Showing 7261–7280 of 18456 results

Media Stereotypes of Islam and Muslim...

Written for a general audience, this book discusses the media's negative portrayals of Islam and Muslims and suggests ways to respond using Islamic sources. In a sense, it is a toolkit for anyone wishing to respond to the lingering stereotypes against Islam and Muslims. Those interested in interfaith understanding would find it a valuable resource as well.


KShs2,200.00 KShs1,800.00
In a society ruined by decades of hatred, divisions, and unthinkable crimes against humanity, there is an urgent need for a guiding star to steer our course back toward the promised land. In his intriguing novel, Suffering Without Bitterness, the author, Tut Kuany Kok, laid a blueprint to help us redirect our efforts, reimagine our society, and re-engineer a cohesive nation where we can live without boundaries or confines. The outstanding story of Athiei and Dhiel, two young people who hailed from once friendly communities but were turned rivals by the political decision-makers, melts hearts as it unfolds. Their struggle to mend the patches created over the decades of the divisive gospel of hatred met stiff opposition from their immediate relatives. However, despite the difficulties encountered on the journey, they remained consistent with the cause they believed was worth dying for. The growing strong bond between the two in the face of unimaginable suffering, and their resilience to face it with love and compassion for all humanity, narrowed the valley separating the two communities and culminated in a momentous end.

The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Id...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,190.00
There's a war against truth... and if we don't win it, intellectual freedom will be a casualty. The West’s commitment to freedom, reason, and true liberalism has never been more seriously threatened than it is today by the stifling forces of political correctness. Dr. Gad Saad, the host of the enormously popular YouTube show THE SAAD TRUTH, exposes the bad ideas—what he calls “idea pathogens”—that are killing common sense and rational debate. Incubated in our universities and spread through the tyranny of political correctness, these ideas are endangering our most basic freedoms—including freedom of thought and speech. The danger is grave, but as Dr. Saad shows, politically correct dogma is riddled with logical fallacies. We have powerful weapons to fight back with—if we have the courage to use them. A provocative guide to defending reason and intellectual freedom and a battle cry for the preservation of our fundamental rights, The Parasitic Mind will be the most controversial and talked-about book of the year.

Wake Up, Dream Boy

KShs940.00 KShs750.00
The story about the Well being of a Young boy who changed from being a hooligan to a reliable person in Future.

Juris 48 – Doctrines on the Int...

Juris 48 - Doctrines on the Interpretation & Application of the Bill of Rights is an indispensable resource for legal professionals, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the intricate landscape of constitutional rights. This comprehensive volume combines an extensive compilation of caselaw with an annotated bibliography, providing a comprehensive exploration of the principles guiding the interpretation and application of the Bill of Rights.

The Doctrines on Establishment &...

Juris 48 - Doctrines on the Establishment & Operation of the Constitution is an essential reference book for legal professionals and scholars delving into constitutional law. This comprehensive compilation combines an extensive collection of caselaw with a meticulously annotated bibliography, offering a profound exploration of the principles governing the creation and functioning of a constitution.

The JURIS 48 Compendium No.1 Vol. I C...

KShs5,000.00 KShs4,500.00
"The JURIS 48 Compendium No.1 Vol. I CONSTITUTIONAL LAW" is a comprehensive compilation of excerpts from case law related to constitutional issues under Chapters 1-4 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. This meticulously curated compendium

A Unified Way to Wisdom – Philo...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,300.00
The author, Prof. Cletus N. Chukwu PhD is a Philosopher, Mystic, Theologian and Prolific writer. He had earlier published academic philosophical books and several articles. From the author's exalted encyclopedic mind, he masterfully takes all categories of readers and audiences on board in this book in an intelligible way into the multifaceted nature of whom, and what we are.

A Unified Way to Freedom

The author, Prof. Cletus N. Chukwu PhD is a Philosopher, Mystic, Theologian and Prolific writer. He had earlier published academic philosophical books and several articles. From the author's exalted encyclopedic mind, he masterfully takes all categories of readers and audiences on board in this book in an intelligible way into the multifaceted nature of whom, and what we are. The book exposes the knowledge gaps to build on for achieving self-fulfillment. The dynamics of vibrational nature of our cosmos, the interconnectedness and interdependence of everything in our worldly and spiritual endeavors leading up to wisdom abound in this book. The book encompasses and synthesizes science, philosophy, arts, mysticism, and inspired religions of Western and Eastern traditions. The author points the way to that exalted state of spiritual consciousness. He brings meaning into human life and stirs courage and aspiration to know “thyself” so as to know the universe and its potential benefits to oneself and humanity. He shows how our thoughts, words, inner desires and actions vibrate and mutate to shape our future in accordance with Divine Will and universal cosmic laws. The book is replete with intrigues of life that are fascinating, yet all the drama of human experiences is intelligible when we know the Divine and the certainty of immortality

Civil Litigation

"Civil Litigation - Statute Law, Caselaw, and Academia." Authored by Felix Okiri, is a comprehensive and authoritative book that offers a thorough exploration of the legal landscape, combining statute law, influential caselaw, and scholarly insights. From procedural guidelines to essential legal principles, this book serves as an invaluable resource for legal practitioners, scholars, and students seeking a deep understanding of civil litigation in the Kenyan context. With meticulous research and clarity of thought, this book brings to light the interplay between statutes, landmark cases, and academic perspectives, providing a holistic view that enhances both theoretical understanding and practical application. Whether you're navigating the courtroom or studying civil litigation, this book is your indispensable guide to unlocking the nuances of Kenyan law and mastering the art of civil litigation.

Commercial law

"Civil Litigation - Statute Law, Caselaw, and Academia." Authored by Felix Okiri, is a comprehensive and authoritative book that offers a thorough exploration of the legal landscape, combining statute law, influential caselaw, and scholarly insights. From procedural guidelines to essential legal principles, this book serves as an invaluable resource for legal practitioners, scholars, and students seeking a deep understanding of civil litigation in the Kenyan context. With meticulous research and clarity of thought, this book brings to light the interplay between statutes, landmark cases, and academic perspectives, providing a holistic view that enhances both theoretical understanding and practical application. Whether you're navigating the courtroom or studying civil litigation, this book is your indispensable guide to unlocking the nuances of Kenyan law and mastering the art of civil litigation.

Battles Of The Savannah by Sammy Kipsang

KShs800.00 KShs650.00
A fictional story about Kalenjin way of life. Conflicts, Culture and tradition, betrayal are the main themes. Two friends eventually turn into greatest enemies and one kills the other in climax

THE COMEBACK by Vincent Ogutu

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,499.00
In The Comeback, the author affirms the saying that if you see them on the mountaintop, they didn’t just fall there. He has pooled together authentic, real life stories that depict the harsh terrain these people have walked or crawled through, the desperation, loss and pain on the one hand and on the other hand, the incredible resilience, determination and fortitude that kept them going even when there was no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, when they skidded again and again down the slippery slope and hope was in short supply. In the depth of despair a helping hand, a mentor or sheer grit has led to triumph, success, restoration and in several cases, unparalleled wealth. The stories and the reflections the Author shares will break your fall, provide stepping stones, a breath of fresh air and illuminate your path as you seek greater heights, or try to dig yourself out of any quagmire. Definitely a must-read.

Constitution Makers on Constitution M...

KShs20,000.00 KShs17,900.00
Constitution-making is a major event in the life of a country, with constitutions often acting as a catalyst for social and political transformation. But what determines the visions, aspirations and compromises that go into a written constitution? In this unique volume, constitution makers from countries around the world come together to offer their insights. Using a collection of case studies from countries with recently written constitutions, Constitution Makers on Constitution Making provides a common framework to explain how constitutions are created. Scholars and practitioners very close to the process illuminate critical insights into how participants see constitutional options, how deadlocks are broken, and how changes are achieved. This vital volume also draws lessons concerning the role of courts in policing the process, on international involvement, and on public participation.

My purity Journal by Adisa Hadson

The journal aims to show that there is still a remnant of a people who want to honour God by living a pure life. From the beginning, the author indicates that God should be the centre of the relationship. When two people make themselves the centre of attention for each other, they take God's place. The mark of a mature person is the ability to rule over their desires, it is clear that the passion and urge for sex is and will always be there regardless of if one is a believer or not, but the question is how do you deal with that desire and still honour God. Our security as believers is in God, and this helps to protect us from seeking our contentment from a person. We realize that singlehood is a gift that should be enjoyed and not a hurdle to be endured. It helps us recognise that we can build our partnership not on feelings that change so quickly but on a serving attitude toward one another and seeking God's will together and for each other. With this in mind, even purity becomes a mutual goal to be pursued. The author shares her struggles and practical approaches that she has used in her purity journey till marriage. As believers, our purity is not only keeping away from sexual sin. Our pursuit of purity encompasses every aspect of who we are, from our thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes and motives, words and deeds. Matthew 5:8 reminds us that the blessed are pure in heart, for they shall see God. Our purity is all-around. The Journal points us to the word of God that in all the desires to keep pure, God is there. In the struggles to stay pure, the Word of God is there to encourage us to move on. This, however, has to begin from an individual decision to walk the purity journey. It starts by acknowledging that it is a worthwhile journey with its share of challenges but with great benefits. One has to remember that we are the beloved of the Lord, that the Lord desires well for each of us, and that when we are in Christ, we are whole. When the WAIT becomes difficult, we are reminded of the faithfulness of Him who has called us. In those long nights of tears and lament, then the embrace of the Father helps us cope. There is hope that Love works. Patience in the journey of singlehood is a necessity. We may fall into the wrong relationship that breaks us into the core, but we are made whole in the brokenness. We are broken to be mended. As you read through the journal, we are reminded that sex in the confines of marriage is good. In the waiting, one needs to keep busy in constructive ways that fully occupy your mind. Keep serving, discuss the struggles, and reach out to a mentor. And to sum it all up, prayer really does work. It is a spiritual phenomenon created by an unlimited, powerful God. Prayer yields amazing results; God is sovereign and does things His way. However, prayer works best when coming from a broken and contrite heart in the right relationship with the Lord. The effective prayer of a righteous man availeth much James 5:16. Are you struggling with waiting for a spouse? Pray. Are you struggling with sexual impurity? Then pray. Connect with God. Have a close walk with the Father. Instead of complaining about the long wait, turn the complaints into prayers. Elizabeth takes you through her journey and her purity life. By seeing how things have eventually turned out, you see God's amazing plans and assurance. Just like Job was sitting in the dust with sores all over his body, he still said…. For I know that my Redeemer liveth, Job 19:25. That the wait is long, but one day, the narrative changes. The Purity Journal…Beautiful in white, will bring you to the real challenges that single ladies go through in pursuit of holiness and the struggles that are hardly discussed in most forums.

Believe In Your Dream by Henry Muguluma

Believe In Your Dream If you have a dream that you want to achieve, this book is for you! Filled with motivation and insights to help dreamers become achievers. each page is filled with real life stories to inspire your soul and give you practical guidance to help you turn your dreams into a reality.

5 Thing Every Young Person Should Kno...

5 Thing Every Young Person Should Know – by Henry Muguluma. This is a simple, exciting and vital reading for young people in Africa and beyond. The book is designed to help young people (13 years and above) to understand the most important things about life, so that they can live meaningful and productive lives. It is written in simple language, with relevant lessons, real life stories, and practical applications. It helps young people to answer questions like: • Who am i? • Why am I here? • What is the meaning of life? • How do I discover my potential? • How do I deal with a painful past? • How do I make better choices? • How do I reach my dreams? • Etc


Deborah. Esther. Hannah. David. Warriors are all around us. These men and women skil-fully balance all life throws at them, coming out with their crowns intact and adorned with integrity, grace and dignity. Like the emerging of a butterfly from its cocoon, such warriors know how to come out of the darkest of nights with a smile on their faces and a song in their hearts. Their success is rooted in knowledge, armed with the truth of the Word and the battle gear of heaven. Standing tall and confident knowing full well their value and worth. Young or old, you too can be named among the world’s greatest warri-ors! Join Ethel as she outlines the keys you need to become the warrior God intended you to be!


This book is about the 15 things I have learned about marriage in the 16 plus years I have been married. They are lessons I have learned from the marriages and divorces of friends and family, lessons taught to me by God, and the different marriage seminars and meetings I have attended. They don't teach about marriage in school, and the person you marry and the way you navigate the institution of marriage, is one of the greatest sources of joy or pain in life! This book is a good read with valuable lessons for those intending to get married, those who have started on the journey of courtship, those who are married, and those who don't intend to get married. It is a practical and unplugged discussion of marriage, without any sugarcoats. It is a collection of insights into this institution called marriage, that have elluded many of us, primarily because, among other reasons, they don't teach us about marriage in school!


PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF” is a heart-to-heart message that will help you realize that you are on a mission to find and draw significance to lives, better our world, and be better. In life, we all desire to have peace of mind and a life that has significance. And this book edifies the soul and simplifies the journey as it opens you up with illustrations to reflect on what it takes to see yourself from being broken into pieces to peace of mind, from being a victim to experiencing effective victories