation and assessment, and suggests practical activities and accompanying resources as required. The teacher will find the guide very useful in the delivery of this new inquiry based curriculum. The logical presentation of topics and well sequenced lessons aomplete with lesson learning outcomes, suggested learning experiences and suggested key inquiry questions all build on the learner's strengths creating an opportunity to acquire and apply appropriate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes - Competences necessary fo an empowered 21st century citizen.

KLB Skilllgrow Environmental Activiti...

KLB Skillgrow Environmental Activities Pre-Primary 1 Teacher's Guide is developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum design. All the aspects in the curriculum design have been properly adopted. The guide outlines specific activites that will guide the teacher in teaching and learning process. The teacher is properly guided on the learning experiences to be undertaken in development of lessons. The guide has simplified additional content to the teacher that will be helpful in understansing the background of the topics. In addressing learners with special needs, the guide outlines measures to be undertaken. Different categories of learners with special needs have been highlighted. Steps to be undertaken while addressing specific disabilities amongst learners have been properly outlined. The guide further stipulates well-framed assessment rubrics according to the lessons. At the end of every lesson, each learner will be assessed based on the designed criterion provided. The book is authored by a team of competent and experiened authors in curriculum development and teaching.

KLB Skillgrow Islamic Religious Educa...

Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright life acceptable in the society. Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 1 Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency Based Curriculum Design. The experiences hove been aligned with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. This Workbook is also mojorly illustrated to enliven the content with the text following the design closely. Skiligrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primory 1 Learner's Workbook has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences ore centred on the child's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Islamic Religious Activities. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Therefore, every lesson has something to draw from learner's day-to-day activities. This Workbook has numerous practical activities to enable the learner to practise doing on their own either in school or at home. The simple exercises like drawing, colouring, matching, joining dots, singing anashids, reciting and-memorising verses of the Qur'an are integrated within the lessons so as to enhance active participation and enjoyment by the learner. Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright life acceptable in the society. Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 1 Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency Based Curriculum Design. The experiences hove been aligned with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. This Workbook is also mojorly illustrated to enliven the content with the text following the design closely. Skiligrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primory 1 Learner's Workbook has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences ore centred on the child's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Islamic Religious Activities. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Therefore, every lesson has something to draw from learner's day-to-day activities. This Workbook has numerous practical activities to enable the learner to practise doing on their own either in school or at home. The simple exercises like drawing, colouring, matching, joining dots, singing anashids, reciting and-memorising verses of the Qur'an are integrated within the lessons so as to enhance active participation and enjoyment by the learner. Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright life acceptable in the society. Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 1 Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency Based Curriculum Design. The experiences hove been aligned with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. This Workbook is also mojorly illustrated to enliven the content with the text following the design closely. Skiligrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primory 1 Learner's Workbook has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences ore centred on the child's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Islamic Religious Activities. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Therefore, every lesson has something to draw from learner's day-to-day activities. This Workbook has numerous practical activities to enable the learner to practise doing on their own either in school or at home. The simple exercises like drawing, colouring, matching, joining dots, singing anashids, reciting and-memorising verses of the Qur'an are integrated within the lessons so as to enhance active participation and enjoyment by the learner. Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright life acceptable in the society. Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 1 Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency Based Curriculum Design. The experiences hove been aligned with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. This Workbook is also mojorly illustrated to enliven the content with the text following the design closely. Skiligrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primory 1 Learner's Workbook has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences ore centred on the child's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Islamic Religious Activities. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Therefore, every lesson has something to draw from learner's day-to-day activities. This Workbook has numerous practical activities to enable the learner to practise doing on their own either in school or at home. The simple exercises like drawing, colouring, matching, joining dots, singing anashids, reciting and-memorising verses of the Qur'an are integrated within the lessons so as to enhance active participation and enjoyment by the learner

KLB Skillgrow Christian Religious Act...

Christian Religious Activities is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society. KLB Skillgrow Pre-Primary 1 Christian Religious Activities Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency-Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely. This Workbook has employed a child-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the child's interests, knowledge, and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Every lesson has something to draw from day-to-day occurrences. This Learner's Workbook has, therefore, used illustrations from familiar situations that are created to help learners understand more difficult Biblical concepts. Gender equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender. For example, both boys and girls are involved in household chores, playing musical instruments, and actively participating in church activities. The principle of inclusivity has been taken care of by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of society. This Learner's book is basically a Workbook with numerous practical activities within and at the end of every lesson to enable the learners to practise doing on their own. The simple exercises like modeling, colouring, singing, and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons so as to make learning interesting and participatory

KLB Skillgrow Kiswahili Activities L/...

KLB Skillgrow Mazoezi ya Lugha Hatua ya Kwanza (Kaaba cha Mwanafunz0 ni kitabu mojawapo kati ya vitabu vinavyochapishwa na Kenya Literature Bureau vya msururu wa Skillgrow. Msururu huu wa vitabu umezingatia Mtalaa wa kiumilisi wa mwaka wa 2017 wa masomo ya shule za Nasari. Kitabu hiki kimekusudiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wa kutumia stadi zote nne za lugha ya Kiswahili; Kusikiliza, Kuzungumza, Kusoma na kujiandaa Kuandika. Kupitia stadi hizi, mwanafunzi anakuza uwezo wake wa lugha. Toleo hili limejumuisha mambo muhimu ambayo yanachangia ujifunzaji wa sasa ambayo ni masuala mtambuko, maswali dadisi, masuala ya jinsia, picha murua za kuchangamsha na kuibua hamu ya kudadisi kwa mwanafunzi na mbinu tofauti za kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wake wa kujifunza. Mazingira halisi ya mwanafunzi yamezingatiwa katika kukuza kazi hii. Hili linamwezesha mwanafunzi kujifunza katika hali halisi. Lugha sahili imetumika ili kurahisisha kuelewa kwa mada zote katika kitabu hiki.

KLB Skillgrow Language Activities(Eng...

KLB Skillgrow Language Activities Teacher's Guide for Pre-Primary 1 is designed to aid teachers/care givers lead the learner to develop knowledge and attitudes in language. It illustrates to the teacher how to assess learner potential and weakness thus enabling them to design gppropriate learning paths for the learner. The key inquiry questions suggested for every lesson enables the teacher to identify the competencies the learner is expected to develop as they undertake given activities. Assessment rubrics for each lesson are provided in the text. With this, the teacher is able to monitor and evaluate the learner's progress.