Showing 701–720 of 830 results

Unshakeable Trust Study Guide

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief Summary Unshakeable Trust Study Guide: Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things In this companion study guide to Unshakeable Trust, New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer explores a life lived in complete and total dependence on God. Drawing on her own experiences and inspiration from the Word of God, Joyce makes the case that in every area of your life--spiritually, relationally, emotionally, financially--you can trust that God cares for you deeply. Through powerful Scripture, encouraging insights, and challenging activities, Joyce unveils a sovereign and trustworthy God who longs to be in a relationship with his people, and inspires you to tear down the walls of self-reliance. The Unshakeable Trust Study Guide will both equip and encourage, as you learn how to "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Regardless of your past pain, your present circumstances, or your future uncertainty, when you learn to trust God each day, you'll experience the joy-filled life Jesus came to give you. Others may have let you down . . . but God never will ISBN:9781478976035 Author:Joyce Meyer

The First Muslim The Story of Muhammad

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,850.00
Brief Summary The extraordinary life of the man who founded Islam, and the world he inhabited—and remade. Muhammad’s was a life of almost unparalleled historical importance; yet for all the iconic power of his name, the intensely dramatic story of the prophet of Islam is not well known. In The First Muslim, Lesley Hazleton brings him vibrantly to life. Drawing on early eyewitness sources and on history, politics, religion, and psychology, she renders him as a man in full, in all his complexity and vitality. Hazleton’s account follows the arc of Muhammad’s rise from powerlessness to power, from anonymity to renown, from insignificance to lasting significance. How did a child shunted to the margins end up revolutionizing his world? How did a merchant come to challenge the established order with a new vision of social justice? How did the pariah hounded out of Mecca turn exile into a new and victorious beginning? How did the outsider become the ultimate insider? Impeccably researched and thrillingly readable, Hazleton’s narrative creates vivid insight into a man navigating between idealism and pragmatism, faith and politics, nonviolence and violence, rejection and acclaim. The First Muslim illuminates not only an immensely significant figure but his lastingly relevant legacy. ISBN:9781594487286 Author:Lesley Hazleton

Soar Build Your Vision from the Groun...

KShs2,290.00 KShs2,000.00
You don't have to be an entrepreneur to think like one and take flight with your dreams. Too often we remain in jobs that stifle our souls and leave us on the runway of opportunity with the engine of our deepest passion stalled, watching others make their personal vision a reality and build a legacy for their children-the opposite of what God intends for us. But it's never too late to get your dreams off the ground! If you long to maximize your unique abilities and aptitudes, if you strive to combine personal fulfillment with professional satisfaction, if you dream of creating exceptional goods and offering transformative services and fulfilling God's destiny for you, then you are ready to SOAR! In SOAR! T.D. Jakes reveals how to build the uniquely personal vision within each of us into our special contribution to the world. Blending the practical business acumen of a successful, global CEO with the dynamic inspiration of a life coach, SOAR! Provides the tools needed to ignite our imaginations into action and challenges us to embrace our God-given purpose as we align our character and creativity with our careers. Bridging both the corporate and nonprofit worlds, SOAR! Is a practical and easy-to-follow flight plan for launching the entrepreneurial drive inside each of us. It provides an inspiring look into the mindset of people who don't wait to see what will happen but strategically build the wings that will take them to new heights. So buckle your seat belts and prepare for liftoff-you have been cleared to fly beyond your fears, to absolutely SOAR!

Holding onto Hope

KShs499.00 KShs475.00
Brief Summary This book seeks to encourage and speak to people's lives. It is a book that is meant to encourage, uplift and express the love of Christ. The book speaks about hope in hopeless situations, it points to strength as a way of rising up from weakness due to the weariness that troubles bring, it speaks of boldness when faced with fear, facing the storms of life head on when faced with them, knowing that Jesus Christ is your anchor. This is a must read book if one is feeling discouraged and low. ISBN:9889966109811 Author:Noel Omukubi

With God All Things Are Possible

KShs1,199.00 KShs1,140.00
Brief Summary This book is an encyclopedic guide to Divine help in all facets of life, pointing the reader to solutions to life’s greatest needs, whether they be emotional, financial, interpersonal, or spiritual. ISBN:9780553262490 Author:Life Study Fellowship

Study Bible for Women NKJV Edition by...

KShs5,000.00 KShs3,900.00
Brief Summary The Woman’s Study Bible is a priceless treasure, poignantly revealing the Word of God to a woman’s heart. With special notes and features appealing to women's interests, highlighting women throughout Scripture, and capturing the unique ways Christ cared for women, this Bible truly speaks to a woman's heart. Now with a fresh, new look, and in a portable size for easy everyday use, The Woman’s Study Bible is more relevant to today’s women than ever before! Features include: • Inspiring articles by Anne Graham Lotz, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Roberta Hromas, Linda Dillow, Kathy Troccoli, and more • More than 100 character portraits of women in the Bible • More than 300 articles on topics for women • Hundreds of insightful quotes by inspiring women throughout history • Topical index to scriptures and special features • New King James Version text

You Were Made to Make a Difference

KShs1,499.00 KShs1,425.00
Brief Summary Want to change the world? Did you know You Were Made to Make Difference? This adaptation of Outlive Your Life for teens offers practical tips youth can take out into their community to make a difference, plus real-life stories about those who have done just that. Teens learn that God can use them to make a difference right now. He wants to use them today, without waiting for them to be older, stronger, richer, or even more "together.” God can use their minds, their spirits, and their hands and feet to make permanent change for His kingdom. Also included are valuable resources, interesting facts about the needy in the world and how little it takes to make a big difference, and other interactive elements such as journaling opportunities for writing personal ideas and service goals. Teens will learn that their role in life is bigger than themselves, and that they’re not too young to make a difference for God. Meets national education standards. ISBN:9781400316007 Author:Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado Bishop

Quiet Times for Couples

KShs2,299.00 KShs2,185.00
Brief Summary In this freshly designed trade edition of the bestselling daily devotional Quiet Times for Couples (more than 600,000 copies sold), noted counselor and author Norm Wright provides the help couples need to nurture their marriages. In just a few moments together each day, couples will discover a richer intimacy with each other and with God. They are encouraged to share their fondest dreams and deepest thoughts—creating memories in these quiet times together. A couple will look forward to closing the doors on the frenzied world and taking turns reading the devotions. The Scripture verses and meditations guide them in applying God's Word to their lives and marriage, and the daily discussions will fill their relationship with a new expression of God's promises and an everlasting love toward one another. This is the perfect gift—thoughtful and inspirational—for all couples at any stage of life and relationship. ISBN:9780736929943 Author:H. Norman Wright

PUSH Persevere Until Success Happens ...

KShs1,999.00 KShs1,900.00
Brief Summary Our Breakthrough Is Only a PUSH Away Today’s world knows little about perseverance. This is why so few people become innovators, entrepreneurs, and world-changers. Success is bypassed, not due to a lack of opportunity, but because we don’t know how to maximize the opportunities in front of us and PUSH - persevere until success happens. In her encouraging and dynamic style, Dr. Cindy Trimm inspires you to go for it. It is one thing to read about the lives of great achievers—it is another thing to join their ranks. Learn how to: • Carry your dreams, visions, and goals "full term” and to complete fulfillment • Exercise the power of faith to overcome the impossible and release God’s supernatural purposes into your life • Resist the temptation to ‘cave’ under pressure and press on even when you don’t feel like it anymore • Empower others to fulfill their divine destinies through co-laboring with them " ISBN:9780768404296 Author:Cindy Trimm

Reclaim Your Soul

KShs1,950.00 KShs1,853.00
Brief Summary Have you ever wondered. If everyone wants to succeed, why do so few people become successful? Can certain relationship patterns prevent me from stepping into my destiny? Are there habits or behaviors in my life that keep me from fulfilling my purpose? Develop the skills you need to succeed in life! While The 40 Day Soul Fast focused on the 40 characteristics of an authentic person, now bestselling author and empowerment specialist, Dr. Cindy Trimm delivers her follow-up—Reclaim Your Soul, which focuses on the 40 behaviors of a resilient person. Learn how to: • Identify destructive relationships in your life and break free from their harmful impact • Avoid unhealthy emotional attachments and shield your soul from possible damage • Unlock your potential and refuse to settle for anything or anyone that pulls you away from fulfilling your purpose Successful people are resilient people. The key to resiliency is learning how to reclaim your soul each and every day! ISBN:9780768403480 Author:Cindy Trimm

The Prosperous Soul

KShs1,999.00 KShs1,900.00
Brief Summary The Prosperous Soul: Your Journey to a Richer Life Prosperity begins from within. You were created to enjoy prosperity on every level— from a rich spiritual and intellectual life, to a richness in your relationships and professional pursuits! The problem is that prosperity has often been reduced to a single measure: A dollar amount. Truth is, financial abundance is just one expression of what it means to live a rich life. Bestselling author and life empowerment specialist, Dr. Cindy Trimm, makes it clear that the abundant life described by Jesus is not only for everyone, but is available at any time. Abundance is a choice! The secret lies within your soul. Get ready to… Make daily choices that position you to fulfill your dreams Embrace prosperity in every area of your life: Spiritually, mentally, physically, relationally, vocationally, and financially. Discover the 40 key practices for living your most prosperous life A prosperous soul is your all-access pass to living a rich life. As your soul prospers, every area of your life will follow suit. Why wait? Start prospering today! ISBN:9780768405187 Author:Cindy Trimm

A Life Beyond Amazing Study Guide

KShs2,599.00 KShs2,470.00
Brief Summary A Life beyond Amazing: 9 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life Toda There is a way to experience a better life. Are you ready to become the person God has called you to be? In A Life beyond Amazing, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah uncovers God’s strategy for change and challenges you to make nine important decisions that will transform your heart, your life, and your world. This life-changing book explores the nine qualities of character that carry us forward. Three of these have to do with our relationship with ourselves, three deal with interactions with other people, and three of them focus on our relationship with God. Spiritual principles are true in any situation. But we must make a conscious decision to employ them in our daily lives. God has given us wisdom for these days. A Life beyond Amazing answers the questions that keep us up at night and shows that the way forward is a reminder of who we are in Christ and why it matters. ISBN:9780718079901 Author:David Jeremiah

Destined to Reign by Joseph Prince

KShs4,000.00 KShs3,350.00
Brief Summary Destined to Reign: The Secret to Effortless Success, Wholeness, and Victorious Living. Discover the secret of reigning over every adversity, lack and destructive habit that is limiting you from experiencing the success, wholeness and victory that you were destined to enjoy. Find out how it is not about what you have to do, but what has already been done. It is not about what you must accomplish, but what has already been accomplished for you. It is not about using your will power to effect change, but His power changing you. Start reigning over sickness, financial lack, broken relationships and destructive habits today! Find everything you need to know about the Gospel of grace in one definitive book. " ISBN:9781577949329 Author:Joseph Prince

Unmerited Favor by Joseph Prince

KShs3,500.00 KShs3,000.00
Brief Summary Receive your supernatural advantage for a successful life today! God wants you to succeed in every area of your life! And with His presence in your life, you can. His grace or unmerited favor can swing open doors of opportunities and place you at the right place at the right time for His blessings. Even if you lack the necessary qualifications, His unmerited favor can propel you forward. Discover in Unmerited Favor how everything that you touch can be blessed and how you can enjoy good success. Learn about what Jesus has accomplished on the cross for you, and how, through His perfect sacrifice, you can lead an overcoming life as God's beloved. Packed with new covenant truths on the unmerited favor of God and how you already have access to it through Jesus' finished work, Unmerited Favor is a must-read for anyone who wants to live the good life—God’s way. It's time for you to stop depending on your own efforts to succeed and to start depending on Jesus and Jesus alone for every success. Start living out the dreams that God has birthed in your heart today! " ISBN:9781616385897 Author:Joseph Prince

A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers

KShs3,590.00 KShs3,190.00
In this compilation of the five books in the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary—even scandalous—challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

He came to set the captives free by R...

KShs1,600.00 KShs1,390.00
For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. In this honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today, you'll see how to recognize and combat the many Satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches; recognize and combat satanic attacks; and recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ.

Prepare For War

KShs1,295.00 KShs1,231.00
Brief Summary Do you know how Satan can use "doorways" including yoga, role-playing games, and meditation, to bring demonic destruction into your home? In this spiritual warfare manual, Rebecca Brown writes from seven years’ experience helping deliver many people out of hardcore Satanism. In this sequel to her best-selling book He Came to Set the Captives Free, you will learn to stand victoriously against Satan, deal with the dangerous New Age teachings, recognize and deal with satanic ritualistic abuse of children, minister in the area of deliverance, and handle the rarely discussed problems people face after deliverance. Satan hates you and wants to destroy you. To be victorious you must prepare for War. ISBN:9780883683248 Author:Rebecca Brown

Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

KShs2,900.00 KShs2,499.00
Brief Summary Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; the Respect He Desperately Needs Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, have already taken the Love & Respect message across America and are changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other. What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Want to experience marriage the way God intended? Then why not try some Love and Respect. A wife has one driving need? To feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need? To feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Love & Respect reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily, and biblically. What readers say about Love & Respect "I’ve been married 35 years and have not heard this taught.” "This is the key that I have been missing.” "You connected all the dots for me.” "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material.” "You’re on to something huge here.” Partner Love & Respect with the Love & Respect Workbook for Couples, Individuals, and Groups for an added experience. " "

Your Souls Compass

KShs1,395.00 KShs1,326.00
Brief Summary Your Soul's Compass: What Is Spiritual Guidance? Why am I here? What does a life worth living look like? What is the higher intelligence trying to express through me? In this time of global change and uncertainty, of spiritual indirection, Americans are asking these age-old questions with renewed curiosity. There’s a thirst for meaning and purpose—a dawning realization that happiness isn’t a commodity that can be bought with a gold card. Fulfillment and joy arise naturally from creative and compassionate action-- from the understanding that all life is interconnected and guided by a higher intelligence. Our personal choices make a difference, and when they are spiritually inspired even the smallest action serves a larger whole. Sacred texts ranging from the Torah to the New Testament, the Tao Te Ching to the Buddhist scriptures, the Vedantas to the Koran, speak of making life-enhancing choices where a force greater than the individual flows through us and informs our thoughts and actions. In this book we’ll focus on the three classic aspects of living such a spiritually guided life: • Alignment: maintaining a direct and personal connection to the Source of our Being; • Discernment: distinguishing the movement of Spirit in our lives from our own wants, fears and social conditioning; and • Action: making our best, most inspired contribution to the evolution of life. " ISBN:9781401907778 Author:Joan Z. Borysenko

So you call yourself a man

KShs1,995.00 KShs1,896.00
Brief Summary So You Call Yourself a Man? A Devotional for Ordinary Men with Extraordinary Potential T.D. Jakes introduces readers to men of the Bible in this devotional favorite. The readings help men realize that God created them to be free, powerful, and filled with purpose. Each short devotional includes a reading, Scripture, and suggestion for prayer. 60 devotional readings challenging men to be free, powerful, and filled with purpose; instruments of love and reconciliation. " ISBN:9781577780267 Author:T. D. Jakes