Showing 11401–11420 of 18465 results

Translating Nephesh in the Psalms int...

This interdisciplinary study tackles the controversy of translating nephesh ( נפֶֶשׁ ) by using an intergenerational translation team to deepen our understanding of this term and providing a more valuable translation in Chinese, especially for use in specialist Children’s Bibles. This book provides important lessons for the many translation projects working towards Children’s Bibles but also for how translation of biblical terms can be better reached through this intergenerational process.

Beyond Justice: Death and the Retribu...

Churnai demonstrates that the retribution principle allows humans to know the hidden God as it illuminates the relationship between individual and Creator. Through Job’s experiences and heartfelt outpouring of his soul before both God’s wrathful and gracious face we can know God more fully. Churnai shows how these faces of God are reconciled in the two divine speeches of YHWH, which invite both Job and the reader and move beyond retribution theology to trust in the graciousness of God.

Jesus’s Identification with the Margi...

The first-century Judaic understanding of the identity and nature of the Messiah has been a much-debated topic among biblical scholars and preachers alike. So too has the messianic identity and nature of Jesus himself. Deboch informs these debates with fresh evidence outside traditional references to miracles, and supernatural identifications by demons and God himself. This book brings insightful new conclusions that transform our understanding of the biblical messianic identity revealed in the person of Jesus.

Transforming Missiology: An Alternati...

Dr Lygunda provides a thorough analysis of missiological teaching in theological education institutes in Africa, with special reference to three Christian universities in Democratic Republic of Congo. His detailed examination of current teaching of mission theory and praxis forms the solid foundation for his articulation of a new paradigm of missiological education. In this study Lygunda convincingly presents the case for a transformed approach to raising up seminarians who are equipped to lead indigenous missional churches.

Context and Contextuality: The Missio...

Tsvirinko examines the holism, authenticity and contextuality of mission work done by churches in the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association in America. He defines authentic mission in light of three major Christian groups and uncovers startling insights on how these churches engage in mission back in their homeland and in America. The conclusions are invaluable to diasporic Christian communities evaluating their authenticity in the way they do mission, internationally and locally, creating a path to more fruitful ministry.

Forgiveness and Politics: A Critical ...

Forgiveness and politics are often assumed to be unrelated and un-relatable. This study not only argues that forgiveness and politics can be related, but also that they are intrinsically related. It also critiques standard approaches and proposals for relating forgiveness and politics while offering an alternative proposal for the relationship between forgiveness and politics. In making the case, the study revisits not only the biblical foundations of forgiveness, but also the concepts and practices of politics, justice, and reconciliation.

Heaven and Earth in Luke-Acts

Focusing on several key passages from the biblical canon, Gao analyses them in their Jewish, Greco-Roman and broader literary contexts to enhance our comprehension of the meaning of “heaven" and it’s significance for our worldview. Dr Gao also elucidates how heaven, as well as being part of reality, acts as a concept that points to the arrival of God’s eschatological kingdom on earth. This book enhances efforts to understand “heaven,” which is often viewed as unfathomable by many Christians.

Corruption Mocking at Justice: A Theo...

The increased awareness globally of corruption and the threat it poses has led many in the secular and Christian world to seek solutions. Recognizing the crisis caused by corruption in Tanzania, his own country, Dr Alfred Sebahene seeks to understand this social epidemic through the application of theological ethics. As a result the study identifies theological-ethical guidelines that inform and add substance to the church’s duty in the public sphere, particularly in the fight against corruption and injustice.

This Is True Grace: The Shaping of So...

Sun investigates the coherence between the social behavioural instructions and the theological teachings found in 1 Peter. Engaging with the Balch-Elliott debate, she argues that the core question should not be whether Christians should separate from, or accommodate to, wider society, but whether their behaviour is consistent with their ultimate allegiance to God. Sun convincingly demonstrates that the social distinctiveness of Christian communities was encouraged as a form of cultural and spiritual opposition to wider societal norms.

Competencies for Leading in Diversity...

The patriarchal approach to leadership in the African context is indeed an enigma, judging from the unpredictable outcomes and the quest for effective leadership. The Lord Jesus calls his followers to servant leadership. The secular world has also established the efficacy of the servant leadership approach for cutting-edge leadership. This book looks at the nature of evangelical associations in their diversity and what it takes for leaders to build unity and harmony for effectiveness, especially in the African context.

Mission through Diaspora: The Case of...

Surveying 652 US Chinese churches about their mission activities, along with interviews of a sub-set of respondents, Dr Wu provides analysis and explanation of mission activities using diaspora theories. The trend for Chinese diaspora church mission to take a “Chinese first” approach capitalizes on shared language, culture and transnational networks to advance the gospel. In this era of globalization, diaspora mission has never been so prescient.

Rethinking Missio Dei among Evangelic...

This publication seeks to evaluate the various missionary approaches both from the Evangelical and Orthodox perspective. Reconciling each the author provides a platform to introduce a new missionary paradigm for Eastern European Evangelical churches.

Heralds and Community: An Enquiry int...

This book is part of an ongoing discussion in the scholarly community about Paul’s understanding of the relationship between his own mission and the church’s mission. While this study endorses some previous scholars who exegetically argue for Paul’s thorough silence about the church’s proactive evangelism in his letters, it argues that the explanations for such a silence cannot be adequately made by exegetical conclusions on some related texts alone.

From Land to Lands, from Eden to the ...

The land is an important theme in the Bible. It is a theme through which the whole biblical history found in the Old and New Testaments can be studied and analyzed. Looking at the land in the Bible from its beginnings in the garden of Eden this publication approaches the theme from three distinct perspectives – holiness, the covenant, and the kingdom.

Bible Translation in Suriname: An Ove...

The Republic of Suriname, located in northern South America, has a long and rich history of Bible translation, going back to the middle of the eighteenth century. Missionaries learned the local languages and translated Scriptures into them. This book describes the difficult and sometimes complicated process of Bible translation in Suriname. It furnishes a brief biography of translators, both national and foreign, coming from different denominational backgrounds.

Paul’s Viewpoint on God, Israel, and ...

Over the years Romans 9–11 has been investigated from a variety of approaches, with one of the most prominent being an intertextual reading. However, most discussions of intertextual studies on this section of Romans fail to adequately address Paul’s discourse patterns and that of his Jewish contemporaries with regard to God, Israel, and the Gentiles.

Responsibility, Chastisement and Rest...

Many Old Testament scholars have focused their studies of justice on the eighth-century BC prophets Isaiah, Amos and Micah, giving little or no attention to Hosea. Neglect of Hosea in relation to justice arises from the common notion that he was a prophet of love, and although some studies concede that parts of the book deal with justice, it is often overlooked or given secondary importance to other concerns and themes.

Mission Partnership in Creative Tensi...

Cueva has refined his concept of ‘partnership in mission’ by advocating reciprocal contextual collaboration in this reflection on contemporary missiology. Referencing historical, theological and functional aspects of mission and analyzing its impact on the evangelical movement, he identifies that mission always develops with positive and negative tensions. Emphasizing an understanding of current missions including traditional, networking and emergent models, and how they can be combined, interconnected and interchanged, the author proposes a fresh model that ensures suitability for every context.

Hermeneutics of Mission in Matthew: I...

Matthew’s Gospel is pivotal in scholarly discussion on the hermeneutical use of the Old Testament in the New. Sarma proposes that Matthew utilizes the Old Testament as a book of promise of God’s salvific plan and that Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise. For Matthew, God’s purpose to save fallen humanity is the grand narrative of the Bible. Using promise-fulfillment as the interpretative framework for mission theology, Sarma explores redemptive events, institutions, geography, prophetic ministry, and typology.

Insights from the Lives of Olive Doke...

This publication addresses the most challenging phase in church-planting missions, the torch being passed from pioneering missionaries to indigenous leaders. Having observed a very different story in the relationship between Olive Doke and Paul Kasonga, Mbewe argues that the key is deep-rooted mutual respect and admiration. Following a biblical interpretation of missions and referencing extensive sources regarding these church-planters, the author identifies the key ingredients to successful handovers and consequently a model for successful church-planting missions.