Showing 7921–7940 of 18461 results

Place of Cool Waters by Ndirangu Gith...

KShs1,700.00 KShs1,500.00
When Jude Wilson decides to travel halfway across the world to visit the graves of his childhood Boy Scout heroes, he unwittingly signs up for a lot more than he imagined. Growing up in the placid little Pacific Northwest town of Clarksville could never adequately prepare him for what he encounters in the vibrant, mercurial streets of Nairobi, where context defines meaning and words alone are not always sufficient to communicate across a cultural gap. He meets Qadir Mohamed—the affable manager at the youth hostel where he is staying—and a valuable friendship develops between two people from disparate backgrounds with seemingly little in common. In Kenya, the past is never far away, though it is sometimes remembered differently by insiders. As a result, the unexamined triumphal legends from Jude’s scouting days begin to unravel in the face of new discoveries. It is, however, a disastrous taxi ride and ensuing case of mistaken identity that emerge as the defining moments of this life-changing trip, leading him to stumble upon truths about himself that he was previously unaware of.


KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
The target group for this book is those planning to get married,those already in marriages and those who are separated. The book highlights what interferes with marriages negatively and the positive interventions that can be made by referring to bible teachings and real life experiences. In the last part of the book God's care and concern for those who are separated is captured.

The Black Facade by Rowland Lukano

KShs550.00 KShs500.00
The Black Facade is a poetry collection that seeks to address the deceptive nature of humankind in all spheres and the silver lining that shines hope on the rather hopeless. Presenting a society marked by a cocktail of smiles and frowns, Lukalo seemingly divides his poems into three groups; the first group addressing the political gimmicks in the contemporary society. The second group addresses the hiccups that lace the sweet experience that love is. Lastly, Lukalo has given a masterpiece of poems cleverly cutting across the social issues that are not uncommon in our society today. The question one asks is; how truthful are we in the pursuit of happiness and wellbeing of ourselves and others? And, are happy endings really existent? About The Poet Lukalo was born in September, 1994 in Simatwet, Nandi County, Kenya. He is the lastborn in his family. He attended Kaptik Primary School and Kaptik Mixed Day Secondary School both in Vihiga County. He later joined Moi University where he graduated in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in Education-Arts (English/Literature). He is currently a teacher of English and Literature. His passion for writing began as early as when he was a form 2 student when he started doing short stories and poems. None of these was published though. He later started his blog, The People's Beacon, in 2016 which he uses to write poems and articles addressing social rights.

The Hot Chalice by Hamisi Wawire

KShs850.00 KShs800.00
Should we let our children into our marriage squabbles? Does it help or worsen the already worse situation? Does it mould them into responsible parents and patriotic citizens? Must we doubt each other in marriage? In this lovely but tragic story, Injendi’s true love to his family – wife and daughter comes to an abrupt end when his wife’s doubts lead to Nekesa’s killing. A rosy union turns once into a bed of thorns that dates back to Nawusino’s early orientation to love and marriage. Nandako has to step in strongly to make the unimagined happen.

Uprooting the Roots of Poverty by Oli...

KShs650.00 KShs550.00
Judge me as unfortunate since you have not once lived through adversity. If you have never passed through life minus an opponent then there is no single person who can ever imagine or know what you are capable of or where your strength lies. We neither choose where we are born nor are given a life manual, we all design our survival skills and adjust appropriately to the ecosystem. Pain, hard times, hostility, and frustration should make us victorious! Turn your pain into your power! I conquered destitution through Him who orders my steps and walks with me through the thickest- ‘Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me (Psalm 23: 4). You too, can do it!

Nearly Every Man is Mad and Other Sto...

KShs1,150.00 KShs1,000.00
Nearly Every Man is Mad? & Other Stories is a collection of fresh and exciting stories that seek to educate, entertain, correct and invite us to reflect on various contemporary issues that affect our society. The stories explore and present, brilliantly and interestingly, themes such as parenting, love, faith, moral decay, environmental degradation, hypocrisy, injustice, extortion and betrayal among others. Moreover, the stories are written in a simple language using various literary techniques to help readers understand, appreciate and relate with the experiences easily. About the Author Wafula Khisa is a Kenyan poet, writer and teacher. His poetry and prose have appeared in various (online and in print) literary journals, magazines and anthologies such as Nthanda Review, The African Writer Magazine, Tuck Magazine, Elixir Magazine, Scarlet Leaf Review, Writers Space Africa, The Legendary Magazine, Dwarts Literary Journal, Agape Review, African Voices: A Call for Freedom, Nalubaale Review Literary Magazine, Armageddon & Other Stories, Lunaris Review (issue 7), Advaitam Speaks Literary Magazine, Aubade Magazine, Antarctica Journal, New Ink Review, Hope: An Anthology of Poetry, Better Than Starbucks Poetry & Fiction Journal and Best New African Poets anthology series among others. Some of his poetry has been translated into French. He was long listed for the Babishai Niwe Poetry Prize in 2018. He has published two collections of poetry: A Cock’s Seduction Song & Other Poems (2019) and When I Hear My Mother’s Voice & Other Poems (2022).

Heart of Surrender by Bosibori Bogonko

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
The story of Hannah is in many ways our story. From beginning to end the characters honor their part in bringing alive the heart-wrenching decisions that we sometimes have to make when life throws us a curveball. What is it that takes us through those moments? Regardless of the situations we go through, how do we arise and come out better and stronger, clearer about who we are? How do we honor our truth regardless of the circumstances? Heart of Surrender subtly reminds us that we are not in control, and when we let go, there is greater power within us that enables us to rise beyond the most challenging circumstances. The bonus is finding our authentic self, living our truth, and above reproach. Simply told, Heart of Surrender calls us to self-reflect on our journeys, then like the eagle choose to die slowly, or go through the painful process of renewing ourselves at different chapters of our lives.

Conscious Business: How to Build Valu...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,590.00
Consciousness is the main source of organizational greatness. "Conscious business," explains Fred Kofman, means finding your passion and expressing your essential values through your work. A conscious business seeks to promote the intelligent pursuit of happiness in all its stakeholders. It produces sustainable, exceptional performance through the solidarity of its community and the dignity of each member.

Our World of Illusion by Jerr rreJ an...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,990.00
Why are women sexually drawn to mysterious men? What is mystery and how can a man increase his own mystery? Why do some men confess themselves more than others? What is the rationale of a conscience? What happens to a civilization when it is hyper feminized? These questions and more will be answered in Our World of Illusion. Know the mystery today.

Lwanda Magere by Okoiti Omtatah

KShs700.00 KShs590.00
OKOITI OMTATA is an upcoming Kenyan playwright who has won the Nairobi Theatre Academy Original Playwriting Competition several times, including its inaugral award in 1990. Though he has written many original plays, Luanda Magere is his first published work in the E.A.E.P. Drama Library. Luanda Magere is an eponymous account of an invincible Luo legend, skilfully written in a poetic language that is enriched with traditional idioms, riddles and proverbs. The interplay between fate and personal disposition in an individual's destiny puts the play in the class of such works as Sophocle's King Oedipus. It is a drama of love, hate, betrayal and death.

The Journey To my Destiny by Sarah Ki...

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
It's a moving true testimony of a young girl who got saved at the age of 11 years. Despite many challenges she stood against all odds, holding on to her faith. Suitable for all ages.

The Art of Mcing by Dr Ofweneke and M...

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
This book is about the art of Master of ceremonies. Written by two professional mcs with an average of 32 years in the industry. It is a collection of experiences put in a book to bring structure and luster to the art.

The General and I by Helen Pilale Nka...

KShs4,000.00 KShs3,500.00
This is the story of an imposing military man whose appointment to head the country's security apparatus made Kenyans feel relatively safe again after multiple terror attacks. A disciplined patriot and a fitness-enthusiast, Nkaissery’s sudden death, on the eve of a General Election, sent shock waves worldwide. In the list of his unfinished work, was his wish to write his life story. His widow, Helen, steps up courageously to bear witness and realize the General’s dream. She weaves this memoir in the context of a Maasai cultural world set against a fast-changing political landscape.

Unlocking the power of your faith

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
The Bible tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. That means faith is the means by which you can serve God to achieve great things for Him as Dr. Stanko explains in this book from his Unlocking series.

Success in Babylon

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
In the post Christian world, it’s important for all believers to understand that they still have a purpose and mission, even if they find themselves working in Babylon, like Daniel did. This book will help you not just survive, but thrive in settings that may seem not to be on receptive to the message or life of faith.

Unlocking the power of your thinking

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
The Bible is clear that you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Since the business of the mind is thinking, that means the key to your spiritual, transformation lies in the world of your thoughts. Learn how to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ in this book from Dr. Stanko’s Unlocking series.

Unlocking the power of your creativity

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
You were created by the Creator in His image and that means you are a creator too. In this book from his Unlocking series, Dr. Stanko explains how to overcome the enemies of your creativity so you can fully express what it is that God has created you to create.

Unlocking the power of you purpose

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
You have a purpose, something for you to do that only you can do and something for you to be that only you can be. In his first book in the Unlocking series, Dr. Stanko explains how to find your purpose and then goes on to outline a plan for how to fulfill it.

Unlocking the power of your productivity

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Jesus was clear that He chose you to “bear fruit, fruit that will remain.” In this book from his Unlocking series, Dr. Stanko helps you not just talk about being productive, but to also understand how to break through to live a fruitful lifestyle for God.

Unlocking the power of you

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Many people are fighting who they are, believing that they must undergo major changes before God can use them. Dr. Stanko has news for you in this book from his Unlocking series: God can use you as you are where you are right now!